‘මහින්ද ආපහු බලයට එනකොට මුළු රටම බංකොලොත්’ – ඇමති මලික් කියයි.. [Video]
Posted on December 21st, 2016

හිටපු ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ මහතා නැවත බලයට එන විට මුළු රටම බංකොලොත් වනු ඇති බව ඇමති මලික් සමරවික‍්‍රම මහතා පවසයි.

වරාය චීනයට පැවරීම, සංවර්ධන විශේෂ විධිවිධාන පනත් කෙටුම්පත ආදී කාරණා සම්බන්ධයෙන් අදහස් පල කිරීම සදහා කොළඹදී පැවති මාධ්‍ය හමුවක් අමතමින් ඔහු මේ බව කියා සිටියේය.

‘එතුමා ආපහු බලයට එනකොට මුළු රටම බංකොලොත්’ යයි ඇමතිවරයා එහිදී මාධ්‍යවේදියෙකුගේ පැනයකට පිලිතුරු ලෙස පැවසීය.

4 Responses to “‘මහින්ද ආපහු බලයට එනකොට මුළු රටම බංකොලොත්’ – ඇමති මලික් කියයි.. [Video]”

  1. Ananda-USA Says:

    It is RIDICULOUS to identify minority and majority communities by region or locality. That leads to claim of local ownership by community and exclusion of those not in the local majority.

    The ONLY BASIS should be Sri Lankan citizenship, a nationwide identity that is not limited to any locality of the country.

    Therefore, if minority and majority communities need to be identified for any purpose, it should be on a nationwide basis only.

    The long term objective should be to make membership of aNY and all citizens of Sri Lanka in sub-national community groups MEANINGLESS and without SIGNIFICANCE to their existence and life in Sri Lanka.

    That is why the very concept of ethno-religious regions and homelands, that is on the verge of being permanently embedded in the new Constitution is so dangerous and should be PREVENTED AT ALL COSTS.

    That would play into the hands of SEPARATISTS attempting to exploit every opportunity to divide the nation and create homelands exclusive unto themselves.

    The passing of the NEW CONSTITUTION that expands the 13A and devolves even more power to the Provinces than envisaged under the original 13A would be the beginning of the unravelling of Sri Lanka into a patchwork nation of ethno-religious Bantustans permanently at war with each other.

    The ULTIMATE RESULT of such self-governing Provinces would be the influx of millions of Indian Tamils and millions of Muslims from other countries into Sri Lanka and the CORRALING of the once sovereign Sinhala Buddhists who once refined supreme in the entire islsnd into a progressively smaller corner of their ancestral land in which their ancestors once reigned supreme.

    Sinhala Buddhists then will become an endangered people living on a reservation much as the American Indian is today.

    Are we going to let that happen to us through our own bovine stupidity and conned into impotence?

  2. Lorenzo Says:

    The next govt. change will be in 2020. Not before that.

    NOTHING will happen on JANUARY 27.

  3. Kumari Says:

    Has Malike forgotten that we are already bankrupt. We went bankrupt with Central Bank robbery. As long as a selected few made their millions who cares about the ordinary.

  4. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    These traitor YAMA PAALANA murderous thieves showing utter contempt to the Sinhalese. Just look at what they
    Mallika, traitor chief die hard catholic token Buddhist Wadakaya pol pot r@nil wickramaSinhalakiller pussy cat,
    saying we will clean the coffers out before the elections

    Sujeeva para jeevaya saying VW company going to be started in Jan 2017. (Only when you read the article, you
    realise traitor low life saying they putting a foundation stone for a building. Amazing!)

    Minister of erection (permanent) john baas: we are not farming this season because the god didn’t send the email
    or something to start

    traitor chief die hard catholic token Buddhist Wadakaya pol pot r@nil wickramaSinhalakiller: we will make every
    house a palace,
    Sri Lanka playing cricket thanks to catholic-run UNPatriotic party
    1 million jobs
    Pathala Man PM didn’t say Batalande Wadakaya going to break up the country,
    stop paying pension for new employees,
    imprison Buddhist monks
    putting up the biggest christmas tree in the world or
    selling Sri Lanka to the indians etc. etc.
    Traitor chief die hard catholic token Buddhist Batalande Wadakaya pol pot r@nil wickramaSinhalakiller we sincerely hope you
    will pay immensely in this life for the mega crimes to Mother Lanka!

    This is in addition to numerous lies Batalande Wadakaya utter on daily basis. Hope the Wadakaya will suffer
    enormously in this life for the crimes he is committing to destroy Buddhism, Sri Lanka and the Sinhalese race.

    You see the YAMA PALLAN insulting Sinhalese Buddhists on daily basis while molly coddling tamils, mussies and the
    catholics. Sinhalaya being famous for modayas still believe these traitor YAMA PAALANA murderous, mega lying

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