ජනවාරි 26 ග‍්‍රහ මාරුවෙන් ජනපතිට අපලයි.. ආරක්‍ෂාව උපරිම දැඩි කල යුතුයි.. සියළු මැතිවණ පරාදයි.. – ප‍්‍රකට යෝගිවරයෙක් කියයි.. [Video]
Posted on December 28th, 2016

lanka C news | ලංකා සී නිවුස්

2017 වසරේ රටේ දේශපාලනය, නායකයින්ට සුබ අසුබ ආදිය සම්බන්ධයෙන් ජ්‍යෙතිශවේදී සුජිත් නිශාන්ත අදහස් පල කරයි.

ජනාධිපති මෛත‍්‍රීපාල සිරිසේන මහතාට එන ජනවාරි 26 ග‍්‍රහ මාරුවෙන් ඉතා අපල බවත් ඔහුගේ ආරක්‍ෂාව ඉතා දැඩි කල යුතු බවත් ඔහු සදහන් කරයි.

එසේම 2017 වසරේදී ජනාධිපතිවරයා නායකත්වය දෙමින් තරග වදින දේශපාලන පක්‍ෂය එන  ඕනෑම මැතිවරණයකදී දැවැන්ත පරාජයකට ලක්වන බවත් ඔහු පෙන්වා දෙයි.

6 Responses to “ජනවාරි 26 ග‍්‍රහ මාරුවෙන් ජනපතිට අපලයි.. ආරක්‍ෂාව උපරිම දැඩි කල යුතුයි.. සියළු මැතිවණ පරාදයි.. – ප‍්‍රකට යෝගිවරයෙක් කියයි.. [Video]”

  1. Christie Says:

    ඇතුල් පැත්ත පිට පැත්ත නොදන්නා
    කිතුල් පිත්ත උඩ පියවර මැන්නා.

  2. Ananda-USA Says:

    I don’t believe in astrology or in astrologers, so I will not rely on interpretation of the celestial movements as this astrologer has donr to make the predictions he made for the 2017 year.

    Nevertheless, as a conserved patriot, my judgment based purely on a rational analysis of the consequences of the past actions and future proposed actions of the Yamapslanaya govt on what will happen in the political and economic areas in 2017, closely parallel what this astrologer predicts will happen!

    President Sirisena will reap the fruits of his treachery, his allies will desert him, the opposition will capture power in many areas, the UNP will abandon and openly oppose Sirisena, the Sinhala Buddhists, and the govi, guru, veda, kamkaru, and sangha pillars of the SLFP will be joined by students and members of the security forces, to rise up in opposition to the Yamapalanaya. There will be chaos and breakdown of govt authority before order is restored, possibly with a radical change in government.

    Therefore, celestial movements are not necessary to make these predictions, in a qualitative way ….. any sane and rational observer, with some understanding of the issues, passions and current trends, can come to the same conclusion.

    One dangerous aspect that is likely to aggravate the situation is the intervention of foreign forces, already lined up by the UNP to provide military assistance against our own citizens, to forestall any change in government, perhaps by initiating communal violence in various devious ways. Patriots should not fall into this trap set by the UNP.

    I cannot predict environmental disasters related to weather patterns that this astrologer has predicted, nor can I foretell any of the dates on which the political changes will take place in Sri Lanka.

    It is also interesting that this astrologer’s predictions parallel those of the naval-rating who vented his displeasure on Rajiv Gandhi with his rifle butt. He, now a full time astrologer, also predicted a disaster for Sirisena.

    I will stay tuned closely to events in Sri Lanka, for 2017 promises to be DANGEROUS & MOMENTOUS YEAR not only for the Yamapalanaya but also for Sri Lanka and it’s hapless citizens.

    I take a more positive view of the coming events for DELIVERANCE E IS AT HAND!

  3. Christie Says:

    It will be bad for the Sinhalese as it has been except for few years here and there since 1956.

  4. Gunadasa Says:

    මේ බොරු විශ්ව කරුමයන් අපේ ලොක්කන් විස්වාස කිරීම නිස්ස රටට වී ඇති නස්පැත්තිය දැන්වත් පැහැදිලිනැත්තේ මෝඩ රජුන්ටය​.

  5. Christie Says:

    Promoting Astrology among the Sinhalese is part of the Indian Empire.

  6. Dilrook Says:

    Irrespective of astrology, periodic upheavals have followed a pattern of 28-30 years. Astrologers tend to associate them with Saturn with a similar orbital term. 1987/9, 1958/60 had trouble. 1929/31, 1810/12 and 1872/74 had their share of trouble in the country. They may be due to climatic, economic, generational cycles or flukes. Whatever they are and whatever the beliefs of politicians, it is best to protect life and property in 2017 which no doubt will be a year of trouble for Sri Lanka. Violence doesn’t pay and all must guard against resorting to violence.

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