Posted on January 2nd, 2017

Sugath Samarasinghe

The attached article was sent to ‘The Island’. But they did not carry it. _sugath


  • Who brought the Central Bank which was under the Ministry of Finance, under his own Ministry ?
  • Who was it that who brought a man, a non-citizen, from Singapore and made him the Governor of the Central Bank when there were several qualified persons locally, fit enough to take up that job? And why did he do that?
  • When that man robbed the Bank in no time, who was it that appointed a team from his own Political Party to look into the matter?
  • When the President tried to remove the Bank Robber who tried to obstruct him? And why?
  • When the Bank Robber was eventually thrown out, who posted him to the Finance Ministry?
  • During the COPE Committee deliberations on the Auditor General’s report on the Robbery, whose acolytes threw their might to scuttle the Committee’s efforts to arrive at the truth?
  • When all this failed and the COPE report was presented in Parliament, who was it that usurped the task of the Speaker to refer the report direct to the Attorney General in a last ditch effort to subvert legal action?
  • Who is it that wants to save the Robber from punishment ?

Considering all this conduct, surely one doesn’t need to be Sherlock Homes identify the Main Culprit ?                       Sugath Samarasinghe

6 Responses to “TO CATCH A THIEF”

  1. Wetta Says:

    The answer to all the questions here is simple, but got complicated by the terminology used in the article.

    The word “Bank Robber” is used here not for the actual bank robber but for the “cat’s paw” or the “puppet thief”. This puppet thief was put in place, got activated and then protected by the actual “Bank Robber” joking in the parliament. As in the movie “Batman”, this joker is a dangerous culprit.

    The Bank Robber is the real thief, the mastermind of the robbery, the selector and the protector of the cat’s paws and that is the one to catch.

    He is a cunning bastard, terrorist and a corrupt rogue.

    Lock him up ! The clock is ticking !

  2. Christie Says:

    We Sinhalese are fighting among ourselves and blame our own,

    The Indian colonial parasites are wiping us out from the earth.

  3. Christie Says:

    Ranil is another victim of the Indian Empire and India colonial parasites like all we Sinhalese.

  4. Ananda-USA Says:

    The GREAT CENTRAL BANK ROBBERY was plotted, planned, executed, benefitted from, and the cover up orchestrated by the no one other than Wikunanasinghe who is now a tempting to appoint himself as a SUPER MINISTER in charge of ALL DEVELOPMENT in the country without ANY OVERSIGHT!


    A Pal Hora posing as a national leader!

  5. Fran Diaz Says:

    Thank you, Sugath Samarasinghe, for asking the right questions.
    No wonder the poor Island Editor has refused your relevant article ! Today’s Island (5th Dec) carries aging pix of RW like a portrait in their front page, ere he flies to Devos, Switzerland !!
    The Island newspaper appears to be under some threat too, same as the island called Sri Lanka.
    These are ominous signs, dear Readers of Lankaweb.

    RW, the #1 DESHAPALUWA of Sri Lanka crept in through the back door as the Exec PM (because the West wants it so, said the hapless President !).

    No one really trusts this DESHAPALUWA who appears to put $$ and foreign interests & the Sale of Lanka, before the Security, Welfare & Wellbeing and lives of the Lankan people. Unfortunately, it appears that Revenge and a Chip on the Shoulder are the motives of Sadistic RW. – not Patriotism or love of the People of Lanka. Is this heartless twit a suitable leader for Lanka ???

    It appears he wants to be Sir Ranil, sooner than later, as the clock is ticking !

  6. Ananda-USA Says:



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