Posted on January 23rd, 2017
Dr Sarath Obeysekera
Myself as an investor have been called to committees run by Prime Minister , Finance Minister ,Advisor to Prime Minster to sort out many issues related to stalled progress of over 50 million $ worth investments which can generate much income for the country and generate employment
They are EODB (Ease of doing Business), CCEM ( Cabinet Committee for Economic Development ), OCEM (Officials Committee on Economic Management ) where I was called in to discuss and eradicate the stumbling blocks created by all the agencies ,in order find solutions ..May be I have been one of the most frequent visitors of these forums ( Only solace is I have not yet been called to FCID though I have a feeling that in it also imminent !!)
Initially ,heads of the agencies came for the meetings ,and now they keep sending some low level director or an officer to provide answers to the delays caused by the bureaucracy of these agencies .Sad thing is ,whoever chairs these committees , ( PM ,FM or Top Advisors ) do not ask why the head of the agency does not come to the meetings to provide workable solutions.
When they call the item to be taken up at these weekly/monthly forums , first Question the Chair ask is Any one from SLPA or UDA or RDA?? Etc .They never ask the Question Where is the Head of the Agency to answer to the query of the Investor.
Few examples are as follows
All three committee have called SLPA ,RDA ,and UDA ,CCD to the meetings to solve issues for over two years about two projects in Galle ,.but so far no solutions offered .
Government should think seriously about these shortcomings and make serious changes to the way these committees are run (if they cannot improve the efficiency of the Agencies mentioned above)
Dr Sarath Obeysekera
January 23rd, 2017 at 4:51 pm
Have you set aside $30 million ( or a nice girl) for the minister (PIG) yet ?
January 23rd, 2017 at 7:41 pm
When GR was there we did NOT need all this BS! He GOT THINGS DONE.
Now 10 agencies cannot do what GR did alone.
What a shame!!
BTW Sarath how about MEGAPOLIS?
January 23rd, 2017 at 9:53 pm
MEGALOPOLIS Development has been shelved.
The maximum leader with the MEGA-EGO appointed to oversee the MEGALOPOLIS has MORE IMPORTANT THINGS to do ……
… extricating himself from the FIASCO of the Korean Lady and the Railroading of his lover-boy assistant to Angoda Hospital for electric shock treatment!
Hanging on to the JHU leadership and preventing RATS from deserting his sinking ship in the midst of this MONUMENTAL FOOBAR demands his undivided leadership skills.
His MEGA-EGO and MEGA-sexual URGES have transformed the MEGALOPOLIS project into a MEGA-FLOP!
As CLINT EASTWOOD is fond of saying as MARSHAL COOGAN …. a man should know his limitations!
January 24th, 2017 at 2:51 am
May be India and Indian colonial parasites have cut funds to him and the JHU. Hope they will face the same fate of Sobitha,