Jan 29, 2017 – The President has now instructed that the CCEM must hereafter submit its decisions to the relevant subject minister, who must then submit their concurrence ……..
Posted on February 12th, 2017

Dr Sarath Obeyekera

News Item.

I have been attending  few CCEM ( Cabinet committee for  Economic Management  ?) meetings chaired by the Prime Minister with various issues I have had with the Ministry of Port and Shipping .When  the matters were taken up Minister of Ports who is one of the members of the CCEM ,did not attend ,neither the Chairman of the Ports Authority .PM has given clear  instructions to allow the investments, and the decisions were presumably ratified  by the Cabinet, chaired by the President

President could object if the decision of the CCEM is not to his liking ,or due to objection from the line minister .

What is the rationale behind the rule imposed by the president all of a sudden ,when am decisions is made at the CCEM where the line minister is invited and present., to submit again to him for ratification ?

We are under the impression that the constitutional amendment made last year was to hand over powers to the cabinet and the PM ,hence president SHALL NOT intervene .

I can guarantee you that above rule will definitely slow down all development projects to take place in the country.

President may want to take back the executive powers given to the PM and the cabinet, which means that we are going back to square one, where dictatorship is reinstated .

I have no objection if I is a Benevolent Dictatorship !

Dr Sarath Obeyekera

One Response to “Jan 29, 2017 – The President has now instructed that the CCEM must hereafter submit its decisions to the relevant subject minister, who must then submit their concurrence ……..”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    A MILITARY-SANGHA takeover is the only way out.

    They have the numbers and the MORAL justification too.

    NO ONE will protest against them.

    In 2010 MOST Tamils voted for the ARMY COMMANDER SF. That is PROOF even Tamils support the MILITARY to rule the country.

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