Posted on February 22nd, 2017
Dr Sarath Obeysekera
Every year University Dons and the ministers keep promising about bringing laws to curb the menace of ragging .There were many instances where many young undergraduates have ended up physically handicapped or mentally disturbed .JVP affiliated Inter University Student Union is also trying to safe guard the culprits .JVP always has the dirty habit in putting their hand in anything ,where they could muster some young mentally disturbed students and try to gain popularity. Why don’t they condemn the ragging outright and make public statement. When they are showered with water using cannons and subjected to rear gas attacks they keep talking about police brutality . Just now I heard the radio where one of prominent JVP MP asking a minister whether government intends to install Private Court Houses to clear the backlog of court cases !
This is the mental status of JVP and the affiliated university students .We hire many students passed out from local universities and quite a few of them are so backward in taking courageous decisions .I assume that ragging has made them so timid and when they continue ragging after they become seniors is obviously to take revenge out of novices ,for what they have been subjected to and they live on with hatred .
I have never heard of ragging in foreign universities in Easten Europe ,Asia and Western Europe .They welcome the novices and hold a party and enjoy few beers and become friendly .
It is high time that all the union leaders muster a force and stage stahygarha near the University Grants commission and fast unto death if needed ,forcing bringing laws to abolish ragging
February 22nd, 2017 at 3:22 pm
Can you remember a female student jumped from the upstair, to become crippled. This Satya-graha and Fast unto death, is unrealistic. You would not fast unto death.
How about this proposition:- Atleast ten University Students get together, and file in the Supreme Court, to TOTALLY ABOLISH RAGGING, in Srilanka, and a subsequent punishment be, to sack the Raggers, amongst Criminal Charges against them. Wonder whether this is feasible.
February 22nd, 2017 at 6:01 pm
This practice has to stop. When the universities are open for the new students it should be closed for the ones already there. May be at least for two weeks for the new ones to organize themselves.