Posted on April 13th, 2017
There are reports reaching Colombo that the current top man at the Sri Lankan Embassy in Rome is playing games with his countrymen. For the past several years, Sinhala Classes have been conducted for the Sinhala children living in Italy. A representative of the HELADIVA THAKSALAWA” has gone to the Embassy Office to invite the Ambassador Daya Pelpola to attend an annual ceremony.
Ambassador Daya Pelpola has questioned as to why Teach Sinhala to Children” and had refused to accept the invitation by throwing it back. An Ambassador is representing the Head of State of Sri Lanka on his behalf and is bound by the Foreign Policy which clearly stipulate that the The Foreign Ministry seeks to ensure the welfare of expatriate Sri Lankans through its network of Missions”.
Ambassador Daya Pelpola is notorious for his extravagant social life, enjoying colourful duty free top quality Royal Salute 21. He keeps an arms length relationship with the Sri Lankan Sinhala community, though his best associates are Sri Lankan Tamils living in Rome. He was an ardent supporter of UNP mafia who worked against Sinhalese. This is clearly evident by the professional work he has performed as a lawyer to appease the hierarchy of the Party. . Pelpola clan had established connections in Rome since the days of Late George Nissanka Mahasen Pelpola, who was also an Ambassador for Rome. It seems the position of Ambassador is a perpetual family gift from UNP to the Pelpola Clan, regardless of their contribution to Sri Lanka.
As an Ambassador it is not his task to question the expatriate parents why they teach Sinhala, Tamil or any other language to their children.
We urge the President to intervene and recall this swollen headed Ambassador and replace with a career diplomat. These anti-Sinhala conspirators must be ruthlessly pruned out.
April 13th, 2017 at 4:39 pm
Here is an idea.
LANKA C NEWS is the most popular anti-Yamapalanaya news site. It had an English page when started but not anymore.
If you can translate Singhala news of importance (not everything) and send to them, they can restart the English page. And you can publish in LW too. Others must also join in.
There is a HUGE demand.
April 13th, 2017 at 5:30 pm
I cannot believe that Daya is behaving against the Sinhalese. His late brother George was a simple guy as a Politician. Long years ago, I used to pass their ancestral home on the Gampola Pussellawa road, quite often.
Lorenzo !! Who is Aravinda ?
April 14th, 2017 at 7:36 am
Not be surprised. I have known one Palitah Pelpola who used to work in Mahaweli Project at Mahaillippallam. During this period he had and many illicit relationships with many girls and finally people were chassis him to kill him and finally he had to leave secretly to head office. Now he is in LA, I heard. Whole family made of bastards.
April 14th, 2017 at 5:00 pm
Sad and pitiful state of affairs that a country like Sri Lanka which gave so much to her citizens with free health care and education, and many other benefits, is despised by some of her citizens in high places too !
How did such a state of affairs come about – that there are VIPs who are Deshadrohi people …. ?