මැයි පළවෙනිදා ඉලක්කය කුමක්ද? ප්‍රවේශමෙන්!
Posted on April 30th, 2017

චන්ද්‍රසේන පණ්ඩිතගේ

අද ලෝක කම්කරු දිනයයි. අප එය සමරන්නේ දැවැන්ත ගෝල්ෆේස් පිටියේය. හයිඩ් පාක් එක රැස්වීමකට වෙන් කරගත්තුවිට උන්මත්තකයන්සේ කටයුතු කල යහපාලකයෝ මෙවර මුළු ගෝල්ෆේස් පිටියම ඒකාබද්ධ වීපක්ෂයට ලබාදීම තුලින්, තමන්ගේ කතානායකවරයාට අමතක නොවන ආකාරයේ කනේ පහරක්දී ඇත. හොදින් බලව ඔය ලංකාවේ ප්‍රබලම දේශපාලන බලවේගය ඇත්තේ ඒකාබද්ධ විපක්ෂය නම්වූ කතානායකවරයාට නොපෙනෙන දේශපාලන දහරාවට බව ගෝල්ෆේස් පිටිය ඒකාබද්ධ විපක්ෂයට ලබාදීම තුලින් බලවත් පණිවුඩයක් සමාජගත වුවද, එවන් පණිවුඩයක් ජනතාවට ලබාදීම යහපාලනයේ අරමුණ නොවන බැවින්, තම වසර දෙකක යහපාලන පිළිවෙතට පයින් ගසා ඒකාබද්ධ විපක්ෂයට ගෝල ෆේස් පිටිය ලබාදීම තුල බලවත් අරමුණක් ඇත. මේ අරමුණ කුමක්ද? මෙය ඉතා වැදගත් පැනයක් වන අතර, ඒ අරමුණ තුල ගැබ්ව ඇත්තේ, විනාශයක පැතුම මිස හොදක් නම් නොවන බව ඒකාබද්ධ විපක්ෂය වටහා ගත යුතුය. එය එසේ යයි වටහා ගැනීමට විශේෂ දැනුමක් අවශ්‍ය නැත.

“භගවත් ගීතාවේ ” පවසන ආකාරයට කුරු ක්ෂේත්‍ර යුධ බිමෙහි, හමුදාව රැස්වෙන ආකාරයට සමානවූ ලෙස මේ වනවිටත් මහජනතාවෝ ගෝල්ෆේස් පිටිය කර ඇදෙමින් සිටි. මෙය යුද්ධයකි. අසාධාරණය හා සාධාරණය අතර යුද්ධයකි. එබැවින් සාධාරණය උදෙසා පෙනී සිටින සියල්ලන්ම, තමන්ට හැකි ආකාරයෙන් ගෝල්ෆේස් පිටිය කරා ඇදෙනු ඇත. ඒ කුරු යුධ ක්ෂෙත්‍ර භුමිය විසින් සාධාරණත්වයට උගන්වා ඇති පාඩමයි. භගවත් ගීතාව අපට උගන්වන වැදගත්ම පාඩම වන්නේ, යුද්ධය සමග සෙල්ලම් නොකරනසේ කරන බලපෑමයි. සතුරාගේ පාර්ශවය නියෝජනය කරන්නේ, තමන්ගේ දරුවන්ද, ඥාතින්ද, නැති නම් මිතුරන්ද යන්න නොබලා ඒ සැම තමන්ව හා තම සේනාවන් විනාශ කරන්නට එන සතුරන් බව තේරුම් ගෙන ඔවුන් සියල්ලක්ම කඩුගා දැමිය යුතු බව පවසයි. එමනිසා මේ ගෝල්ෆේස් පිටියට රොක් වෙන මහජනසේනා තමන්ගේ හමුදාව බව වටහාගෙන ඔවුන් සුරැකීම, ඔවුන් මතවාදීව සන්නද්ධ කිරීම ඒකාබද්ධ විපක්ෂය විසින් ඉටු කලයුතු ප්‍රධාන කාර්යභාරය බවට පත්ව ඇති මේ මොහොතේ, තම සංවිධානයේ, ආරක්ෂාව ප්‍රධානම කටයුත්ත බව වටහාගත යුතුය. තම සංවිධාන කටයුතුවල නියාලිමටවත් කාලවේලාවක් නැති සතුරා ඒකාබද්ධ විපක්ෂයේ, වේදිකා ඉදිකිරිම සම්බන්ධව කොතරම් විමසිලිමත්දයි පසුගිය දිනවලදී සිදුවීම් වලින් පැහැදිලිවේ. දැන් අප මේ වේදිකාව ඉදිකරන්නේ,සතුරාට අවැසි තැනකය. සතුරා මේ තැනම වේදිකාව ඉදිකරන්නයි බලකරන්නේ, එය සතුරා වඩාත් කැමති තැන බැවිනි. ඒකාබද්ධ විපක්ෂයේ, වේදිකාව මේ ස්ථානයේම ඉදිවෙනවට සතුරා කැමති ඇයිද යන්න ප්‍රශ්නාර්ථයක් සේ අප ඉදිරියේ නැගී සිටින මේ මොහොතේ, අපේ සිහියට ගාමිණි දිසානායකලා, ලලිත් ඇතුලත්මුදලිලා, ආර්. ප්‍රේමදාසලා සිහි ගන්වයි. මැයි පළවෙනිදා ප්‍රේමදාස මහතාව ඝාතනය කල කොටි රංචුව රටම පාලනය කරන මේ මොහොතේ, ඉලක්කය හබ එන්නේ කුමන ආකාරයෙන්දැයි නිශ්චිත නැති බැවින,කෝකටත් අවධානයෙන් පසුවීම සුබදායකය. ජයවේවා! සියලුම දෙව් රැකවරණය ලැබේවා!

16 Responses to “මැයි පළවෙනිදා ඉලක්කය කුමක්ද? ප්‍රවේශමෙන්!”

  1. Dilrook Says:

    Avoiding May Day rally with the excuse of threats is cowardice. If fearing for life, they should not engage in politics at all. If not for May Day, they will be targeted elsewhere even at home. Most key politicians were killed either at home or within a few kilometres from home.

    If Mahinda fails to show up, it will be a tremendous victory for Sirisena and Ranil. Sirisena has already threatened to cancel Mahinda’s SLFP membership if he participate. Mahinda has to choose between Sirisena and the people. I hope he will choose the people for a change. Sirisena fooled him so many times that sticking with Sirisena is unbelievably foolish.

    The SLFP is dead thanks to Sirisena. Mahinda must not die with it. Today must mark the beginning of a bold new political party (not a disjointed group) of the people.

    SLFP (1951 – 2017). Aniccavatha Sankhara!

  2. Sarath W Says:

    If Mahinda or any other JO member of parliament failed to attend the Gall face rally, then they should give up politics. Giving Gall Face to JO foe May Day certainly could be a trap to target Mahinda, Wimal or most of the JO leaders as there is no easy escape route from it. If some unfortunate thing happens there today, it will be the end of democracy in Sri Lanka.


    Mr Pandithage

    At first Ranil refused permission to JO at the Galle Face. Then he took a surprise move to, not only to allow JO the Galle Face Grounds, but provide comprehensive security.

    Mr Pandithage, I share your sentiments. I do not suspect anyone. But look at our history: SWRD was killed, by whom? Still a mystery, not even Coloumbo Peter Falk could find circumstantial evidence. Sirimavo died of natural causes. JR died of natural causes. R Premadasa was killed, by whom? Gamini Dissanayake was killed, by whom?

    To call ourselves Buddhists, is a shame. We Must protect GREAT MAHINDA RAJAPAKSE, GREAT DR GOTABAYA RAJAPAKSE, WIMAL WEERAWANSA, UDAYA, SARATH WEERASEKERA above all true Sinhalese.

    In fact, MR should not attend the meeting if he is advised to do so. I know all heroes are dead. I want my hero to live, beyond May 1.


  4. Lorenzo Says:

    “The SLFP is dead thanks to Sirisena.”

    EXCUSE ME! SLFP is very much alive and Sirisena is in charge of the SLFP if we like it or not. SLFP will NOT die as long as UNP is alive.

    MR will NOT attend the rally today (MOST LIKELY) not because of any security threat but because Sirisena called him and INSTRUCTED him NOT to attend the rally in Galle Face. Sirisena is the party leader and MR has AGREED to the INSTRUCTION.

    Since 2015 NO POLITICIAN or JOURNALIST has been killed.

    I’m just talking the TRUTH here. Nothing to do with PARTY POLITICS.

    I SALUTE MR for obeying president Sirisena’s authority and instructions and KEEPING SLFP in one piece. Thank you MR. NO SLFP MP from the JO should attend the GALLE FACE rally. KEEP SLFP in one piece. Don’t challenge its leader.

    Only the SLFP can dislodge the UNP. NO NEED to go to GATAMBE but keep the party in one piece.


    i know this is not your real name. You are an obedient servant of MS. You have a confused identity. Sometimes MS is your hero. Sometimes MR is a half baked hero of yours. You pushed the views to Sarath Weerasekera to take over fight against MS.

    Lankaweb is not your forum. If you are a Sinhalese, then you are a dangerous Sinhalese, one who is trying to cannibalize, with ulterior motive.

  6. Ananda-USA Says:

    Katussa (Lorenzo),

    MR did not “Obey Sirisena” as you characterize it, when he gave up the leadership to Sirisena of the SLFP following his defeat in the Presidential election, but he did so of his OWN ACCORD because, unlike Sirisena, he puts the safety of Sri Lanka above POLITICS and his own POSITION in the party!

    He has RESTATED that motivation even recently in his recent article that was published at LankaWeb!

    Now he rises to fight Sirisena and RESCUE his Motherland AGAIN, because he sees the UTTERLY DESTRUCTIVE EFFECT the Yamapalana is having on his Motherland that he has served and loves so well! In doing so, he again puts the safety of his people and his nation above own.

    However much Machiavellian deviousness you bring to bear to DESTROY Sri Lanka, your well established image of a traitor dancing up and down the aisles at LankaWeb like a katussa in support of the Yamapalanaya leading up to the Presidential and General Elections HAUNTS you now, no matter what you say!

    Here is the Witches Chant from Macbeth that neatly captures your propaganda, as you try to further undermine the resolve of the patriots and sow more discord in the service of your EELAMIST masters:

    Sweated venom sleeping got,
    Boil thou first in the charmed pot.
    Double,double toil and trouble;
    Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

  7. Lorenzo Says:

    Dear Mr Dissanayake

    I PRAISE the GOOD and CONDEMN the BAD.

    I’m no servant of anyone.

    I PREFER Sarath Weerasekera to ALL other politicians now. He seems to be the ONLY politician with a backbone. I don’t think SW is CONFRONTING My3. He is cleverer than that.

    I’m proud of my ethnicity. I don’t think ETHNICITY has ANYTHING to do with it anyway.

    I believe in FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Truth will set you free!

  8. Lorenzo Says:


    Please read news.

    My3 made it VERY CLEAR he will SUSPEND SLFP membership of ANYONE participating in RIVAL May Day rallies. IF MR appears in GALLEFACE, he will be participating ONLY as an independent. NOT as a SLPP member.

    To AVOID all trouble he may not even participate!


    I you DIVIDE the SLFP you help UNP. FULLSTOP.

  9. Lorenzo Says:


    I did NOT support Yamalanaya at the general election. I supported MR to become the PM UNDER My3 president. That was my plan. It didn’t quite go to plan.

    I still prefer MR to RUN-NIL as PM. But that cannot happen if MR supporters keep ATTACKING Sirisena. Can it?

    e.g. Imagine I’m Sira and you are MR. IF you keep attacking me, will I make you my PM (if I’m in right mental health)????

    IF RUN-NIL is removed as PM, MAHINDA AMARAWEERA will be the PM. He is also from H’TOTA but he NEVER attacks Sirisena.

  10. Ananda-USA Says:

    Katussa (Lorenzo),

    It is Sirisena who DIVIDES the SLFP and dismissing long-serving SLFP organizers and replacing them with his own men, as he did to party leaders before the general election allowing the UNP to win the most seta of any party. That is, he undermed his own party.

    MR will do whatever enables the patriotic forces to defeat the Yamapalanata. He will put COUNTRY FIRST; PARTY SECOND! If that means he must attend the JO Rally and be dismissed from the formal SLFP by Sirisena, so be it; it will rebound against Sirisena.

    Political feelings of the grass-root level are changing fast in Sri Lanka; and the TSUNAMI I predicted sometime ago is builfing up to sweep tje Yamapalanaya out!

  11. Ananda-USA Says:

    Katussa (Lorenzo),

    HISTORICAL ACTS REMAIN FACTS. Trying to DODGE the bullet claiming that you “ONLY” supported Sirisena at the Presidential election and NOT the Yamspalanaya at the General Election is a BARE FACED LIE!

    Your LIST MAKING ANTICS about foreign Rajapaksa family account … still not found by the FCID, golden horses, Lamborghini cars, and corruption, corruption and still more corruption ….. WE REMEMBER VIVIDLY!

    You PLEAD IDIOCY saying “Maru Sira FOOLED Me”, but we need neither advi e fronn MUTTS, nor misinforming propaganda from EELAMIST AGITATORS!

    So let me tell you this NICELY: STOP talking BULL SHIT and BUGGER OFF!

  12. Lorenzo Says:

    Watch Galleface may day rally live.


  13. NAK Says:

    Sirisena is a proven deliberate liar and it is our misfortune to have such a person rule(nominally)country. SLFP is dead all right but not gone yet and soon will be if Sirisena insist on it.
    Sirisena has chosen one of the smallest grounds in the whole country to hold his May day rally and built a stage to cover half of that ground on top there are five massive TV screens within the ground it self. Now, you don’t need a president of a country to fill the rest!

  14. Ananda-USA Says:

    The JO May Rally at the Galle Face was MASSIVE and was a ROARING SUCCESS.

    The crowd was MASSIVE, and only 1/3 of the crowd could be accomodated at the 18-acre field itself, with the remaining 2/3 occupying the roads from Colpetty to Fort and Slave Island.

    In comparison, the SLFP meeting field at Gatambe, Kandy was a 2-acre field, and the UNP meeting field at Campbell Park, Borella was a 4-acre field.

    The TSUNAMI I predicted is definitely hitting the shores of Sri Lanka. Perhaps a MILLION Patriots concerned about the DESTRUCTION & ENSLAVEMENT of their Motherland TURNED UP to support the JO meeting.

    I expect this to send SHIVERS down the SPINE of the Yamapalanaya leaders.

    Aiyooooo Sirisena had promised a significant change in the government after May 1, and this DISPLAY of OPPOSITION to the Yamapalanaya by the people is bound to affect his decision.

    I HOPE he will DISMISS Ranil as the PM and his existing SLFP-UNP coalition government, and invite MR to form a NEW reunified SLFP/UPFA government. However, I doubt Sirisena will do it because of his EGO and his JEALOUSY of MR.

    NEVERTHELESS, the rest of the year PROMISES to bring about a SEA-CHANGE in the government, one way or another. JAYAWEWA!

  15. Ratanapala Says:

    Lorenzo has shown his true colour.

    He did a similar thing at the 2015 election, worked against Mahinda faction, disappeared for some time and came out of the woodwork.

    His main task as tasked by his taskmasters is to confuse the dialog by siding with one party and then siding with another party and throwing dissension into the midst of patriots. His assertion that Mahinda will not attend the May Day Rally is a typical last minute effort to divert people from attending the Joint Opposition Rally.

    He may be tolerated and if so understood for what he is – a fifth columnist!

  16. Lorenzo Says:


    I was NOT planning to “divert people from attending the Joint Opposition Rally.” NO ONE reads my comments and ACT on them. Most commentators here are living overseas and cannot attend the rally anyway.

    I said MR MAY not attend. He DID attend and all went well.


    Sirisena’s rally was a DISASTER. It’s smaller than a CRICKET GROUND!!

    BUT I want the SLFP kept in ONE PIECE no matter what. That is my MAIN CONCERN. MR and My3 will live and die. But the party MUST continue.

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