ආයෙත් යම් දවසක කොටි ගැහැව්වොත් 
Posted on May 21st, 2017

ධර්මසිරි සෙනෙවිරත්න 

            ප්‍රභාකරන් කොටියා ,බෙදුම් වාදියා ,තමන්ගේ ආරක්ෂාවට  සාමාන්‍ය ජනතාව ලක්ෂ ගණනක්  ආරක්ෂක වළල්ලක් සේ  තියාගෙන   ඒ මැදට වෙලා තමය්  සටන්ක ලේ .එනිසාම අපේ හමුදාවට හෙමින් හෙමින් සීරුවෙන් සටන් කරන්න සිදුවුනා ඒ සිවිල් ජනතාව ආරක්ෂා කරගන්න .  එහෙම කරනකොට  unp   කාරයෝ කින් ඩි  දැම්මා පාමංකඩ අලිමංකඩ ,,…..කියකිය .පුළුවන් තරම්  හමුදාවේ අ යට පාච්චල් කළා මහින්දට කෝචෝක් කළා .බටහිරයන්ටය් ඉන්දියාවටය් ගතු කේලම් කිව්වා මහින්දට විරුද්ධව . 

                                                                ඉතින් ආයෙත් දවසක කොටි ගැහැව්වොත්  අපේ හමුදාව කල යුත්තේ තමන්ගේ ආරක්ෂාවට  ඔය කිඳී දාපු නරුමයෝ ලක්ෂ ගණනක් අල්ලලා  ඉස්සරහින් තියල තමන්ට ආරක්ෂක පවුරක් හදාගෙන  සටන් කරමින් ඉදිරියට යන එකය් .බලමු  කොටි එතකොට  සිවිල් ජනතාව ගැන හිතයදා කියල .කමක් නැහැ නොහිතුවත්  ද්‍රෝහියෝ වෙදිකාපුදෙන්  .උන්ට ආනන්තරිය පාප කර්මේ පලදෙන්න ඉඩ දෙමු .උන්ට වෙඩි වදින කොට ”’කොටිගහල මදි තොපිට ”” කියල අපි සිංදුවකුත් කියමු 

            කවදා හරි මේකනම් කලයුතු  මය්    


6 Responses to “ආයෙත් යම් දවසක කොටි ගැහැව්වොත් ”

  1. ranjit Says:

    Bravo Darmasiri this is what I too wish and pray. These traitors will have to hide behind Modi’s under pants if something like that happen again for sure.

    This is the most filthy,third class government I have ever seen in my life. I do not know why our people cannot understand these rouges and do something? Have these bastards taken any concrete action to solve any of the problems our poor citizens face today. Namely Aranayaka, Meethotamulla, wasala some of them. Economy has gone down, cost of living has been skyrocketed. No water, No electricity, daily strikes by unions demanding their rights etc. What the heck going on in this country no one knows. Both leaders going around the world with their kith and kin and enjoying while the citizens fighting for their lives without food and water. They hardly care the voice of the people. Sinhala buddhist population must rise against this evil government before something nasty happen to our beloved Motherland.

  2. Lorenzo Says:

    KOTI at the doorstep again.

    KOTI fired at a POLICE CAR in the north. Obviously KOTI have guns!!!

    KOTI have threatened Sira NOT to come to the north.

  3. Ratanapala Says:

    There are some people whom ordinary folks wish that they were born dead in their mother’s womb. The Jarapalakayo belong to that category!

    From the time they came to power, they are undoing all the gains of the victory over Racist Tamil Tiger Terrorism at Nandi Kadal. They will go down in history as the worst enemies of Sri Lanka in modern history.

    May their days in this world be short and their days in the hereafter eternal, in the four hells.

  4. Vaisrawana Says:

    India sponsored Tamil terrorists in order to destabilize Sri Lanka, but not to help them to create a separate state here. Indians want to annex the whole country. Now they have almost achieved their goal. When all the assets earmarked for sale have changed hands, there will be nothing left for us to fight for. Probably, Koti will carry out suicide bombings in India demanding that Indians withdraw from their Eelam which is bound to consist of the northern, eastern, north-central, and the central provinces. The rest of the country will be under sharia.Tamil Hindus will fight the Islamists, and the Sinhalese will join them. By that time Hindus and Buddhists will have learned to unite, whether they like it or not, merely for the purpose of physically surviving by somehow prevailing over the genocidal Islamic fundamentalists.

  5. Ananda-USA Says:


    Beautifully said!

    May the days of the Jarapalakayos in this world be short, and their days in the four hells thereafter be eternal!

  6. Ananda-USA Says:


    If your scenario comes to fruition, there will be no Buddhists left; they will all have converted to Wahhabi Islam, as in Afghanistan and other fomer Buddhist states!

    Survival of our people may lie in that religious conversion; it is happening even now for personal gain!

    A work visa to the Persian Gulf states, and 72 virgins in the hereafter nestled in the bosom of Allah are guaranteed, and which man can resist that?

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