Constitution making would not be delayed: PM
Posted on May 21st, 2017

 Courtesy The Daily Mirror

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said yesterday that he had informed Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other world leaders that the constitution-making process would not be delayed.

He said this at the opening of the new District Secretariat Office in Mannar and underscored the fact that Mr. Modi and other world leaders including Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had hoped Sri Lanka would resolve the national question through a constitutional process.

“Prime Minister Modi discussed this matter with me, President Maithripala Sirisena, the Leader of the Opposition and with former President Mahinda Rajapaksa. I told Mr Modi that the steering committee of the Constituent Assembly will submit their report within in two months to be followed by enacting the new constitution after discussions,” he said. We cannot drag the constitution-making process anymore. President Sirisena was elected in 2015 to fulfil this purpose.”

He said economic development would include the North as well, when permanent peace was established in the area with a fair proportion of power devolution.

“This is a time when Sri Lankans are commemorating those who died during the armed conflict. Those on both sides of the divide are Sri Lankans. However, the important factor is to ensure that there won’t be another war in the future,” the Prime Minister said.

Industries and Trade Minister Rishad Bathiudeen said it was important to include the North in the Government’s development plans and that the northern people should also enjoy the benefits of GSP plus which the country re-gained yesterday.

Deputy Chairman of Committees, MP Selvam Adaikkalanathan said issues pertaining to resettlement and employment should be addressed by the government. He said President Sirisena has been invited to visit the North on another day other that on the day tha war heroes were being commemorated. (Yohan Perera)

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6 Responses to “Constitution making would not be delayed: PM”

  1. Ananda-USA Says:

    The PARA-GATHI AGA-MATHI is at it again issuing PROGRESS REPORTS to his FOREIGN MASTERS on his program to DESTROY our Motherland!

    Serving the Sinhala Buddhist Bhoomiputrayas of his country instead of FOREIGNETS & UNPATRITIC MINORITIES is the only way he can save his TREACHEROUS scrawny neck from the chopping block!

  2. Wetta Says:

    When will a Sri Lankan PM discuss with Indian PM about changes to Indian constitution or a brand new constitution to India so that Indians will not be a headache to the world any more?

    Such changes are urgently needed to develop India towards the civilized world.

  3. Lorenzo Says:

    Endia will NEVER become part of the civilized world because its BULLY ATTITUDE pays off handsomely!

    We have to SPLIT Tamil Madu from Endia. Then POWERFUL Endia will be our FRIEND. Tamil Madu will be their ENEMY.

  4. Ananda-USA Says:

    OPEN SESAME by ALI BABA Sirisena and his band of 40 THIEVES!

    Much Ado about Nothing: Same SET of UNPATRIOTIC CROOKS have been reassigned to different Portfolios, irrespective of experience in the subject portfolio area!

    As I had previously predicted, this is a GAME of Musical Chairs on a Party Basis: No change in the PORTFOLIOS or the NUMBER of Ministers assigned to each of the two SLFP and UNP Parties! The PARTIES OWN the PORTFOLIOS!

    The ill-fated ship Sri Lanka will CONTINUE to FOUNDER on the reefs of PRESIDENTIAL BUNGLING!

    Only WAY OUT is to OUST the ENTIRE Yamapalana KALLIYA and SEND them HOME!

    Sri Lanka President changes 9 ministerial portfolios in cabinet reshuffle

    Mon, May 22, 2017, 11:00 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    May 22, Colombo: Sri Lanka’s President Maithripala Sirisena has re-shuffled the cabinet today changing 9 ministerial portfolios and appointing a state minister to one of his ministries.

    “Nine Cabinet Ministers and a State Minister took oaths in their new portfolios a while ago,” President announced in a Twitter post.

    Most notable change in the reshuffle was the switch of ministerial portfolios of Ministers Mangala Samaraweera and Ravi Karunanayake. In addition to the Finance portfolio, Minister Samaraweera was also given the Media Ministry.

    The new portfolios are:

    Mangala Samaraweera – Minister of Finance & Mass Media
    S.B. Dissanayake – Minister of Social Empowerment, Welfare & Kandyan Heritage
    W.D.J. Seneviratne – Minister of Labour, Trade Union Relations & Sabaragamuwa Development
    Ravi Karunanayake – Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Mahinda Samarasinghe – Minister of Ports & Shipping
    Gayantha Karunatilake – Minister of Lands and Parliamentary Reforms
    Arjuna Ranatunga – Minister of Petroleum Resources Development
    Chandima Weerakkody – Minister of Skills Development & Vocational Training
    Thilak Janaka Marapana – Minister of Development Assignments
    Mahinda Amaraweera – State Minister of Mahaweli Development in addition to Minister of Fisheries

    President Sirisena yesterday called a special meeting requesting all ministers to arrive at the Presidential Secretariat Monday morning at 8:30.

    Prior to today’s meeting the President and the Prime Minister held a discussion on Sunday regarding the cabinet reshuffle.

    According to party sources, the United National Party Ministers have agreed to the reshuffle provided that the party would retain the same portfolios and the same number of ministerial positions.

    Thilak Marapana, who earlier resigned from his Ministerial portfolio of Law and Order over the Avant Garde controversy has been given the portfolio of Development Assignments.

  5. Lorenzo Says:

    Mangala must be happy. New finance minister and media. The MOST POWERFUL minister!! Arjuna is PETROLEUM minister.

    On the surface it looks like NO CHANGE. But LOOK deeper.

    Although Mangala, Arjuna and Rajitha contested from the UNP they are more SLFP. John Seneviratne Pavithra’s father-in-law is now OUT of PATROLEUM and into labor.

    Sira has SHIFTED POWER from the UNP to the SLFP. Good move Sira.

    Congratulations Mahinda Amaraweera! Not the BEST but hang in there. You will be looked after well in future for being CLEAN and LOYAL to the party.

    Sirisena’s intentions are clear. He is REVIVING the SLFP. Largest PEOPLE MOBILIZATION ministries are with the SLFP.

    “Devo vassathu kalena
    Sassa sampatthi hetu ca
    Phitho bhavatu loko ca
    Raja bhavatu dhammiko”

  6. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Traitor chief die hard catholic token Buddhist Bay Gal Karaya Mega Thief Batalande Wadakaya pol pot r@nil
    wickramaSinhalakiller can’t wait to destroy Sri Lanka, Sinhalese race and Buddhism. Born to the number one
    catholic family in Sri Lanka r@nil is a Buddhist to Sinhala modayas. Surprise surprise. Not to Sinhala modayas.
    Even traitor tibbotte bathgotte deivdaththara think he is a Buddhist. Bullshitter is infact a destroyer of Buddhism,
    Sri Lanka and the Sinhalese race. To this day a lot of Sinhala modayas haven’t realised this simple truth. So the
    wolf in sheep’s clothing carrying on regardless. Chickens are safer with the fox than Buddhism, Sri Lanka and
    the Sinhalese race in this pathala man’s hand. But Sinhalaya famous for being modayas still don’t see it.

    He and his catholic run UNPatriotic party managed to kill 60,000+ Sinhalese by dragging on the BHEESHANA
    SAMAYA for 6 years. But the real terrorists were mollycoddled and sacrificed 100,000+ by dragging the war for
    30 long years saying the outfit was invincible. The traitor low lives in the UNPatriotic party even ridiculed our
    brave army saying any bull can fight a war; going to Madawachchi instead of Kilinochchi; not Pamankada instead of Alimankada etc. etc. That’s how the traitor low lives in the UNPatriotic party ridiculed the brave army, nave and
    the air force.

    So r@nil carries on destroying Sri Lanka, Sinhalese race and Buddhism. Constitution making is r@nil’s other
    project to break up Sri Lanka. Sinhala modayas mara ninde and r@nil will get the job done. Hope lightning will strike
    the traitor chief.

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