Posted on May 30th, 2017

Embassy of Sri Lanka Washington DC

As you are aware, due to heavy rains in the past few days, several regions of Sri Lanka have been affected by massive floods and landslides, resulting in substantial loss of life and property and displacement.  The relevant government agencies and the security forces have been mobilized to assist those affected and provide relief to the victims.

According to the Disaster Management Centre (DMC) around 575,816 people (149,678 families) have been affected in 15 districts. As of 1200 hrs on May 30, 2017, DMC reports 188deaths and 99 missing. 74,754 people (19,068 families) have been housed at 383 safe locations. Please visit for regular situation updates.

The people and the government of Sri Lanka appreciate the concern and support being expressed by Sri Lankan expatriates and the international community and their desire to assist Sri Lanka and the affected people at this difficult juncture.

Well-wishers living in the United States can contribute to relief operations through the Embassy of Sri Lanka, Washington D.C. by making direct financial contributions.  The Embassy accepts cash, cheques or money orders drawn out in favour of the Embassy of Sri Lanka”. Cheques and money orders can be addressed to Embassy of Sri Lanka, 3025 Whitehaven Street NW, Washington DC 20008. All such contributions will be acknowledged by an official receipt by the Embassy as Contributions to Flood Relief” and will be transmitted to the Disaster Relief Account (Bank of Ceylon Account No. 7040171) operated by the Ministry of Disaster Management through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Embassy of Sri Lanka
Washington DC


  1. Lorenzo Says:

    Charity through SL GOVT. is NOT the most efficient way. We all KNOW how this govt. robs the country LEFT, RIGHT and CENTER.

    Instead give your donations to TRUSTED PATRIOTIC CHARITIES.

    Anjalika has given one such charity.

  2. Ananda-USA Says:

    The Embassy of Sri Lanka is SO TARDY and LATE in putting out a call for relief funds, it makes me wonder what the Embassy staff are doing with their time on the government payroll.

    It has been almost a WEEK since the floods began, and only now we are hearing from the Sri Lankan Embassy in the richest country in the world?


  3. Ananda-USA Says:

    Buddhist temples in EVERY VILLAGE throughout Sri Lanka should be declared and developed as DISASTER REFUGEE CENTERS at government expense.

    Their Sunday Schools should be newly outfitted with a modern kitchen capable of cooking for large numbers of people, modern toilet facilties, a food and equipment storage area, a modern dispensary, a communications center and a helicopter landing pad for an emergency helicopter.

    The Head Priest should be funded and empowered to maintain the refugee center and other Buddhist priests should be trained as medical staff capable of aiding the people.

    Service to the Community has been the TRADITIONAL ROLE of Buddhist clergy in Sri Lanka from times immemorial; let enhance and empower that role.

    If anything has become obvious to me in the current flood disaster, it is the central role played by Buddhist Temples and the Buddhist Clergy as THE REFUGE for people in need of help.

  4. Fran Diaz Says:

    Agree with Ananda ! Thank you.


    Even during the Tsunami of Dec 2004, the Buddhist Temples were places of safety and refuge.
    Lanka must continue with that tradition.

    The PCs of Lanka should work together with the Buddhist Temples to bring safety comfort to people affected by the flood waters.

  5. Fran Diaz Says:

    The Met Dept had warned the people of Sri Lanka on approaching bad flooding, but the people had not heeded.

    Question : What part do the Prov Councils & the Police play in warning the people in their respective areas of impending disasters ?

  6. Lorenzo Says:


    Just WARNING or telling people to GO won’t work.

    WHERE to go???
    HOW to go???

    All these things should be told clearly. People have kids, pets, they need food, water, clothes, etc.

  7. Ananda-USA Says:

    A very large number of families in Sri Lanka have lost everything in the floods. They have lost their homes, all of their possessions including furniture, clothes, cooking equipment, and the books and schola supplies essential to the continued education of their children.

    While the GOVERNMENT will help each family in the FULLNESS of TIME, the NEEDS are URGENT. They need HELP NOW and CANNOT WAIT until the slow wheels of government machinery unstick itself and begins to function. Each affected-family needs FOCUSED CONTINUOUS HELP NOW!

    I think it would be a good idea for GENEROUS WELL-TO-DO SPONSORING FAMILIES in Sri Lanka to ADOPT one or more FLOOD-AFFECTED-FAMILIES in Sri Lanka, and help them RECOVER from this MONUMENTAL DISASTER.

    Such helping families can maintain a focused level of help thst would be impossible to achieve by an impersonal government bureaucracy.

    I propose that an organization such as the YMBA in collaboration with Buddhist Temples that know both the well-to-do people and those needing assistance in each community should do this in collaboration with the media organizations that gave already done yeomen service such as Manusath Derana, Sirasa and Hiru TV.

    Once such an organization is quickly setup, the first step should be to CREATE A LIST of the participating Temples, and make a PUBLIC MEDIA ANNOUNCEMENT for SPONSORING FAMILIES to volunteer and sign up to adopt flood-affected families in their neighborhoods. Then, each SPONSORING FAMILY can be paired with specific FLOOD-AFFECTED- FAMILY thus avoiding unnecessary duplication of effort while assuring that those in need get the needed help.

    I am convinced that such a API-WENUWEN-API PROGRAM would be the VERY BEST WAY to ensure that no family in need is left behind without SOME HELP and SOMEONE to turn to in their hour of need.

    I plan to do this by myself in collaboration with one or more Buddhist Temples in Sri Lanka in the immediate future, irrespective of whether this suggestion is implemented by others.

    However, a SYSTEMATIC Natiowide Program is what is really needed. Once established, it could become a MODEL for coping with FUTURE DISASTERS.

    I also believe that this would be GREAT WAY to promote the UNITY of our NATION and ALL OF OUR PEOPLE leveraging the unfortunate pain and suffering this flood has caused, at a time when the common people are feeling ABANDONED by a PROFLIGATE and UNCARING government.

  8. Fran Diaz Says:


    At least they can wait on higher ground if warned beforehand !

    But the best thing to do is, as Ananda suggested earlier, to make the Buddhist Temples available for people to tide over the bad times. May be various govt grounds & buildings such as schools, can be made available too.

    If there is a will, there is a way !

  9. Fran Diaz Says:


    It is great idea that you suggest :

    That the well off families adopt a family who have lost almost everything, till matters straighten out again for them.

    The GoSL is tardy in giving out payments promised earlier too ….

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