රජයේ වෙබ් අඩවියෙන් සැඟවූ  පනත  බෞධ්ධයා මර්ධනයට එලියට ගනිය් 
Posted on June 15th, 2017

ධර්මසිරි සෙනෙවිරත්න 

       2007 අංක 56 දරන සිවිල් හා දේශපාලන  අයිතිවාසිකම්  පිලිබඳ ජාත්‍යන්තර සම්මුති  පනත පනවා ඇත .එකී පනත  2007 නොවැම්බර්  16 දින  ලංකා රජයේ  ගැසට් පත්‍රයේ අතිරේකයක් ලෙස  පල කර ඇත . පාර්ලිමේන්තුවෙන් පැනවෙන  පනත් සාමාන්‍යයෙන් WWW.documents.gov.lk හි පල කරතත්  මේ පනත  එහි පල නොකර සඟවා ඇත .

                                        මේ පනතේ  3.3 යටතේ , යුද්ධය පැතිරවීම ,වෙනස් ලෙස සැලකීම ,ප්‍රචණ්ඩ ක්‍රියාවලට යොමුකිරීම ට අදාලව  ජාතික වාර්ගික හෝ ආගමික  වයිරය සඳහා පෙළඹීම , ආධාර අනුබල  දීම හෝ  එසේකරන බවට  තර්ජනය කරන  අයෙකුට වසර 10 කට වැඩිනොවන කාලයක් බන්ධනා ගාර  ගත කල හැක 

                                                බෞද්ධ උරුමයන්  වනසන  සුළු වාර්ගිකයන් ගැන කතා කරන  සිංහල බෞද්ධයන් මර්ධනය කිරීමේ අරමුණින්  මේ සැඟවූ පනත දැන් එලියට ගෙන ක්රියාත් මක කිරීමට රජය සැරසෙන බව ට ආරංචි පැතිරෙමින් පවතී  ආර්ථික වශයෙන් බලවත් සුළුජන කොටසක් මේ සඳහා රජය පොළඹවන බවත්  රට අනාගමික කිරීමේ කාර්ය භාරය කරට ගෙන සිටින රාජ්‍ය ප්‍රධානියෙක්  මේ මගින් බෞද්ධයන නිහඬ කිරීමට  බලාපොරොත්තුවන බවත් හෙළිවී ඇත 

                                                     යහපාලනයට සම්බන්ධ සියලු බෞධ්ධයිනි මේ පාපකර්මයට  ඔබ සහභාගී වුනානේද   දැන් සනීපද ??

One Response to “රජයේ වෙබ් අඩවියෙන් සැඟවූ  පනත  බෞධ්ධයා මර්ධනයට එලියට ගනිය් ”

  1. Ananda-USA Says:

    Muslim Ministers, and BLIND advocates of Sanhidiyawa and Sahajeevanaya, say there are NO EXTREMIST Muslim groups at work in Sri Lanka.

    Yet, when I am in Sri Lanka, I see Wahhabi Muslim influence everywhere!

    Whether it is in the totally BLACK CLAD Muslim women that we NEVER had in Sri Lanka in the past, entire neighborhoods bought up my Muslims in Colombo and its suburban towns, entire towns declared for Muslims and Muslim businessmen only, aggressive Muslim politicians stealing govt lands and settling Muslims on them, PROLIFERATION of Massive Mosques in areas of special significance to the Buddhist religion, and aggressive enforcement of Sharia Law within the Muslim Community.

    Statistical demographic data in the last census clearly shows that the Muslim population has nearly DOUBLED in the last 30 years and coming close in numbers to the Tamil population.

    Taken as a whole, it amounts to CREEPING ENCROACHMENT and CONVERSION of Sri Lanka into a Muslim country.

    Sri Lanka’s RELIANCE on the remittances by our workers in Middle Eastern countries, makes it IMPOSSIBLE for any Sri Lankan government to take any action against this CREEPING CONVERSION. That alone makes the diversion of the SRi Lankan economy away from this RELIANCE on expatriate worker remittances into an ECONOMY based on INDIGENOUS MANUFACTURING and SERVICES a matter of the HIGHEST PRIORITY if Sri Lanka is to preserve its status as the ONLY REFUGE of its Sinhala Buddhist culture and people!

    Meanwhile, Muslim politicians DISMISS and DENY that ISIS is at work recruiting Sri Lankan Muslims for fighting in the Middle East, and more seriously TRAINING THEM to fight in Sri Lanka upon their return home.

    Here is yet another newspaper report on recruitment by ISIS, although I cannot vouch for the credibility of the source.

    ‘ISIS local chief recruiter targets youths from Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka’
    Fri, Jun 16, 2017, 04:50 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    June 16 (Daily Star) A fugitive chief recruiter of the Islamic State in the Indian subcontinent has targeted youths from three countries – India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka – to involve them with the global terror outfit.

    Mohammed Shafi Armar, a tech savvy, has been operating on Facebook and other personal messenger services to contact, brainwash and recruit youths from the three nations, reports NDTV today.

    He has been named a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist” by the US yesterday, becoming the first Indian leader of the terror outfit against whom America has sponsored sanctions.

    The US State Treasury Department, while updating its list of Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGT), has included in it Armar, a native of Bhatkal in Karnataka, clearing the way for sanctions against him, adds the report.

    An Interpol Red Corner notice is also pending against the 30-year-old Armar, who has many aliases like “Chhote Maula”, “Anjan Bhai” and “Yousuf al-Hindi”.

    “Mohammed Shafi Armar is a leader and head recruiter in India for the Foreign Terrorist Organisation (FTO) and Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) group, ISIS,” the State Department said.

    “He has cultivated a group of dozens of ISIS sympathisers who are involved in terrorist activities across India, such as plotting attacks, procuring weapons, and identifying locations for terrorist training camps,” said the statement.

    Armar was said to have left for Pakistan along with his elder brother after the crackdown on Indian Mujahideen cadres. After a fight with Bhatkal brothers, including Riyaz, the founder of Indian Mujahideen, in Pakistan, Armar is believed to have created Ansar ul Tawhid, which later pledged its allegiance to the ISIS, NDTV reports.

    His links to the ISIS were also the highlight of the interrogation of Yasin Bhatkal, who was arrested near the Nepal border in 2013.

    Armar first came on the radar of investigation agencies when the NIA was probing suspected ISIS cadres in Ratlam of Madhya Pradesh.

    During the interrogation of alleged IS operatives, it emerged that Armar was motivating and radicalising Muslim youths in India. He was said to have been recruiting youths for the Jund ul Khalifa-e-Hind through online radicalisation.

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