Blood shortage in North Sri Lanka: “War criminal’ Sri Lankan soldiers give blood because Tamils high castes don’t want their blood to get mixed with low castes.
Posted on June 15th, 2017
Shenali D Waduge
Have you ever heard of a group of people demanding self-determination, carrying out global campaigns for an ethno-religious homeland for themselves to look after their own, getting the backing of world powers and organizations and then to find out there is a shortage of blood because high castes don’t want their blood to get mixed with low castes! No one is giving blood in Northern Sri Lanka because they don’t want their blood to get mixed! Therefore, 200 Sri Lankan soldiers had been sent to donate their blood because hospitals in the North were short of blood. These are the very soldiers that the TNA, the Chief Minister and the Opposition Leader together with LTTE fronts had been humiliating, claiming they were responsible for genocide, calling for war crimes tribunals, demanding they be removed from the North and against whom signature campaigns and tarnishing campaigns continue unabated. It is alright for them to tarnish the good name of our brave soldiers and it appears they have no qualms of obtaining their blood for survival. Northern Sri Lanka population is close to 1million and not a word of appreciation or gratitude to our soldiers!
This is a fine example that nullifies entities that are promoting a separate state or even a mono-ethnic solution similar to the one created in Kosovo. By the example of Tamils not giving blood because they don’t want their blood to get mixed up due to caste is a solid reason why constitutional amendments too should not entertain these bogus demands. By the example of the blood we have been shown that Tamils cannot live together, therefore all of their arguments about ‘letting us carve our own destiny’ falls flat on the face with this situation that has come to the open.
This is nothing new. It has been kept well hidden. One of the reasons to lure Tamils into an armed struggle was primarily the caste factor. A good study of the LTTE hierarchy will show that from Prabakaran downwards all were of low castes and discards of their own society. They were having a hatred for their caste system far beyond the promoted hate against the Sinhalese.
Tracing matters further, though presently there is much hype over the 1956 Official Language Act which made Sinhala the only official language while allowing reasonable use of Tamil language, when it was introduced there were only a few protests and no large demonstrations. What is important to note is by 1956 English was the language in use though less than 6% Tamils were fluent in English though 50% of clerical positions in railways, postal, customs, and 60% of all doctors, engineers and lawyers and 40% of other labor force was held by only Tamils.
However, Tamils opposed the Prevention of Social Disabilities Act when it was passed in 1957 giving lower castes the rights to attend schools and kovils, which thus far they had been denied by Tamils themselves. Let it be recorded that it was the Sinhalese who gave low caste Tamils the right to attend schools and kovils, which was taboo to them by their own. How did high caste Tamils react? They began massive satyagrahas. A further amendment to the act in 1971 further annoyed the Tamil high castes. Just as the high castes were annoyed with the university standardization in 1973 which enabled students of less developed districts to enter university which had previously been enjoyed only by the developed districts. Vellala Tamils opposed the 1973 standardization because it enabled low caste Tamils to enter university! Not too many have highlighted this enough! We have also not forgotten how even in the refugee camps in 1983 as well as immediately after the military victory over the LTTE, high caste Tamils refused to share the toilet facilities with the low caste Tamils, so much so that the military had to arrange separate toilets for them! The caste factor is such that while Vellala leaders think themselves God Almighty, Jaffna Tamils look down on both Trinco & Batticoloa Tamils and all together they look down on the Estate Tamils. So the caste factor is embedded into the mental and upbringing of all and the bottomline is when Tamils cannot reconcile with themselves what is this big talk about reconciliation with others! Who are they all fooling?
There are enough of examples of riots amongst Tamils because of caste and these go back to 1871, 1923, 1931 while violence broke out in 1929 following the government directive for ‘equal seating’ giving low caste Tamils the right to sit on benches as they had been previously made to sit on the floor! This is how a bunch of high caste Tamils were treating their own! They went so far as to petition London. Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan requested the Colonial Office in London to encode caste into legislative enactments!
So the West that cannot be ignorant of these factors given that they have NGOs placed to gather information on the polity and psyche of the people in Sri Lanka need to be told that under this scenario even devolution is nothing that the majority of Tamil low caste really wants as they are certainly happier to live with the Sinhalese than be treated like low-lifes by their own Tamil high castes. Just take a look at the Dalit statistics in Tamil Nadu to confirm the treatment.
The English News daily that reported it has probably been influenced to remove its report that cited caste differences resulting in the shortage of blood and soldiers having to donate, but hiding facts cannot remove the reality.
We are utterly disgusted and disappointed with the manner that high caste Tamil leaders have ridiculed and humiliated our soldiers. They have slandered their good name, they have created lies and funded false propaganda and they have not minded getting their help to make their roads, their houses, their toilets and now for them to survive our soldiers are giving their blood. Not a word of appreciation or gratitude. Donating blood is not in the job profile of the soldiers. Soldiers are defenders of the nation. Donating blood is something additional and warrants appreciation and gratitude not slandering and humiliations that they are getting from the likes of the Northern Chief Minister, the Opposition Leader, his Party and other supporters of separatism. The international community that is propping these people and clapping hands as their racism increases should be ashamed themselves.
Shenali D Waduge
June 14th, 2017 at 7:45 pm
Are the soldiers safe from possibly contaminated needles? If I were a soldier, I would be petrified of the possibility.
June 14th, 2017 at 10:09 pm
It is that KARMA BS that is behind CASTE.
Hindus believe BAD KARMA in a previous life makes you born into a LOW CASTE.
So if anyone believes in KARMA they believe in CASTE.
June 14th, 2017 at 10:27 pm
A government which came to power by promising our war heroes that they will make them officer and gentleman and allow them to live in respect and dignity doing only soldiers job has made them to be like garbage collectors putting them to do all kinds of labour work around the country. From a number one fighting outfit they have become just a house keeping unit. The best armed forces leaders who were responsible for winning the war was interrogated, harassed and some were jailed without any reason. Armed forces which were highly regarded and respected after the war during the time of last government has lost all the respect after this Yamapalanaya government came to power on Jan 8. They are using them for petty jobs and keeping them inside their barracks like cowards while Tamils and Muslims play havoc same as before. Yamapalakayo are silent for everything they do because of their magical word Sanhindiyawa. What a shame to be like this way. Sira, Ranil made us all weak and cowards. Hell with these two traitors.
June 15th, 2017 at 3:10 am
So if anyone believes in KARMA they believe in CASTE.- which Saivam or Bhuddisam said ???
Sri Lankan soldiers give blood – At last Can you understand now why We both community lived last 2,500 or more & will onother 3,000 years or more in Our Sinhela Island ( Chignkala Theevu) !!!!
does not matter who ever come to invade ( Include your Gran) & Indian IPKF but We both send them back !!!!
Brav Bro & Sis .
Shenali D Waduge
Please do not bring caste here for this matter .
June 15th, 2017 at 6:03 am
Tamils are the biggest racists in the world who discriminate against their own people.. And they have the balls to call Sinhalese the racists..?
Where is the racist Tamil Diaspora, and their supporters when it comes to helping their fellow Tamils in Sri Lanka..? It is always the Sinhalese and their soldiers who come to help the Tamils.
The Tamil Diaspora and their pro-LTTE associations never ever mention how Sinhalese are going out of their way to help Tamils, but eager to scream how they have been discriminated by the Sinhalese…
Shows how ungrateful and opportunistic they are.
June 16th, 2017 at 1:23 pm
Lanka’s ARMED FORCES are paying a heavy price for LIBERATING the North from Terrorism of the LTTE, the terrible creation of Tamil leaders & INDIA.
Lanka’s ARMED FORCES must be free of false charges of War Crimes levied at them by the UNHRC.
CASTE is the real war of the Tamil people.
CASTE WARS were transferred from Tamil Nadu to Sri Lanka after PM Nehru put out the Anti-secession Law in 1963.
CASTE is stated in Tamil Nadu birth certificates, as done throughout INDIA.
CASTE is the base of the INDIAN (including Tamil Nadu), Census.
Lanka does not have CASTE stated in birth certs.
No wonder Tamils flee Tamil Nadu, the Tamil Homeland in INDIA, and try to enter other countries.
No wonder it was easy for Tamil Leaders to bring in the Vadukoddai Resolution (1976) to achieve Eelam through Violence. This directive has yet not been revoked officially in the Sri Lanka Parliament.
No wonder the 1983 Riots were trumped up, and nearly a Million Tamil people went WEST as Refugees. This was the way to use unsuspecting Lanka as a ‘trampoline’ to go west and form the Tamil Diaspora to support & fund the violent LTTE to get Eelam. Tamil leaders & INDIA have misled the Tamil people of Lanka.
Wake up Lankans and stop such injustices against the People of Lanka !
– Release the Armed Forces of Lanka from UNJUST CHARGES of War Crimes.
– Say NO to the divisive New Constitution.
– Deport all illegal migrants in Lanka.
– No cheap labor from anywhere, especially Tamil Nadu.
– NO SALE/long leases to foreigners of LAND held by the STATE OF SRI LANKA. The State held land belongs to ALL the People of Lanka. Bring in Laws to protect LANKA STATE HELD LAND.
– More Co-ops to form new businesses.
– More Free Trade Zones which will create jobs for local people.
– More and more GREEN ENERGY projects.
– Soy based protein industry must bloom !
– Disaster Management : Early Warning Systems, containment of Flood waters, use of same for Droughts, etc.
And a host of other ideas are waiting to be implemented !
If Yahap govt cannot handle what has to be done, move off and let others who can get a job of work done, move in.
June 16th, 2017 at 1:25 pm
Our grateful thanks to Shenali, for getting us the real news & views !
June 16th, 2017 at 3:08 pm
Correction :
– Say NO to the divisive New Constitution, and remove the 13-A & activate the 6-A of the existing Constitution.
June 16th, 2017 at 4:03 pm
“Hindus believe BAD KARMA in a previous life makes you born into a LOW CASTE.”
Buddha said “no one is a Brhamin by birth” desputing this straightaway. This is one of the Dhammapada Gatha we learned under O/L Buddhism. That clears the fact that Buddhist Kamma is different from Hindu Karma. Hindu Karma is a Law imposed by creator God (maha Brahma) where as Buddhist Kamma is similar to the universla law ” what goes around come around” which is 100% logical than beleiving in a BRAINLESS STUPID God who creates disable people. ( Those Christians have to explain why “compassionate God” does that).
However, a similar term used by Buddhists too is “Iranama” (Destiny) which is completely unBuddhist. This is where Kamma and Karma get mixed up by not knowing Buddhism.
June 17th, 2017 at 9:05 am
Sri Lankans need to get practical in every aspect of their lives – no other way.
Nothing is going to come from the skies to help beleaguered Lanka. Only way out is that we help ourselves, in every way possible.
OUT with divisive politics !
June 17th, 2017 at 4:42 pm
Law of the land is paramount. Law should not allow religious sects to deviate to extreme and such stupid practice should never be allowed at any cost.
June 17th, 2017 at 4:43 pm
Sorry for this coment,meant for Muslims who want to go for infant brides.