What a Constitution cannot change
Posted on July 1st, 2017
Shenali D Waduge
It is a futile exercise to claim to change a country’s constitution to meet the aspirations of each and every citizen of Sri Lanka. There are some sine quo non areas and other factors that cannot change just to please some or because its existence displeases others. The unitary status of the country cannot be changed. Sri Lanka should not be made secular-we have a proud heritage that many of the countries promoting secularism do not have. Multicultural phenomena is a new concept for countries that were created and developed because of immigrants. Sri Lanka has a very proud civilizational history that cannot be changed.
- A Country’s history and heritage cannot be expunged, re-written or plagiarized simply because factual elements displeases or upsets some. It must be made compulsory for citizens to know the history of the island – the South Indian invasions and the destructions caused, the invasions of the 3 colonial European Christian powers and the destruction and damage caused by them – covering murders, plunder, forced conversions, illegal immigrations, destruction of religious sites in particular Buddhist sites on top of which Churches were built, the destruction of property and ruining of fertile soil through scorched earth policies. All citizens must know that in 1815 the country was ceded to the British and it was never conquered. If so it also raises the question of why Sri Lanka needed to be given ‘independence’. Moreover, many citizens are still to know that it was with the Sinhale Nation and the representatives of the Sinhale nation that the British signed the Kandyan Convention. The only religion the British assured to protect at this signing ceremony was Buddhism because Buddhism was the state religion and the British acknowledged this by agreeing to protect it.
- Status quo for Buddhism cannot be touched. The principles of Buddhism were what the people and the rulers followed even upto colonial occupation and beyond. The very fabric of civilization was built on these values and later day arrivals and neo liberal thinking or experiments cannot be allowed to remove that status that has to continue to be entrenched in any constitution and Governmental policy/Education policy of Sri Lanka. Moreover, the resistance to these proposed changes comes from the realization that the 2 main Abrahamic faiths through their institutionalized political framework have as an objective to remove non-Abrahamic ethno-religious identities of countries and replace with theirs. This objective has been clearly advocated as their religious policy.
- National Anthem / National Flag A nation’s national anthem must depict the soul of the island’s history & its national identity. No country will change its national anthem on arguments of ‘multiculturalism’ a word coined only in the 1970s. Treating citizens equally before the law is all that is required to ensure every citizen is treated equally – there is no requirement to change the national anthem, the history, heritage sites or demean the role of the ancestors who defended the nation and died sacrificing their lives. The failed experiment of singing the national anthem in two different languages is sufficient to continue the national anthem in its original format. Let us remind those that introduced illegally & unconstitutionally the singing of the national anthem in Tamil should admit the endeavor is a complete failure given that the assurances that the Tamil leaders gave has not come through – Wigneswaran continues with his racism as do all other Tamil leaders, the drop in Sinhala visitors to the North on account of fear following stoning of buses and threats made by Tamil leaders not to allow Sinhalese to come to the North is a case in point. Singing in Tamil has made no difference therefore this should not be allowed to continue in the new constitution.
It is also worthy to note that Mr Sinnelebbe proposed that Sri Lanka continue with the lion flag used by the Kings at independence. The two stripes representing Tamils & Muslims were added much later as a gesture by the Sinhalese to include minorities. Hardly any country denotes the minorities in their country flags. However, even after doing that minorities have nothing but complaints against the majority. Can we have instances where minorities have praised the majority?
- National Policy Education / Trade / Health / Other essential services. All citizens must have a very clear knowledge of the country’s history that covers period of pre-Vijaya, the Sivu-Hela tribes, the Indian invasions, 3 Colonial occupations & their war crimes, the achievements of our ancestors, the ancient marvels in the form of Stupas, Dagabos, Irrigation works, ancient warfare and these must all be incorporated into school syllabus and every child in public/private/semi-government/international school must be aware of this history as should all members of the diplomatic corps and all public servants.
- Declaration of National Heritage Sites/Archaeological Sites/National Forests/Fauna/Flora – These areas and sites must not come under any provincial rule and should remain with the State of Sri Lanka and protected. No modern construction or demolition should be allowed under any excuse or reason especially by subject Ministries/Ministers. Clear policy that these areas cannot be sold or leased to any foreign parties under whatever condition. Ancient Buddhist heritage sites must be protected and incursions should not be allowed. These are not multicultural zones. Tourists arrive to see Buddhist heritage sites not newly created modern multicultural zones. These historically valuable places must be protected and anyone harming these sites must be indicted by law.
- Protection of National Assets, Defending National Security Forces As a policy the country must clearly identify what the national assets of a country are and ensure that these remain within control of the State and are not commercialized for political gain. Moreover, a policy must be drawn to ensure that the country’s armed forces are protected at all times and will not be subject to any international tribunals – the UK example is noteworthy as is the manner the US defends its troops. Internal military tribunals can deal with any wrong doing.
- No Government voted for a term of office can be allowed to make changes that adversely affects the Nation & its people. We have been victim of various detrimental policies each time a government of coalition comes to power and functions to their whims and fancies totally ignoring its detrimental effects to the country. Such governments have allowed foreign countries/their companies to take over strategic areas on the guise of ‘economic’ development and we have become a sitting duck for global politics by not having a clear country policy that remains non-aligned but friendly with all nations.
- Provincial councils must have powers only relevant to the basic administrative needs of the province. International agreements, international funds, inviting of international organizations/individuals/groups must be the task of ONLY the State through Parliament and not by Provinces and Chief Ministers elected for only a term. Elections to Chief Ministers & Governing body must select people who have lived without break in the province for over 5-10years. People cannot be parachuted from other parts to contest elections as is the case of the present NPC Chief Minister who had been living all his life in Colombo.
- No constitution should agree to incorporate liberal neo-colonial experiments like secular, multiculturalism, multi-faith etc all of which have been proven failures by the very countries that first promoted them. When a country has enough places for minorities to worship, enough freedoms for minorities to enjoy, enough examples where minorities have been shown they belong (through commemoration of national holidays, release of stamps, regular festivals, feats and events) there is no requirement to be putting foreign slogans which are simply a means to enable foreign countries their NGOs to start campaigns in Sri Lanka and make money for themselves. Religion, religious rituals etc are all money gainers and emotional triggers for political purposes. Moreover the countries peddling these slogans have hardly a history or culture to boast of. They have blood soaked hands in the manner they have denied the indigenous people their rights to their lands.
- National Pride – A nation’s pride wrests on the knowledge of its glorious past not on copying foreign cultures or following dictates of foreign norms, slogans and experimental liberal concepts. It is only when a nation and its citizens values its history that its people’s feel the need to protect and preserve that history. The obvious gameplan through subjecting citizens to foreign cultures, foreign concepts and foreign values is to incrementally denationalize people of their roots. When people are denationalized they do not feel the urge to defend the nation and the nation becomes vulnerable to vultures or all forms. People are being trained to mentally feel that history is useless, heritage is nothing special, monuments are irrelevant and these are being promoted by countries that do not have histories beyond 200 years, countries that have been built by confiscating indigenous lands and murdering indigenous people and disenfranchising them and countries that do not have any historic monument to be proud of except beef burghers, starting same sex marriage campaigns, encouraging marriage after birth of children, not getting married and all sorts of weird and bizarre new cultures which are totally upsetting ethical & moral living.
As we can see, a group of people many of whom have questionable pasts and remain uninvestigated for links to terrorist outfits cannot be allowed to determine what should go in and what should be removed from the present constitution to the new constitution. The others are those who are living off foreign funds and are mouth piecing only what those paying their salaries demand of them. The whole process of constitution making is precarious for these ground realities which is why it is best that we continue with the existing constitution without allowing these controversial players to dabble with a document that is relevant to the entire nation, its people and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka.
Shenali D Waduge
June 30th, 2017 at 7:13 pm
This DESHADROHI government must NEVER BE PERMITTED to craft a New Constitution that will DIVIDE & UNDERMINE our Motherland, and deliver it BOUND HAND & FOOT to OUR ENEMIES!
July 1st, 2017 at 3:17 am
Dear Shenali,
Very well stated ! Many thanks.
You have said it all here re the Sri Lanka Constitution.
Simply put, we do NOT need a new Constitution.
We propose :
Remove the ILLEGAL 13-A imposed on Lanka by INDIA.
Activate the 6-A.
Develop the Country & take care of the People, not annihilate/destroy it.
PATRIOTISM to be taught in all Schools, a Must !
July 1st, 2017 at 3:17 am
Thank you Ananda.
Agree with all you say here.
July 1st, 2017 at 4:09 am
We all say no no. But it is traitor chief die hard catholic token Buddhist Bay Gal Karaya Mega Thief Batalande
Wadakaya pol pot r@nil wickramaSinhalakiller who decides. Traitor puppet maru sira has no say. It showed even yesterday, when maru sira’s secretary left who came forward? It was traitor chief die hard catholic token Buddhist Batalande Wadakaya’s catholic buddy tinass fdo. Maru sira has no say in any of the matters!
Batalande Wadakaya wants to please his ardent
supporters tamils, mussies and catholic west. So traitor low life going ahead full steam. Only thing which can
stop this is Batalande Wadakaya’s health. Apparently traitor low life isn’t well. Traitor chief went to us to get it
fixed. Looks like it didn’t work. Hope he will suffer immensely for the sins he has committed against the
Sri Lanka and
Short memoried Sinhala modayas have forgotten it was traitor alugosuwa (to Sinhalese only) thambi mudiyanselage
jr@ who put this straight jacket 13, 13A on Sri Lanka. Traitor alugousuwa just like his traitor nehphew didn’t have
any Sinhalese blood in them. So breaking up Sri Lanka for the two traitor low lives is a piece of cake. Didn’t have
to think twice. Now his nephew biggest traitor ever in the history of Sri Lanka is hell bent on destryoing our
country for good no matter what. After all Bay Gal Karaya has no off spring. So who cares! That’s what traitor
low life’s line of thinking.
July 1st, 2017 at 3:02 pm
Today’s 10.00pm Derana TV Late Night News broadcast a video showing Sumanthiran of the TNA saying:
1. A FEDERAL SYSTEM of Government is their GOAL in the New Constitution.
2. The TNA HELPED TO ELECT the Yamapalanaya to power to ACHIEVE that GOAL, and the TNA expects the Yamapalanaya to DELIVER that through the New Constitution!
Patriots! Let us COME TOGETHER and CRUSH this DESHADROHI government and their SEPARATIST rattlesnakes right NOW!
SEND the Yamapalanaya HOME, NEVER to RISE AGAIN!
July 1st, 2017 at 3:05 pm
Dear Fran,
Thank you!
YOU ARE ALWAYS STEADFAST in your Patriotism!
July 1st, 2017 at 4:03 pm
More good news. Highlighted below is the drugs problem related changes which could be a result of Muslim influence. Muslims are expanding thank to drug. They are using Sinhala politicians to exapnd their drug trade and kill Sinhalas whilst talk BANA to Buddhists.
චෝදනාවලට උත්තර දෙන්න
ෙත්රෙනිකායික මහනාහිමිවරු ආණ්ඩුවට බලකරති
සමන්තී වීරසේකර
ආගමික, ජාතික සහජීවනය ආරක්ෂා කිරීම උදෙසා සංඝරත්නය කළ දැනුම් දීමට මෙතෙක් රජයෙන් ලැබුණු ප්රතිචාරය ප්රමාණවත් නොමැති බැවින් එල්ල වී ඇති චෝදනා සම්බන්ධයෙන් අපක්ෂපාතී පරීක්ෂණ වාර්තාවක් වහාම රටට හෙළි කළ යුතු යෑයි ෙත්රෙනිකායික මහ නාහිsමිවරු ඇතුළු සමස්ත භික්ෂු එකමුතුව රජයට බලකර සිටිති.
ජාත්යන්තර වශයෙන් පිළිගත හැකි නිර්නායක සහිත ජාති ආගම් වර්ගවාදී දෘෂ්ටියකින් නොවන, ස්වාධීන කොමිසමක් පත්කොට ඒ ඔස්සේ සත්ය සොයා බලා වාර්තාව සකස් කරන ලෙසට මහා සංඝරත්නය රජයට දැනුම් දෙති. සංඝරත්නය රජයට අවධාරණය කරනු ලබන කරුණු කිහිපයක් මෙසේය.
ආණ්ඩු ක්රම ව්යවස්ථාවේ මෙතෙක් සඳහන් පරිදි ඒකීය රාජ්යයක්, බුද්ධ ශාසනය ප්රමුඛස්ථානයක තැබිය යුතුය. යන කාරනා අර්ථවත් ලෙස පැවැතිය යුතු අතර එම කරුණු වෙනත් ඡේද මගින් නිශේධනය නොකරන බවට පොරොන්දු විය යුතුය.
රට තුළ බෞද්ධ පරිසරය ගොඩනැඟීමට අවශ්ය පසුබිම නීති සැලසිය යුතු අතර ගෙන ඒමට නියමිත නව මත්ද්රව්ය සංශෝධන පනතේ කරුණු රටට ජනතාවට හෙළිකළ යුතුය. එහි යම් පිළිගත නොහැකි කරුණක් වේ නම් වහාම ඒවා ඉවත් කිරීමට කටයුතු කළ යුතුය.
තම තමන්ගේ අභිමතය පරිදි දේශපාලන පක්ෂ හෝ මැති ඇමැතිවරුන් රට ජාතිය ආගම් පිළිබඳ පුද්ගලික අදහස් මත ඉදිරිපත් කිරීම හරහා රට තුළ අනවශ්ය ගැටුම් ගැටලු හා කලකෝලාහල ඇතිවන බැවින් රජයේ මතය හෝ තීරණ රටට වගකියන ජනාධිපතිවරයා විසින් පමණක් රටට ජනතාවට දැනුම් දීමට පියවර ගත යුතුය.
ෙත්රෙනිකායික මහ නායක හිමිවරු ඇතුළු මහත් සංඝරත්නය ඉදිරියේදී ජනාධිපති මෛත්රිපාල සිරිසේන මහතා සමඟ මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන් පුළුල් සාකච්ඡාවක් පවත්වන බවද පොදුවේ රටට ජාතියට ආගමට අකටයුත්තක් සිදුවන්නේ නම් සංඝරත්නය ඒ සම්බන්ධයෙන් ඉදිරියට පැමිණිය යුතු බවද අස්ගිරි මහා විහාර පාර්ශ්වයේ ලේඛකාධිකාරි මැදගම ධම්මානන්ද හිමියෝ “ඉරිදා දිවයින”ට පැවැසූහ.
මේසා කරුණු අවධාරණය කරමින් සංඝරත්නය කටයුතු කරන්නේ රට, ජාතිය ආගම පිළිබඳව ඇති ඇල්ම නිසා මිස තමන් වහන්සේලා කිසිදු අයුරකින් දේශපාලනික හෝ අන්ය ආගම් අන්ය ජාතීන් හෙළා දැකීමට කටයුතු නොකරන බවත්, පොදු ශ්රී ලාංකික ජනතාවගේ අනාගතය අභිවෘද්ධිය උදෙසා නැඟී සිටින බවත් ධම්මානන්ද හිමියෝ ප්රකාශ කර සිටියහ.
July 1st, 2017 at 4:24 pm
It was only yesterday that Dairy Farmers were dumping Milk on the streets protesting Yamapslanaya policies.
Today Smalk Egg Producers are protesting unethical and cruel mass prosuction of eggs by large Producers using high-density production methods banned as inhumane in other countries.
Today the UPWARD HIKE in bus fares went into effect.
Moratuwa University students are protesting closure of the residential halls and lack of ACTION ON DENGUE PREVENTION after the death of a 3rd year female engineering student from DENGUE! What a TRAGEDY!
Over 90% of Sri Lanka’s trade and services sectors are OUT ON STRIKE!
Forget about Yahapalanaya; Does this sound like ANY PALANAYA AT ALL to YOU?
July 1st, 2017 at 7:17 pm
We want no new Constitution but we do need executive presidency abolished and the three basic essentials for human survival enshrined in the Constitution. People’s choice of food, clothing and housing must be made fundamental rights and held above everything else (other than national security interests).
Otherwise Sri Lanka’s journey to become the next North Korea will complete sooner than earlier predicted.
Chandrika, Mahinda and Sirisena became presidents promising to abolish executive presidency. But they never kept their promise.
July 1st, 2017 at 8:45 pm
On the CONTRARY, the Execitive Presidency should be RETAINED and FURTHER STRENGTHENED, the Prime Ministers post should be ELIMINATED, the Speaker of the House post RETAINED, and a new Senate created with 1 elected Senator per District to give more representation to Districts with small populations than their populations Warren.
The 13A and the Provincial Councils should be REPEALED and ABOLISHED as unnecessary bureaucracies that PROMOTE SEPARATISM. A DISTRICT system of Administration should be REINTRODUCED wirh anDISTRICT GOVERNOR appointed by the governmen and NOT ELECTED heading the Administrative apparatus in each District.
This would HALT the current ADVANCE OF SEPARATISM in its TRACKS, ELIMINATE unnecessary REDUNDANT bureaucracy with regionsl law enacting, land administering, policing powers.
Many more requirements to make Sri Lanka more cohesive and enforce countrywide one system of justice are needed, but these are the MOST IMPORTANT, in my patritic view of course!
July 2nd, 2017 at 12:15 am
Two Sri Lankan presidents in their official capacity have committed to India and the UN for the implementation of 13A (1987 and 2009). Therefore, it will not be abolished by a president. I support its abrogation.
Executive presidency during peacetime means Tamil and Muslim kingmakers. If you take all presidential elections (except 2010), the more nationalist candidate would have lost if there was peace at that time. Kobbekaduwa lost in 1982 and Premadasa would have lost if there was peace. Gamini Dissanaike lost in 1994 and Ranil would have won (after a second round voting) in 1999 if there was peace. Ranil would have won a landslide in 2005 if there was no LTTE. Sirisena won in 2015. Although the marginally more nationalist candidate won in 2010, it divided patriots. 2019 will most likely be no different.
Apart from 1990, no president has used his/her power to stop a provincial council taking action inimical to national interest. Separatism was never defeated. Just two days after the military won the war, Sri Lanka committed to India to implement 13A, 2 more days later to the UN and a further 4 days later to the UNHRC. So separatism was dead for just two days. TNA won the April 2010 election and expanded its victory in 2012 and 2013 PC elections.
I have not heard of any political party leader or a MP supporting the abrogation of 13A since 2015. Please enlighten me if there is a single politician willing to do so. He/she sure deserves Sinhala support at the next election. And conversely, those who don’t have the courage to say so don’t deserve. Its time Sinhala voters took a stand and said enough is enough.
July 2nd, 2017 at 12:45 am
Ravi Kallathoninayaka’s daughter insulting Buddhism.
July 2nd, 2017 at 1:00 am
Oops! I meant to say TWO Senators from each District, and not ONE!
July 2nd, 2017 at 4:49 am
Constitution of a colony; well an Indian Colony.
July 2nd, 2017 at 9:22 am
INDIAN hegemony & INDIAN CASTE divides are dangerous combinations to all of INDIA’s smaller neighbors.
There are some 15 Million Tamil Dalits in Tamil Nadu. Their Birth Certificates carry their Caste. INDIA does the Census on a Caste Base. Statistics show up around 300 Million total Dalit population of INDIA.
The UN Security Council must address this problem.
Fair protection must be given to all the smaller countries around INDIA.
First, all the smaller countries around INDIA must get together and take their problems to the UNSC.
The ILLEGAL 13-A must be removed.
It is the most divisive piece of legislation.
July 2nd, 2017 at 12:51 pm
That said, there are a number of positive items INDIA can contribute toward the welfare of the neighboring countries. Imposing their Big Foot on neighbors is counter productive to such an intent and in the end even INDIAN interests.
Perhaps INDIA is afraid of being re-Colonised via unwary smaller neighbors and South Indian (Tamil Nadu led) earlier breakaway tendencies ?
America, INDIA & Lanka are all ex-Colonial countries. Assurances ought to be given to INDIA in writing through the UNSC that neighboring small countries will not jeopardise INDIAN Security Issues ?
Something MUST be done to bring a lasting peace to the highly populated SE Asian region.
July 2nd, 2017 at 1:56 pm
My3 has gone MAD. Why did he appoint UNP man AUSTIN FERNANDO as president’s secretary?
This is a UNP ploy to get into the INNER WORKINGS of the president!
AF went on PILGRIMAGE to APOLLO hospital to visit a LTTE TERRORIST with a BASKET OF APPLES during CFA time! Terrorists killed 100s of army intel operatives during CFA.
July 2nd, 2017 at 2:07 pm
“එහිදී රියර් අද්මිරාල් සරත් වීරසේකර ඉමහත් වෙහෙසක් දැරීය. ස්විට්සර්ලන්තයේ සුරිච් නුවර සිට රොහාන් සැතපුම් 250 ක් මග ගෙවමින් මානව හිමිකම් කවුන්සිලයට පැමිණ සහාය විය. හිටපු එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ නිලධාරිනියක් වූ නිර්මලා ලියනපටබැඳි සහ ජිනීවා නුවර සිටින එරික් මාකවිටද මේ කටයුතුවලට සහය වූහ.
එහෙත් මේ දේශප්රේමීන් ජිනීවාහිදී කොටි ඩයස්පෝරාවට එරෙහිව දියත් කළ සටනට ඒකාබද්ධ විපක්ෂයේ අවධානය යොමු වුයේ නැත. ඔවුන්ගෙන් කිසිවෙක් ජිනීවාහිදී මේ දේශප්රේමීන් අත්විඳි කටුක තත්ත්වය ගැන විමසුවේ නැත. ඒ ඔවුන්ගේ ස්වභාවයයි.”
That is why Sarath Weerasekara must be the NEXT PRESIDENT. He is NOT a JO member and he is NOT a SLPP member either.
BR tried very hard to get SW into SLPP but he REFUSED. Good.
These patriots must be made ADVISORS to GOSL after SW becomes PRESIDENT.