A response to a request from the Chairman of the Election Commission.  Introduction of talented female representation in Politics and Political Parties.  
Posted on July 26th, 2017

V.Anandasangaree  Secretary General -TULF

Lack of talented female persons in Politics and in Political Parties is a great set back in Sri Lankan Politics that had compelled the government authorities to find a remedy for this short coming. In this connection the Election Commission has requested the various Political Parties to provide 25% of the vacancies in the Central Committee and to reserve another 20% for female officers in the Party.  I can recollect from memory at least half a century back two ladies who had held office as Chairwomen of Delft and Pandatharipu Village Councils Mrs. Kodiveliyar and Mrs.Perly Athanasiyar respectively. But there had been many who held membership in various Village Councils. These days it is hard to find one person active in local Politics. Although the reasons for this short comings cannot be spelt out, there had been reasonable grounds for the women showing reluctance to come to politics. The Chairman of Election Commission has informed us of the need to bring in women into Politics.

The TULF’s political activities virtually came to an end with the 2004 General Election at which it was virtually routed by threat and intimidation. The TULF still has not raised its head in Politics. With various developments taken place around us, the TULF believes that it can do well in politics with the substantial number of talented women joining us. The TULF is now determined to face all elections that come on its way. It will adopt a new pattern that was very much in demand at the 2004 election but failed due to some self interested personalities. The TULF will call upon all Political Parties to come under one banner with the common symbol and a common policy. This was the proposal of most of the Tamil Organizations and Tamil Political Parties to unite under one banner in spite of any difference of opinion or animosity the various Political Parties may have among themselves. This was exactly what everyone wanted. Even the LTTE wanted to unify the Tamil Community. If it had been adopted at the 2004 General Election the war would have come to an end in 2004 itself with a satisfactory solution also found for the ethnic problem and several thousands of lives would have been saved and billion rupees worth of property would not have been destroy. Above all almost all those who died during that period will still be living. In future at all elections the TULF will adopt this policy for which we will need several educated and talented women to be nominated as candidates.

One need not have the fear anymore that the TNA was a creation of the LTTE. The TNA was actually created by the TULF. It is a myth that it is managed by the Liberation Tigers. The TULF will base its manifesto on the grounds that all several interest groups in the North and East should be brought under one Tamil National umbrella.

The TULF strongly urges all those who had been our members and supporters in the past to rejoin or join our party which is holding its annual general meeting on the 06th August 2017 followed by its annual convention the next day.  

V.Anandasangaree  Secretary General -TULF

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