Posted on August 30th, 2017

Dr. Daya Hewapathirane

 On 9 October 2016, hundreds of unidentified Rohingha Muslim insurgents attacked three Burmese border posts along Myanmar’s border with Bangladesh.  The attackers brandished knives, machetes and homemade slingshots that fired metal bolts. Several dozen firearms and boxes of ammunition were looted by the attackers from the border posts. The attack resulted in the deaths of nine Buddhist border officers. 

 On 11 October 2016, four Buddhist  Burmese Army soldiers were killed on the third day of fighting.[32] 

 On 15 November 2016, the Burmese Army announced that 69 Rohingya insurgents and 17 security forces (10 policemen, 7 soldiers) had been killed in recent clashes in northern Rakhine State, bringing the death toll to 134 (102 insurgents and 32 security forces). It was also announced that 234 people suspected of being connected to the attack were arrested.

 In March 2017, a police document obtained by Reuters   listed 423 Rohingyas detained by the police since 9 October 2016. The police justified the arrests saying, “We the police have to arrest those who collaborated with the attackers….” Myanmar police also claimed that children had confessed to their alleged crimes during interrogations.

 On 25 August 2017, the government announced that 71 people (one soldier, one immigration officer, 10 policemen and 59 insurgents) had been killed overnight during coordinated attacks by up to 150 Rohingha Muslim insurgents on 26 police posts and the 552nd Light Infantry Battalion army base in Rakhine State.

 On 25 August 2017, the Central Committee for Counter Terrorism of Myanmar declared the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army  (ARSA) a terrorist group in accordance with the country’s counter terrorism law. 


 The Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA), also known by its former name Harakah al-Yaqin[ and by its former English name the Faith Movement, is the Rohingya insurgent group active in the jungles of northern Rakhine StateMyanmar.

 The goal of the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) is to create a “Muslim state for the Rohingya”.  

 The ARSA is led by Ata Ullah, a Rohingya Muslim man who was born in KarachiPakistan, and grew up in MeccaSaudi Arabia.

 The  Burmese government suspects that ARSA is involved with, and subsidized by foreign Islamists. 

Dr. Daya Hewapathirane



    Attacks by Extremist ARSA Muslim terrorists.

    Militants from the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA), stormed more than 25 police posts in the early hours of Friday August 25, using guns, knives and improvised explosives to kill 12 people. Ensuing clashes between the group and government troops swept Rakhine state’s northern Maungdaw, Buthidaung and Rathedaung townships, where the ARSA has been trying to carve out an “Islamic state.” The ARSA claimed the attacks were a “legitimate step”. At least 110 people were killed during the attacks.

    There are allegations from government sources that aid workers mostly from Western and Muslim countries, had colluded with Rohingya terrorists led by ARSA. The World Food Program biscuits were found at one of the terrorist training camps. At a meeting with diplomats, Myanmar national security adviser Thaung Tun indicated that ammonia and tubes used by development workers for construction had been fashioned into explosives by the terrorists.

    Many of the indigenous Rakhine’s Buddhists have fled, seeking shelter in monasteries and schools. Also, many others among them, were preparing to flee east. One of them informed TIME that his village has been burnet down by Rohingya terrorists “People are afraid in our village”. Satellite images obtained by Human Rights Watch, showed fires burning in more than 10 locations, across a 100-kilometer stretch of land in Rakhine state.

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