1978 Constitution is still good enough, Say no to this dangerous attempt to pass an Interim Report to write a new Constitution,  
Posted on November 2nd, 2017

By Charles.S.Perera

Jayampathy Wickramaratne  the man who prepared the Interim Report placed before the Parliament for a debate says in defence of writing a  new Constitution that the President Mahinda Rajapakse had stated in his election manifesto the necessity for  a new Constitution and that what they have now done is nothing different from what Mahinda Rajapakse  would have done if he would have still been the President.

Is that an argument to defend the stupid document they have  presented to the Parliament ?

But Wickramaratne should know that Mahinda Rajapakse would not have allowed to desecrate the cultural revival brought about by SWRD Bandaranayake.

Mahinda Rajapakse  would not have allowed the country to be divided  and Buddhist Religion and Cultural values regained after  over 500 years of  neglect, abuse and desecration  by the Colonial rulers, to be removed from State protection, and give equal Status with other Cultures and Religions which were introduced later to the country, through a New Constitution.

A Constitution does not become valid  because it had been written after a long consultation with the people. It has to be written by learned persons, putting into it important matters taking into account the uniqueness of the country and the people and their religious and cultural values that had shaped the country and its people over a long period of time.

OIn writing a New Constitution there should not be no model or jumping from what the country  and the people had been, to a modern age where the past values are relegated to history and bring in new values that are  strange to the Country and the people.

Jayampathy Wickramaratne from his presentation of his ideas in a Hiru TV debate showed that he is not a suitable person to write a Constitution to a country like Sri Lanka. In that debate in the TV he told one of his opponents that he should keep his arguments for himself and listen to what he has to say as he  is an intellectual.

A Constitution is not written to reconcile with Communities . Reconciliation is a different activity and the Constitution should not be an instrument to create dissention amoung people through pseudo reconciliation with Tamils who do not want reconciliation but division and separation..

It was a mistake to have consulted the people in order  to write a New Constitution to Sri Lanka.

The 1978 Constitution is not an ideal Constitution but it had been useful during the most crucial period of the History of Sri Lanka. The Executive Powers  of the President of Sri Lanka was an important implement” in fighting a ruthless terrorism that created havoc and untold misery to the people, even if the Tamils today seem to have forgotten that period of terror and hopelessness.

But still the time is too close to a terrorism that has been eliminated not long ago and the people are not ready for any changes from what they had been used to. Therefore Sri Lanka should continue with the 1978 Constitution until country has found complete peace and security.

The Yahapalanaya Government came to power too soon after the elimination of terrorism and the embers of terrorism and dissention is still remaining warm under the heap of ash that had been left behind.

The foreign Governments are helping  to keep the embers of terrorism alive and it is time  the Government instead of writing a new Constitution advice the Western Governments the necessity for Sri Lanka to  remain un-interfered by the west,  that does not and will not understand the minds of the Sri Lankan people be they Sinhala, Tamil or Muslim.

The ordinary Tamil people just released from thirty years of suffering are not allowed by their political messiahs to take a rest and taste peace and security for a while to see clearly what their future should be, and how it is to be shaped and by whom.

The present haste of the Yahapalanaya to change every thing overnight is improper, harmful and dangerous to the people as a whole. Doing things in haste we are bound to neglect the essentials.

Even the Speaker Karu Jayasuriya speaks of this unnecessary  haste of the Government which he himself does not understand,  but to which he gives in despite the trust the people  places on a Speaker of the Parliament to do the correct thing.

Karu Jayasuriya the Speaker had said, …… From the beginning I said, we cannot have legislations passed in the future in such a hush, hush manner. We have Oversight Committees. We have transparency. Sri Lanka Parliament is looked upon as a model. So, it has to follow all the good practices. I have spoken to the Prime Minister and the Leader of the House, and all concerned. I am quite hopeful that, in the future, there won’t be a repetition of this nature. It is, of course, embarrassing to the Speaker and the Secretariat.”

The Speaker of the Parliament has to be more alert and democratic  as he has already lost the confidence of the people for his lack of independence and his seemingly serving more the interest of theYahapalanaya and UNP to  which he belongs.

It is undemocratic not to have recognised a 51 member Joint opposition as the Parliamentary Opposition instead of the TNA with only 17 parliamentarians.

The Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe  behaves like a clown in Parliament and says most stupid things such as that the Parliamentrians who have not come to Parliament nevertheless comes to eat in the Canteen of the Constitutional Assembly.

His UNP followers are no better any serious discussion is made a situation of fun and laughter.

Yesterday at the Derana TV VadaPitiya the UNP Members Kavinda Jayawardhana and Wijepala Hettiarachchi had no valid arguments to defend the Interim Report on the New Constitution other than to read a report by the former President Mahinda Rajapakse about the necessity for a new Constitution  saying that it is the same thing that they have presented to the Parliament. They heckled and disturbed the opposition  members Kalum Amunugam and Wimalaweera Dissanayake without allowing them to present their views against the Interim Report.

The best thing the President Maithripala Sirisena can do is to demand the withdrawal of the interim report and stop further attempts at writing a new Constitution to Sri Lanka. If the Tamil Politicians and the Western enemies of Sri Lanka  raise objections, they should be asked to stay a little longer and find other ways of bringing the Communities together without dividing the country or writing new Constitutions.

We want Sri Lanka as it is,  not as an Orumitta Nadu.

2 Responses to “1978 Constitution is still good enough, Say no to this dangerous attempt to pass an Interim Report to write a new Constitution,  ”

  1. Senerath Says:

    The 1978 Constitution is not an ideal Constitution but it had been useful during the most crucial period of the History of Sri Lanka. The Executive Powers of the President of Sri Lanka was an important implement” in fighting a ruthless terrorism that created havoc and untold misery to the people, even if the Tamils today seem to have forgotten that period of terror and hopelessness.

    No, it is not good enough. Executive powers ? Assume Ranil had all the powers. Good enough ? Also can Sirisena be trusted to stop seperatism ?

    1st priority after 2010 2/3 mandate would have been a better constitution removing Federal nature.

    Unfortunately NO ONE ine current set of Ambalayos will remove 13 A. Even Gota , although now he is preaching some good Bana will change once in power.
    If you say it is good enough, you are accepting we are a State of India. We have ZERO leader to be a sovereign country. We are just another set of Modayas who worship elected set of Ambalayos.

  2. Fran Diaz Says:

    Thank you for this article, Charles.


    To avoid further conflicts and pain for all in Lanka, here are some suggestions :

    1. Keep the existing Constitution, but REMOVE the ILLEGAL 13-A through an Amendment.
    2. All Devolution packages to other areas (Provincial Councils) must be withdrawn.
    3. Centre Governance must happen with the eduated SLAS in place.
    4. The District can be the unit to be Governed by the Centre.
    5. Never allow various groups to fight their imported Causes brought into Lanka from foreign lands (legally disallowed).
    Lanka has been used as a place for Tamil leaders to form a separate country (Eelam), as well as fight Tamil CASTE WARS.
    6. Do not let the practice of Buddhism interfere with the SECURITY ISSUES of Lanka. Please note that the 6-A has never been implemented.


    Today’s Daily Mirror (Nov 1, 2017), gives an account of Ranil’s ‘promises’ to the Jnt Opposition. He has said that he will make sure that various points that the JO was concerned about will be addressed.

    The JO, and other concerned Sri Lankans, including myself, were most concerned about the Unitary status of the country. This is not enough to stop any future splitting up. It is the DEVOLUTION factor that has to be addressed !

    Ranil does NOT say that he will STOP DEVOLUTION to the PCs, which is the main item to be done to stop splitting up.
    Lanka must take a lesson from economic top place area, Catalonia, Spain, which area has attempted to split away, creating chaos there.
    All Pariots & Nationalists of Lanka must make sure that the menace of Devolution is withdrawn and stopped, asp.

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