Heed Warning Signs About Buddhist Muslim Unrest Now  !
Posted on December 7th, 2017

Lankaweb Editorial

Dec.10th 2017

Islamist fundamentalism is posing a growing threat to universal liberal society unquestionably. This seems quite apparent also in Sri Lanka in recent times. Considering the bloody ethnic strife involving religious as well as ethnic differences initiated by the Tamil Tigers now vanquished- hopefully never to resurge, it may be fortuitous for the administrators and legislators of Sri Lanka today to keep a watchful eye on the conflicts between Muslims and Buddhists and never let them esacalate into becoming an uncontrollable issue as Sri Lanka can ill afford such a lapse given her recent history relative to the Tamil Tiger insurrection which took a heavy toll on the country, her economy and her inhabitants.

Quoting from a recent world report “Islamist militancy and aggression is generating many issues plaguing the world today. In Bangladesh, for example, liberal commentators have been killed by alleged Islamic fundamentalists. In Malaysia, self-declared atheists have been bullied by militant Islamic organizations. In Indonesia, Muslim fundamentalists have seized the political initiative. ” Then there is the ISIS conflict in the Middle East which thankfully seems to be gradually being overcome by those against it and a redeeming factor for the world although resistance seems to be stubborn.  Pockets of ISIS sympathisers tend to crop up in various parts of the world as well as the wretched Islamic militant groups such as the Taliban, Al Quaeda et al which continue to wreak havoc in various parts of the world where they are tolerated with impunity where in reality they need to be wiped out for the good of all humanity.

It is imperative that immediate intervention be necessary to quell, dissuade or completely destroy any signs of   Muslim / Buddhist  unrest and for the Muslims to realise they have no right to initiate or provoke any unrest within Sri Lanka inasmuch as the Tamil militants who in the end are in a very visible minority where the majority rules and will always prevail . A majority that is not only tolerant of all Sri Lankan citizens and aware of their inherant rights but are also conciliatory to all their needs but to tolerate them indulging in excessive aggression towards whatever they devise their cause to be seems irrelevant and even downright dangerous from many perspectives of which National Security stands out apart from the rights and comforts of all law abiding citizens.

The warning signs towards this is fast becoming apparent and perhaps time appropriate for the Administration to take necessary remedial action and prevent the Nation from slipping back into the quagmire it has just extricated itself from or face the consequences.


5 Responses to “Heed Warning Signs About Buddhist Muslim Unrest Now  !”

  1. Dilrook Says:

    A timely Editorial.

    Hope authorities will pay serious attention before it is too late. Islamic fundamentalism and clashes have worsen visibly since 1980s. Most of the 32 ISIS terrorists from Sri Lanka have likely returned as they were defeated by the Shina Alliance in Iraq and Syria. They pose a tremendous threat to national security.

    A realistic assessment of the situation considering what happens in many countries says war is inevitable with Islamic terrorists in Sri Lanka. Any other prognosis is purely speculation. This is a very unfortunate situation. Sri Lanka is living from war to war since Vietnam. All major global conflicts are played out in the island due to its strategic position and the idiocy of leaders.

  2. Lorenzo Says:

    The LIST goes on and on.

    1. Sripada – a prophet’s home
    2. Kuragala – another prophet’s home
    3. Kathiragama – another prophet’s home
    4. Dambulla – NO regard to Buddhist city
    5. Anuradhapura – Buddhist temples should NOT be put up close to mosque.
    6. Gintota – Muslim only INNER CITY like Dharga, Qadaffi TOWN, Qatar city, etc.
    7. Colombo city – taken over
    8. Kandy city – taken over
    9. Galle city – taken over
    10. Ratnapura city taken over
    11. Puttlam taken over
    12. ALL KALPITIYA ISLETS taken over
    13. About to take over cities – Badulla, Kurunegala, Anuradhapura West, Matale, Kegalle, Panadura city, Deiwela, Garagampitiya


    What happened to ISRAEL will happen in SL soon.

  3. Lorenzo Says:


    e.g. Soma Thero, Wijedasa Rakapaksha, Gnanasara Thero, Dan Priyasad

    What is going on?

  4. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Sri Lanka Multiplying Community aka mussies multiply and multiply like xxxx. Whole country being taken over by these multiplying low lives. Ancient Buddhist temples, wildlife sanctuaries, tea estates etc. etc. being taken over by
    mussies to make room for new breed. No place is safe. xxx population is increasing at alarming rate. Breed, breed and breed and then start killing non believers. Then start killing each other. That’s the religion of utter violence and the fastest breeding religion for you.

    Traitor mussies know this is the best time to deliver the killer blow while the biggest traitor ever in the history of
    Sri Lanka traitor chief die hard catholic token Buddhist Bay Gal Karaya Mega Thief Mega Thakkadiya Batalande
    Wadakaya pol pot r@nil wickrama Sinhala killer ruling Sri Lanka. Any thing to destroy Buddhism, Sri Lanka and the
    Sinhalese race Batalande wadakaya gives its full blessings. That’s why now you see these mussie deshapaluwan
    at it like there is no tomorrow. Chief among is bada udin, a sad ali (sad because not enough children?), muji bar
    etc. etc. all promoting multiplying mussie. Catholic run UNPatriotic party turning a blind eye to promote
    mussie activities. Anything against Buddhism, Sri Lanka and Sinhalese gets the full support of the traitor party.
    Sinhala modayas be ready to jump into sea before long when multiplying mussies take over. That’s what these
    multiplying mussie did to old Buddhist iran, afganisthan, pakesthan, maldives, bangladesh, malaysia,
    indonesia. Multiply, multiply and multiply! Then you see goni billas everywhere with their highly fashionable (in hell)
    goni billa dresses. Who says ghosts don’t exist? Don’t have to go to middle east to see them. Come to Sri Lanka. Ghosts are everywhere. Sinhala modayas your YAMA PAALANAYA selling Sri Lanka to mussie xxxx!

  5. Sunil Mahattaya Says:

    Idiotic and grammatically incorrect comments like the one posted by imposters calling themselves “Old Sinhalayas” should not be published on LankaWeb.It is not a question of free speech but one of stupid arrogance which should not be tolerated here.Other sites always screen comments and content to see if they are acceptable. This is laced in insults and derogatory remarks showing the low class of the individual who had the nerve to post such comments.Basically it is also a rank display of ignorance.

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