Proper if Ravi steps down: PM
Posted on January 29th, 2018

Courtesy  The Daily Mirror

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe is reported to have indicated that it will be proper if UNP MP Ravi Karunanayake steps down from his post as the assistant leader of the party.

This was revealed by the Prime Minister, when he presided over a meeting with the leaders of the parties aligned with the UNP.

Meanwhile it was also revealed by UNP sources that the commission appointed to look into the action that had to be taken against any UNP member found to have been involved in the bond scam had also recommended that Mr Karunanayake should be removed from his post.

The committee headed by Minister Tilak Marapana was appointed to look into whether any UNPer is involved in the scam and to advice the party leadership on what action should be taken against those who are involved.

2 Responses to “Proper if Ravi steps down: PM”

  1. Hiranthe Says:

    Very Good. Fools supported Yahap will praise this saying that they are setting an example quoting thieves under the previous regime kept on continuing in their positions.

    This must be an agreed solution. Ravi acted upon Ran-nil’s instruction and he will never be betrayed. Ravi will still get his salary and benefits. More over, all these guys are set for their life with the Billions looted.

    In the next election, he will come back as if nothing happened like SB Dissanayake and our fools will vote for him to win a seat… if not from the back door.. here we come.

    I get sick when thought of our politicians. When are we getting a real honest leader?? I don’t think any one in the Diyawanna Oya premises qualifies for that.

    WE need a Gentleman from the public stock outside the parliament. But those who are inside also products of the same society…


  2. ranjit Says:

    PM is the mastermind so he should resign first before others and allow investigators to do their job without any interferences. Majority in the parliament are thieves in one way or the other. It’s not easy to have a clean parliament overnight. People should unite without any party politics and bring forward some intellectuals with New ideas and plans to take us forward. Unless until we do that we will not see a bright future for our country because of the current political situation is filthy and corrupt with so many unqualified individuals running the country. We need a true patriot who can guarantee the future of the Sinhalese and our sacred religion Buddhism. A strong leader with a strong heart. Let’s build a force without any political backup in the current political background. Talking is enough we need action from this Yamapalanaya. Bond scammers should be punished including the mastermind.

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