Posted on March 6th, 2018


The lives of average citizen is in danger. State of Emergency and National Wide  unrest  has been intensified by the government itself.

Will there be US  military ships  arriving?   Will Mahinda be arrested? Will  Gotabaya be arrested?

Less we write is better.  We appeal to all Sri Lankans to remain  calm and most importantly  remain CONFIDENT.


  1. Nanda Says:

    I beleive there is no plan to arrest anyone. All politicians are best of friends and share fortunes whilst people get killed to save them !
    Yes, write less and think more.

  2. Christie Says:

    Since Indian terrorist outfit was wiped out India has been dividing the Sinhalese along religious lines. These are the results of their work. People like Champika of Hela Urumaya and Nanasara of Bodu Bala Sena did the ground work for the current unrest. Unfortunately most of us fall in to their traps.

    It is easy to get Sinhala Buddhists to hate Muslims like our Socialist got us to hate the local Sinhalese who had few pennies. Socialists never talked about the filthy rich Indian Parasites who run our economy since 1840 that is after the Business Registration Ordinance.

    The so called Sinhala Patriots do the same thing., the best examples are Nanasaara of BBS and Champika of HU.

  3. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Dream situation for the traitor chief die hard catholic token Buddhist Walking Crime Bomb with the timer set for
    10-20 years Bay Gal Karaya Mega Thief Mega Thakkadiya Batalande Wadakaya Pol Pot r@ nil wickrama Sinhala
    killer can stay in the job or even die on the job. Maybe the papatharaya instigated all these. After all the traitor
    low life is mega thakkadiaya, alugosu (to Sinhalese only) thambi mudiyanselage jr@’s nephew.

    This is what the traitor catholic run UNPatriotic party (SBSB,
    S-lon Bata Sinhalese Butts, real terras half the country on a plate) give you Sinhala booruwas every time the
    low lives get into power. Murder Sinhalese and hang on to power 10/15/20/30 years. Now be ready to sacrifice
    Sinhalese army, navy, air force, police, men, women, chidlren even Buddhist monks. These papa tharayins’
    current record is 100,000+ mainly Sinhalese for the catholic tigers of tamil drealam. I’m sure Batalande
    Wadakaya rubbing its hands with glee. Job is guaranteed for me
    for another 10/20/30 years and my jaathi dhrohee manthri horu and amathi horu can plunder, plunder, murder!
    That’s the UNPatriotic party (SBSB party) you Sinhala booruwas! I can even die on the job. No confidence motion
    against me?

    Jaathi dhrohee UNPatriotic kaaraya
    yanan paare pathire gandas kaare
    pathire gandas kaare

    UNPatriotic kaaraya
    Sihalun maranna suuraya
    UNPatriotic kaaraya
    Siri Laka hooran kanna maaraya
    UNPatriotic kaaraya
    Banku kadanna suuraya//

    thieves, thieves, murderous thieves/////////////////

  4. Ananda-USA Says:

    This Muslim – Sinhala CLASH in Theldeniya has been exploited a normal civil incident to PREXTUALLY ENGINEER & CREATE a COMMUNAL CONFLICT by those who want to DIVERT ATTENTION AWAY from the INSTABILITY of the Yamapalanaya Govt and PREVENT ITS IMPENDING FALL.

    The arrival of HIGHLY ORGANIZED GROUPS from Amapara to Theldeniya to BURN Muslim Shops in retaliation for the DEATH of the Sinhala man hospitalized on Feb 22nd who died Last Sunday and the subsequent KILLING of a Muslim Youth was HIGHLY ORCHESTRATED to keep the communal fires BURNING!

    It is also an ATTEMPT to ALIENATE and DRIVE the tens of thousands of Muslims who VOTED AGAINST the Yamapalanaya in the RECENT LOCAL GOVT ELECTION away from the JO/Pohottuwa.

    Finally, it is an ATTEMPT to CREATE and EMERGENCY and JUSTIFY the APPOINTMENT of Sarath Fonseka as the Miniater of Law & Order, so he can SUPPRESS LEGITIMATE CIVIL PROTESTS by the JO/Pohottuwa scheduled to BEGIN with a Massive Meeting in Nugegoda on March 7, 2018.

    These are the VERY SAME GOONS who created COMMUNAL CONFLICYS in 2014 to alienate minority groups, be they Christians, Muslims and Tamils away from the MR/UPFA Govt.

    Ask YOURSELVES … who STANDS TO BENEFIT from this CIVIL UNREST on the EVE of the VOTE OF THE NO-CONFIDENCE VOTE against the PARA-GATHI AGA-MATHI Ranil Baba of the 40 Thieves?

    The ANSWER is: Noone other than the CRIMINALS of the Yamapalanaya DESPERATE to ILLEGALLY HOLD ONTO POWER at ALL COSTS, by FAIR MEANS or FOUL!

  5. Kumari Says:

    JRJ must be laughing from his grave. The shameless nephew is doing a great job with the help of spineless Govi Putha. Our Sinhalese tried to save the country from Horu and ended up with Terrorists of all sorts.

  6. Asanga Says:

    Ananda-USA, an excellent comprehensive analysis of the current situation. Please share this also on your social media network if you haven’t already.



  7. Fran Diaz Says:

    Ananda is right ! It is Contrived Rioting to gain time and power in Lanka.

    RW’s “see thru neglige” tied to earlier Yahap govt is even more than just see thru now ….. it is obvious.

  8. SA Kumar Says:

    JRJ must be laughing from his grave. – Correct, 1983 The arrival of HIGHLY ORGANIZED GROUPS with voting list of Tamils!

  9. Leela Says:

    Be it the President or the PM, there is no point talking about the corrupt yahapalana gang. I thought of writing to say that, right now the law is not enforced equally to all nationalities in Sri Lanka. E.g. Muslims without helmets on motorbikes roam freely in many towns whereas all other no helmet riders are charged with heavy fines. Impunity enjoyed by politically organised Muslim extremist groups to encroach wildlife reservations is shocking to say the least. Majority community thinks, the law is being used to trodden them down. Such ill feeling and sentiments fling simple issues towards heated communal conflicts or even mayhem as is now. In my opinion, things will be sorted out effortlessly if and when a firm government that respect our aged old culture and treat all citizens equal is in power. Let’s shove these yahapalana jokers out asap.

  10. Nimal Says:

    Corruption is rampant in the country, regime after regime is at it.

  11. L Perera Says:


  12. Fran Diaz Says:

    Re Riots :

    1983 was a trumped up Riot which enabled nearly a million Tamil people to go west and form the Tamil Diaspora.
    Then it was the JRJ govt in power in Cold War times. J.N. Dixit, the then INDIAN ENVOY was called the ‘Vice Roy of Lanka” – he, apparently, dictated the terms to the JRJ govt.
    Times are now different – the Cold War finished officially in 1991.
    Different players are now in the field, starring rw/cbk/ms etc. with INDIA/west in charge, this time around.
    No one wants re-colonisation of their countries, do they ?
    America, INDIA & Sri Lanka are all formerly colonised countries.

  13. ranjit Says:

    If these two traitors try to arrest Mahinda or Gota they are playing with fire. Majority of the people in this country are behind Mahinda and Gota. More than anytime we need them now to take the country in the right track. We need discipline in the country. We need a strong stable government not spineless leaders who bow to para suddas and Indian parasites. Rule of law should be tough and equal to every citizen alike. No need to separate people,we are all Sri lankans that’s it. This habitual government must stop NGO’S coming to our country. We see too much interferences by them on certain matters concerning our country these days. UN shouldn’t bother too much about our country. We should have our own system of governance not dictated by any mother’s son. We are a sovereign country with a democratic system. The current Hora clique must resign and go. They have failed in everything. They cannot solve any problems instead they make problems for the country and to its citizens.

  14. Ananda-USA Says:

    I was listening to Wada Pitiya on Derana TV today. Muslim eateries have been accused of doping foods they serve to unsuspecting customers with pills that cause infertility. Some Wada Pitiya speakers DEBUNKED the possibility the existence of such medical pills. I myself heard Rajitha Senaratne also denying that such pills exist.

    So, I did some research, because as a scientist with SOME KNOWLEDGE of the ability of MEDICINES to change REPRODUCTIVE FUNCTIONS, I SIMPLY COULD NOT BELIEVE the ASSERTIONS of those who wish to label it an IMPOSSIBILITY.

    Well, I found a LOT of evidence to SUPPORT my DISBELIEF. Without presenting a detailed indigestible scientific analysis of my findings prioritized by toxicity, method of ingestion, and vulnerable groups of people, I present below a LIST o DRUGS I found at “rightdiagnosis dot com” as JUST ONE EXAMPLE of what is available on the Internet:

    The following drugs, medications, substances or toxins are some of the possible causes of Infertility as a symptom. This list is incomplete and various other drugs or substances may cause your symptoms (see Infertility). Always advise your doctor of any medications or treatments you are using, including prescription, over-the-counter, supplements, herbal or alternative treatments.

    St John’s Wort


    Dear Ranjith
    I also have the same sentiments as yours. If they touch MR OR GR, ????

  16. Ananda-USA Says:


    Please pay attention to the growing level of tit-for-tat communal violence in the Kandy District. Apparently they are not being these are not being reported by the MEDIA, possibly due to censoring.

    Talk to your FAMILIES in Sri Lanka!


    Dear Ananda and Friends
    As you can see the RW AND MS have systematically CARPETED:
    I. Bond Scam
    2. Arrest of RW
    3. Interpol action against Arjun Mahendran
    4. Suppresssion of SLPP popularity
    But Providing a emergency climate to show case for F…… M SF to take executive authoritative action against MR AND GR.

  18. SA Kumar Says:

    Fran Diaz
    1983 was a trumped up Riot which enabled nearly a million Tamil people to go west and form the Tamil Diaspora.- Correct, that was not our plane . We-Tamils were living in all over the Lanka ,time to time (1956 to 1983) run back to North & East whenever Demila Vesak Baila in South but return back with in month to carry out our business with same Sinhela people kicked them out.

    BUT Modaya JRJ thought, kick out Sakkiliyas Tamils out at least 1 million from Lanka will give permanently solution (Bhuddist Sinhela Lanka) . unfortunately it worked against his dream as We-Tamil got 7th grade fisherman(karayar)caste Self declare one and only Thesiya Thalaivar VP !!!! rest is history .

    No short cut , that never work !!!

    Fully implement 13A with 6A , Live & let’s live in United island of Sinhela island for ever !!!! that is My dream I know thats MY dream !!!

  19. SA Kumar Says:

    *7th grade dropped out

  20. Ananda-USA Says:

    NOT ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA, ALL Phone and Internet-based communications with Sri Lanka are CUT OFF NOW … by the Yamapalana Govt that promised FREE WIFI! Aka HI-FI WI-FI …. NO SOUND at ALL!

    Sri Lanka blocks social media as communal violence continues in central hills despite state of emergency

    Mar 07, Colombo: The Sri Lankan government ordered to block social media networks to stop fueling communal violence through the social media as attacks on Muslim targets by Sinhalese Buddhist mob continued in central hill country despite the state of emergency.

    The police have imposed a curfew in the Kandy administrative district again today and the tri forces and the police have been given powers to arrest anyone inciting violence.

    Police spokesman SP Ruwan Gunasekara said that through the Police curfew, mobile and foot patrols and the assistance of the army, they have been successful in containing the situation.

    However, it has been reported that several Muslim shops and mosques were attacked on Wednesday despite the curfew.

    An area resident, who spoke to Associated Press on condition of anonymity fearing reprisal attacks, said two mosques and some Muslim-owned shops were attacked on Wednesday by Buddhist mobs in two towns in the central hills.

    Police Spokesman said that the Security forces and the police have a legal responsibility to ensure that the emergency regulations are not misused. They are to be implemented with minimum disruption to public life and enforced with genuine intentions and to be enforced impartially regardless of their religious, ethnic or political affiliations, he said.

    The Government requested all people in the Kandy administrative district to remain at their homes during the police curfew which has been imposed in the area while all government schools in the Kandy administrative district are also closed till further notice.

    The public has been asked to inform the nearest Police station of any attempts to escalate violence.

  21. Ananda-USA Says:

    The Parliament is holding Sessions today,and will vote on several important bills related to national security today.

    The Yamapalanaya will be able to STEAM ROLLER the Opposition and PASS LEGISLATION without much DISCUSSION or PROTEST because they CURRENTLY have the necessary Parliamentary VOTES.

    I am FEARFUL that the Yamapalanaya will ATTEMPT to PASS CRITICAL LEGISLATION regarding the CONSTITUTION, the ETCA Agreement, and ECONOMIC/FINANCIAL Bills DURING this PERIOD under EMERGENCY RULE!

    ANY SUCH BOONDOGGLES by the Yamapalanaya DURING THIS EMERGENCY will lead to MUCH BLOODSHED in the future. They may try to RULE the country in the NEXT 2 years under an EXTENDED EMERGENCY!

  22. Ananda-USA Says:

    I learned of the following news items of violence in the Kandy area yesterday from friends living in the Kandy area. I warned LankaWeb readers (see above) to call their families in Sri Lanka, but I with-held reporting the details here, until they could be confirmed and proven to be NOT FALSE RUMORS.

    Derana Aruna morning summary of newspaper headlines today confirmed most of those previously unsubstantiated news stories I had heard yesterday.

    1. Over 100 violent acts have been reported in the Poojapitiya, Ambetenna and Katugastota areas of the Kandy District.

    2. Buddhist temples, homes and shops have been attacked. Several viharas and many shops and homes have been burnt down. One temple attacked is the ancient Raja Maha Viharaya in Poojapitiya.

    3.Combustible handbombs have been thrown by people from hiding. Two people died and 6 more people were injured in these bomb attacks.

    4. Smoke from burning buildings were seen rising from the Kundasale/Pallekele areas of Kandy from across the Mahaweli river.

    5. Unverified other reports say two Buddhist priests were killed in one attack.

    6. Police have shot and killed a number of rioters violating the curfew. Police have reportedly arrested over 70 people they suspect of executing these attacks.

    7. In response to these attacks, ordinary people in those neighborhoods have rushed to protect and defend the Buddhist temples.

    8. Unconfirmed reports say some shops in Kandy, near the Dalada Maligawa, have been burnt down and that the Police and the Army have strengthened the protection of the Dalida Maligawa itself because of intelligence received of impending attacks against the Dalada Maligawa.

    9. Many residents of that area I spoke to say that well organized groups of people from other areas have been arriving by the bus-load and carrying out these attacks.

  23. Ananda-USA Says:

    Mobs clash with police after Sri Lanka emergency
    Wed, Mar 7, 2018, 11:14 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Mar 07 (AFP) Police fired teargas to disperse rioters in curfew-bound central Sri Lanka hours after a state of emergency was imposed in a bid to quell anti-Muslim violence, an official said Wednesday.

    Police fired teargas to disperse rioters in curfew-bound central Sri Lanka hours after a state of emergency was imposed in a bid to quell anti-Muslim violence, an official said Wednesday.

    At least three police were wounded in the overnight clashes at Menikhinna, a suburb of Kandy, which has been a focus of the new trouble, police spokesman Ruwan Gunasekera said.

    Seven people were arrested for breaking the curfew and trying to cause unrest in the multi-ethnic district, which is a popular tourist destination.

    Schools across Kandy, 115 kilometres (72 miles) east of Colombo, remained closed Wednesday as the government ordered more troops to reinforce police and stop the unrest spreading.

    Foreign governments issued travel warnings following Tuesday’s declaration of a state of emergency which gives sweeping powers to police and security forces to arrest and detain suspects.

    “The state of emergency may include curfews in specific locations,” the British government said. “You should exercise caution, avoid protests and rallies, and comply with local security requirements.”

    The US State department told its citizens that further incidents were possible and advised those visiting the island to monitor local media for updates.

    More than 150 homes, shops and vehicles were set ablaze during two days of rioting. Two people were also killed in the unrest.

    Tensions rose on Tuesday as the body of a 24-year-old Muslim man was pulled out of a burnt building.

    Sri Lanka’s parliament Tuesday issued an apology to the Muslim minority, which constitutes 10 percent of the country’s population of 21 million.

    “We want to apologise to the Muslim community for the inhuman acts that have taken place,” state enterprise development minister Lakshman Kiriella said in parliament.

  24. Ananda-USA Says:

    Minister Ranjith Madduma Bandara was appointed today by President Sirisena as the Minister of Law and Order also! Our dictator in waiting, the right honorable Sarath Fonseka expressed his EXTREME DISPLEASURE about this turn of events that denied him an Executioner’s Sword to Behead the Rajapaksas!

  25. Ananda-USA Says:

    INDEED, President Mahinda Rajapakse is DEAD on TARGET! It had occurred to me that NOT ONLY the UNP, BUT ALSO the Tamil Separatists, get a BENEFIT from DESTABILIZING the country by PITTING the Sinhala and Mulim People against each other AT THIS TIME!

    AT THIS TIME, when the UN is REVIEWING how Sri Lanka has implemented the promises that Treacherous Western Lackey Avamangala Samaraweera made in Geneva, the Muslim – Sinhala Conflict will ADD FUEL to the COMMUNAL FIRE, CONFIRMS their own ALLEGATIONS of Discrimination, and helps support the DEMANDS of the EELAMISTS for a SEPARATELY Self-Governing Region SOLELY for THEMSELVES!

    Whenever some MINORITY GROUP wants to ACQUIRE MORE POWER in Sri Lanka, they CREATE a COMMUNAL CONFLICT, and get automatic INTERNATIONAL sympathy. This has NOW BECOME a ROUTINE STRATEGY for minorities to ACQUIRE POWER & RIGHTS that go ABOVE & BEYOND the rights of the MAJORITY COMMUNITY.

    Therefore, we PATRIOTS must ASK OURSELVES, who REALLY ENGINEERED THIS CONFLICT: The UNP to stay in Power, the Tamil Separatists to STRENGTHEN their DEMAND for a SEPARATE EXISTENCE, or Muslim FANATICS who want to CONVERT Sri Lanka GRADUALLY into a Muslim Country?

    THERE is MUCH MORE to the CURRENT Communal Conflagaration than meets the EYE! The NEXT PATRIOTIC Govt (NOT the current Yamapalanaya for that would be asking the FOX to MIND the HEN HOUSE!) MUST UNDERTAKE a DETAILED IN-DEPTH INVESTIGATION of this issue!

    MR urges people to be wary of sinister plans to divide country
    March 7, 2018, 11:18 pm

    Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa yesterday warned that some sinister forces, bent on destabilising the country, were trying to engineer another 1983 style conflagration to drum up international support for their constitutional reforms, aimed at dividing the country into several semi-independent states.

    Rajapaksa said the gravitation of a section of the Muslim population towards communal political parties had made it easy for the siniser forces to create tensions between the Sinhalese and Muslims by using agent provocateurs.

    “I call on citizens belonging to all communities to reflect intelligently on what has been happening and to refrain from

    all acts of violence”, he said.

    Following is the text of the ex-President’s statement:

    Several violent incidents have taken place in Digana after a Sinhala truck driver died in hospital following an assault by a group of Muslim men. The police have made some arrests, but they are yet to be formally identified as the perpetrators of this murder. The full severity of the law should be brought to bear on those responsible. The government should provide adequate compensation to the family of the victim. Following the violent incidents that occurred in Digana, the body of a Muslim youth has been found in a damaged house. Thus two murders have now taken place. The government has imposed a state of emergency in the country. However, even at the time of issuing this statement, tensions have not abated completely. This is the second clash between the Sinhala and Muslim communities within a week. Just days ago there was an incident in Ampara. A few months earlier, there was the Gintota incident and several other incidents in 2017 as well.

    The only one way to prevent these clashes is the strict enforcement of the law. Unrest is often generated by real or perceived police inaction in relation to a complaint. The police should respond to disputes or conflicts between different communal groups promptly and decisively. Above all, mob violence and collective punishments against uninvolved persons should be prevented at all costs. It is the task of the government to direct the police properly in handling such situations. The local and foreign forces seeking to destabilise this country are trying to engineer another 1983 style conflagration to drum up support for their constitutional reforms which seek to divide this country into several semi-independent states. I call on citizens belonging to all communities to reflect intelligently on what has been happening and to refrain from all acts of violence.

    In the first few years after independence, Sinhalese, Tamil and Muslim leaders ruled this country together as partners. G.G. Ponnabalam had a warm and cordial relationship with the Senanayakes. That era ended in the mid-1950s as communalism and separatism came into Northern Tamil politics. In the past, the two main political parties had Muslim leaders like A.C.S. Hameed, M.H. Mohamed, Badiudin Mohamed and Alavi Moulana who were elected to Parliament not only by Muslims but also by Sinhalese voters. During those decades, tensions between the Sinhalese and the Muslims were virtually non-existent.

    But since the late 1980s a section of the Muslim population has gravitated towards communal political parties. This has made it easy for conspiratorial forces both local and foreign to inflame tensions between the Sinhalese and the Muslims by using agents provocateurs. The tension that we see now between the Sinhalese and the Muslims is a fairly recent phenomenon. Everyone will remember that such tensions did not exist until about 2012. What was started by conspirators who are now in the yahapalana government, for the purpose of dislodging my government, now appears to have taken on a life of its own and mistrust between the communities is growing by the day.

    Even though there are large numbers of Tamils in the north and east, the majority of the Tamil population permanently resides outside the north and east, among the majority Sinhalese. Similarly though there is a significant concentration of Muslims in the east, the vast majority of the Muslims permanently live outside the east, among Sinhalese and Tamils. What we are now experiencing is the mismatch between this demographic reality and communalist politics. The very logic of communal politics requires the portrayal of other ethnic and religious groups as enemies or rivals. Today, the situation is such that a dispute or clash between individuals belonging to different religions or ethnicities, automatically leads to a communal riot that spreads throughout the area.

    Obviously this is not a situation that can be allowed to continue. There is a need to create in this country a nationalistic alliance comprising Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim leaders resembling the first post-independence government. This is not going to be an easy task given the poisonous contagion of communalism that has spread in this country over the past several decades. However on the basis of the recently concluded local government elections, I have reason to be cautiously optimistic that a window of opportunity exists to be able to turn back the tide of communalism. I intend initiating a dialogue in this regard with national minded Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim individuals and organisations in due course.

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