මහින්ද ජනාධිපති තුමාගෙ කාලෙදි ෆේස්බුක් වාරණයක් ගැන බොරු භීතියක් පැතිරවූ උදවියට පිළිතුරු.
Posted on March 14th, 2018
[1]. 2014 මුල් භාගයේ දිනක එවකට විපක්ෂ නායක රනිල් වික්රමසිංහ මහතා පැවසූයේ මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ ජනාධිපති තුමාගේ ආණ්ඩුව විසින් ෆේස්බුක් වාරණය කරන්නට සැලසුම් කරන බවයි. එහි වීඩියෝව පහත දැක්වේ.
[3]. 2014 මුලදී ෆේස්බුක් රැක ගැනීම වෙනුවෙන් කිඹුල් කඳුළු හෙලූ රනිල් වික්රමසිංහ මහතා මේ වන විට ශ්රී ලංකාව තුළ ෆේස්බුක් තහනම් කර ඇත.
[4]. 2014 මුලදී ෆේස්බුක් තහනම් කරන්නේ නැති බව පැවසූ මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ ජනාධිපති තුමා, තමන්ට එරෙහිව ෆේස්බුක් හරහා කොතෙකුත් සාහසික මඩ අවලාද එල්ල වුවද, ෆේස්බුක් සමාජ ජාලය එතුමාගේ රජය පෙරළීමට පවා හේතු වුවද, එතුමා දුන් පොරොන්දුව අකුරටම පිළි පදිමින් ෆේස්බුක් වෙත අත තැබුවේවත් නැත.
[5]. නමුත් සැලකිය යුතු පිරිසක් ජනාධිපතිවරණය අවසන් වෙන තුරුම විශ්වාස කළේ එවකට ෆේස්බුක් තහනම් කරනු ඇති බවයි. ඒ හුඹස් බිය මතම මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ ජනාධිපති තුමන්ට එරෙහි වීමට සමහරුන් කටයුතු කර තිබුණි.
[6]. කී දේ කරන, විශ්වාසය තැබිය හැකි නායකයා” කවුදැයි දැන්වත් ජනතාව අවබෝධ කරගෙන ඇතැයි සිතමු.
[7]. 2014 දී ෆේස්බුක් වෙනුවෙන් දිවි පිදීමට වුවද ලෑස්ති බව පෙන්වූ සමහර යහපාලනවාදීන්, මේ වන විට VPN යොදා ගනිමින් ෆේස්බුක් වෙත පැමිණ ෆේස්බුක් තහනම ෆේස්බුක් එකේ සිටම සාධාරණීකරනය කරන නිර්ලජ්ජිත භාවය ද ඔබට දැකගැනීමට හැකි වෙනු ඇත.
March 14th, 2018 at 4:17 pm
One statesmanship quality of Mahinda is his restraint during his rule. He didn’t promise economically disastrous salary increases for government servants just to win the election. Sirisena’s 10,000 rupee salary hike costed the economy $1 billion annually. What is the point winning an election ruining the economy?
Similarly, Mahinda didn’t postpone due elections. He held most elections ahead of time.
Mahinda didn’t clamp down on social media just because they supported Sirisena.
Mahinda didn’t waste time blaming others. He delievered.
These statesmanship qualities are not common in Lankan or even world rulers and Mahinda stands out.
Mahinda also handled riots very well. For instance, the Aluthgama-Beruwala riot didn’t spread anywhere else. It was contained. It was partly because he took decisive action against the real disruptive elements surgically. It was not a wholesale use of force and certainly not targeting innocents unlike this regime.
(This doesn’t mean Mahinda is perfect or that he should be president again.)
March 14th, 2018 at 5:04 pm
Agree with Dilrook. I beleive Basil helped Mahinda achieving these diregarding any other shrtcomings and wrongdoings.
March 14th, 2018 at 5:33 pm
Dilrook said “Mahinda didn’t waste time blaming others. He delivered.”
But I BEG TO DIFFER with your Postscript: it DOES MEAN we NEED HIM as President AGAIN!
That is WHY CHINA recently REMOVED TERM LIMITS of their EFFECTIVE President, and WHY RUSSIA will ELECT Putin President in the near future by an OVERWHELMING Margin, for CONTINUED STABILITY, SAFETY and PROGRESS of their Motherland!
But, we Sri Lankan IDIOTS threw out our GREATEST, MOST EFFECTIVE, President out with the BATH WATER!
We WILL AMEND the Constitution in the FUTURE to allow UNLIMITED TERMS for an EFFECTIVE President!
March 14th, 2018 at 6:57 pm
Xi Jingping and Putin are in a league of their own. Under their leadership the net external wealth (foreign reserves minus external debt) of China and Russia increased enormously. This is despite sanctions, trade restrictions, unfair trade practices and regular disruptions against them.
The following contains foreign reserves.
China has world’s largest foreign reserves while Russia comes sixth.
Sadly, Sri Lanka’s net external wealth collapsed drastically under Mahinda. Our foreign reserves increased by $5 billion under him (the highest increase) but foreign debt increased by over $43 billion ($22 billion by central bank figures). That is a net loss of $38 billion or $17 billion of net wealth of the nation. External wealth loss of Sirisena – $7b so far, CBK – $5b and UNP from 1977 to 1994 – $3b.
GDP is not very relevent to the wealth of Sri Lanka as it runs a trade deficit consistently. For instance, if A earns $1 million a year and spends $2 million, and if B earns $100,000 and spends $90,000, B is getting richer while A is getting poorer.
After 1977 our external wealth increased only during Premadasa and Wijetunga time by a small amount. They didn’t borrow massively from foreign sources but carried out relevent development works while fighting 2 wars in the north and the south. JVP economic damage was massive. I’m no supporter of Premadasa’s politics, killings, etc. but as regards increasing the nation’s wealth he did well. His 1 million houses by 2000 movement changed lives without pawning the country though it failed to achieve the target.
Hopefully Sajith will carry out these good policies forward. Our best sniper’s family was homeless and landless until he gave them a house with a plot of land. They were homeless for 6 years while we celebrated war victory for years.
This doesn’t mean I support Sajith for presidency as our binery thinkers might think. It means the next president must appreciate economics, curtail borrowings drastically and carryout relevant development works that touches the lives of the masses without pawning future generations. When we became the grainery of the east, we didn’t borrow money. Even the British left us with a positive net foreign reserve position.
March 14th, 2018 at 7:26 pm
If the borrowings are spent for capital works that will return income in the future and it increases the future nalue of the assets then current deficit is not a problem in the long run.
March 14th, 2018 at 10:01 pm
You said: “GDP is not very relevent to the wealth of Sri Lanka as it runs a trade deficit consistently. For instance, if A earns $1 million a year and spends $2 million, and if B earns $100,000 and spends $90,000, B is getting richer while A is getting poorer.”
I AGREE with Christie: It depends on how the money is SPENT by A.
If A spends the funds on WASTEFUL CONSUMPTION then you are right.
Note that I sad WASTEFUL CONSUMPTION. Not ALL CONSUMPTION is WASTEFUL. For example the money spent to feed and educate a bright student so he can enter lucrative employment in the FUTURE is not wasteful; it is an investment in his career that will bear fruit in the FUTURE.
Alternatively, if A spends on INVESTMENT in various activities and valuable things (eg. Building a well-managed prpfitable business, buying valuable Capital Assets (Land, Houses, Commercial Buildings, Capital Infrastructure … Private or Govt) that either hold their value or increase in their VALUE (i.e. yield Capital gains), or RETURN a PROFIT on the invested Capital (e.g. an INTEREST that exceeds the inflation rate), that INVESTMENT will be as useful as the SAVINGS of the SAVER B.
Mahinda SPENT the money he borrowed MAINLY on BUILDING National INFRASTRUCTURE and on INCREASING the Human Capital Assets of the Country. These are INVESTMENTS that …if well managed …. will yield RETURNS that far exceed those of inactive non-capital investments such as lending the funds on INTEREST.
In your example, A could end up being FAR RICHER than B DEPENDING on HOW HE SPENT THE MONEY.
I know that very well through PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.
In my youth, after having completed my Education without borrowing at all, and after I began working, I borrowed funds heavily for investment in business activities outside my regular employment. During most of that period, my loans greatly exceeded my assets, but my investment income was sufficient to service my loans. while the VALUE of my investments MULTIPLIED by orders of magnitude. Very soon, even my investment income multiplied.
As a result, in the long term, my WEALTH GREW FAR LARGER than if I had always spent ONLY MY OWN SAVINGS. In other words, I behaved like A, not B, in your example, the only CAVEAT being that success depended on HOW I SPENT THE MONEY I BORROWED! If I spent it on Wasteful CONSUMPTION I would have destroyed myself; but that was NEVER the case because I borrowed the funds only to INVESTMENT in projects I was confident of turning a good profit.
Mahinda’s EXPENDITURES were like that. I APPLAUD HIM & his UPFA Govt for having the INTELLIGENCE, the COURAGE and the EFFICIENCY to make a success of it! If we as a Nation do not take SUCH WELL-CALCULATED RISKS, we would FOREVER remain hewers of wood and drawers of water while other more ENTERPRISING and RISK-TAKING Nations empty the well!
The Yamapalanaya MUTTS DO NOT UNDERSTAND THESE THINGS AT ALL! They TOOK CHARGE of a FINELY-TUNED National Economy and WRECKED IT giving meaning to the saying that the Lunatics Began Running the Asylum!
March 14th, 2018 at 10:01 pm
If Mahinda is garbage as dentist Rajithaya says people wouldn’t have gone in thousands to see him to medamulana when he lost the election? People like Rajithaya, Champaka,soysa and some of the others who tarnished the image of this kalu Sinhalaya Mahinda Rajapaksa will have to find caves to hide in the near future because people in this country will definitely give them a good answer by rejecting them for ever from the political arena.
Mahinda never promises anything if he cannot provide it but Ranil is other way around. He promises sun and the moon both just to get votes. He never thinks of tomorrow. He promises everything as per the situation and the crowd he face at the particular day and time. Mahinda has a vision but not this bank robber. If we need to have a prosperous, peaceful decent country in the future we need to bring back Mahinda Rajapaksa back to power. Sinhalaya and Buddhism will be safe only under his government. SRI lanka our home is not for sale or to conquer by any extremists or any country. We are bound to protect this blessed land with our precious lives for the sake of our future generations.
March 14th, 2018 at 10:38 pm
Dear Dilrook,
You said “Even the British left us with a positive net foreign reserve position.”
The British may have left Ceylon with a positive Foreign Reserve Position, but they left the nation in the hands of a Westernized, largely Christian and Tamil elite from which the majority Sinhala Buddhist people were largely EXCLUDED and worse, NEGLECTED!
In other words, they DID NOT INVEST for the long term benefit of the Nation consisting of the majority of its people, but only of its Colonial agenda.
Their POSITIVE FOREIGN RESERVE POSITION did not measure either WEALTH or the POVERTY of the Nation that is of BURNING INTEREST to us Bhoomiputrayas of Lanka.
The INVESTMENT to INCREASE the Human and Capital WEALTH of the Nation was left to be ACHIEVED by the post-1956 Governments led largely by SWRD’s SLFP. The Human & Capital WEALTH that was CREATED from 1956 to the present is reflected in many financial and quality of life indices that both you and I are well aware of.
Perhaps the most important fact is that the majority of our people are now reasonably well educated, well fed, well housed, well employed and well treated compared to their condition prior to 1948, and to the current condition of the citizens of most of our neighboring countries in South Asia.
Given that we emerged from a DEBILITATING civil war incited and fostered by foreign countries only 9 years ago, I view our achievements in INCREASING our HUMAN & CAPITAL WEALTH as creditable.
March 15th, 2018 at 1:40 am
The example refers to consumption which is more than earning (just like Sri Lanka). Since 2012 we are unable to service the loans and they keep piling up.
I agree the British did vast damage to the island. But imagine they leaving us with a massive forex deficit and debt for an extensive rail and road network, excellent professional, administrative and legal system (which we ruined), etc.