Archive for March 28th, 2018

Why should all countries except Muslim-majority countries be multi-cultural, multi-ethnic or multi-faith

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

If there are international laws, international standards & application of international laws & standards equally to all, then one ethnic group cannot claim to be exclusive from its application where they are a majority but demand & enjoy these standards where they are a minority. Multiculturalism became a liberal fad that is fast losing its […]

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SLFP proposes ‘broader national’ govt. without Ranil as Premier

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

By Shamindra Ferdinando Courtesy  The Island March 27, 2018, 11:03 pm The SLFP yesterday proposed a broader coalition sans UNP leader and PM Wickremesinghe to implement President Maithripala Sirisena’s 2015 mandate. Addressing a packed SLFP auditorium at T. B. Jayah Mawatha, Social Empowerment, Welfare and Kandyan Heritage Minister S. B. Dissanayake said the no-confidence motion (NCM) moved […]

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UNP crisis, SLFP choices & Sri Lanka’s endless political karmic cycle

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

By Dr. DAYAN JAYATILLEKA Courtesy  The Island March 27, 2018, 8:43 pm A great liberal of the Kennedy era and top intellectual of the JFK administration, Arthur Schlesinger famously wrote that the US was doomed to fail in Vietnam because US policy in Vietnam was trapped in an eight sided box. Similarly UNP is trapped in […]

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JO alleges MPs offered Rs. 100 mn each to vote against no-faith motion

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

By Shamindra Ferdinando Courtesy  The Island March 27, 2018, 11:04 pm Members of parliament have been offered as much as Rs. 100 mn each to oppose the no-confidence motion (NCM) moved against Prime Minister and UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe, Joint Opposition (JO) heavyweight MP Dallas Alahapperuma alleges. Matara District MP Alahapperuma said so at a public […]

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We have no National Policy to combat bribery and corruption right now

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

By Sandun Jayasekara Courtesy The Daily Miorror The Dailymirror discussed bribery and corruption, its prevention and prosecution of suspects with the Director General of the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption (CIABOC), Sarath Jayamanne PC. Excerpts:  Q The public, the media and politicians charge more often than not that the CIABOC has failed to bring before the […]

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Judicature (Amendment) Bill is nothing but political vendetta

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

By Kelum Bandara Courtesy The Daily Mirror Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) Chairman Prof. G.L. Peiris, in an interview with Daily Mirror, discusses the implications of the Judicature (Amendment) Bill. Prof. Peiris shared the following:- Similar offences charged against different people must be tried upon the same system New Bill is against the principles of equality Criminal […]

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President takes away CB from PM and gazettes under FM

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

Courtesy The Daily Mirror In an Extraordinary Gazette issued today, President Maithripala Sirisena moved two key institutions; the Central Bank and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC); which were under the National Policies and Economic Affairs Ministry headed by the Prime Minister, back to the Finance Ministry. The Gazette Notice, which bears No: 2064/26 said […]

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Glaring omission of US brokered 2010 TNA-SF ‘pact’ ‘Sri Lanka: The New Country’

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

 By Shamindra Ferdinando Courtesy  The Island March 27, 2018, 8:38 pm Veteran Indian journalist Padma Rao Sundarji’s ‘Sri Lanka: The New Country,’ authored during the tail end of war-winning President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s second term, expertly dealt with Sri Lanka’s conflict that was brought to a successful conclusion, in May 2009. Rao, who had been to the […]

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