In northern Sumatra, there are a lot of descendants of Sinhalese transmigrated by the Dutch there to work in plantations
Posted on March 29th, 2018

Alvin Trisnadi Courtesy:  QUORA

Actually Sri Lanka /Ceylon was once part of Dutch dominion in Asia. It was seized by VOC from the Portuguese, and the Dutch ruled for over a century (1640–1796) until replaced by the British.

In northern Sumatra, there are a lot of descendants of Sinhalese transmigrated by the Dutch there to work in plantations. The Dutch also used Ceylon to exile insurgents from Indonesia like Amangkurat V/ Sunan Kuning.

Have the Dutch ever been tried before an International Military Tribunal for having committed crimes against humanity in Dutch colonies such as Indonesia and Ceylon?

Was there prejudice in appointing a Dutch academic to the panel of judges of the Tokyo War Crimes instead of an Indonesian, given that Japan invaded and occupied Indonesia but never the Netherlands?


Why were Asians reduced to a nominal minority on the panel of Judges at the Tokyo War Crimes Trial, whose composition was overwhelmingly European (8 out of 11), and conducted in respect to ‘war of aggression’ waged more or less within Asia?


What would have been the verdicts if the Defendants in the Nuremberg and Tokyo War Crimes Trials were tried before a panel of neutral judges drawn from countries that had not waged war against the Axis powers?


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