Former UN Rep Exposes Sri Lanka’s Hidden Viceroy
Posted on March 31st, 2018

එළිය Eliya

Former UN Rep Exposes Sri Lanka's Hidden Viceroy

Former UN Rep Exposes Sri Lanka's Hidden Viceroy2018.03.13

Posted by එළිය Eliya on 20. mars 2018

3 Responses to “Former UN Rep Exposes Sri Lanka’s Hidden Viceroy”

  1. Christie Says:

    July 1983 was a well planned butchering of unarmed Sinhala officers by the Indian trained armed financed managed and branded Tamil Tigers by India.

    The plan was simple.

    They butchered 13 Sinhalese officers working in Jaffna. Then burned their own shops in Colombo and used it to mislead the West and to go to the West as refugees.

  2. Christie Says:

    The simple Indian curry recipe attack the West and blame West and help Indian Colonial Parasites to proper materially, politically and power.

  3. NAK Says:

    Thank you TK Very good analysis.
    Lanka web please publish a translation for the benefit of the Sinhala readers.

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