Pakistan brings to Sri Lanka relics of the Buddha from a 3 rd.Century BC stupa in Taxila
Posted on April 29th, 2018

By  Courtesy NewsIn.Asia

Sri Lankan Minister for Buddha Sasana, Gamini Jayawickrema Perera along with Parliamentarians, the  High Commissioner of Pakistan Dr. Shahid Ahmad Hashmat as well as senior monks, high ranking government officials, religious scholars, received the holy relics on April 28. The Curator of Taxila Museum, brought the relics.

Pakistan brings to Sri Lanka relics of the Buddha from a 3 rd.Century BC stupa in Taxila
(High Commissioner of Pakistan, Dr. Shahid Hashmat handing over the Sacred Relics to Minister for Buddha Sasana Hon. Gamini Jayawickrama Perera)

The exposition of the relics will commence at Gangaramaya Temple and the Temple Trees on April 29. Thereafter, it will be exhibited in leading temples across the country until May 16.

Dharmarajika Stupa in Taxila

The relics will be in Colombo for a four-day exposition from April 29 to May 2. After that the Relics will be taken to Wellampitiya, Kalutara, Galle, Matara, Kurunegalla, Anuradhapura and Kandy. The relics will be brought back to Colombo on May 16.

These relics are part of a collection in Taxila (Takshila) which is kept at one of the most important archaeological sites in Asia, the Taxila Museum.

The relics were originally discovered near the Dharmarajika Stupa, the earliest and largest Buddhist complex at Taxila, which was built in the 3rd century BCE to enshrine the redistributed holy relics of the Buddha by the famous Mauryan king Asoka who was also known as Dharmaraja for his services to Buddhism.

Dharmarajika was excavated by Ghulam Qadir in 1912-16 under the direction of Sir John Marshall and also A.D. Siddiqui in 1934-36.

Buddhism owes a great deal to the ancient land of Pakistan. It was here that Buddhism reached its climax through well-organized missionaries who ultimately made it a world religion.


2 Responses to “Pakistan brings to Sri Lanka relics of the Buddha from a 3 rd.Century BC stupa in Taxila”

  1. Nimal Says:

    Who cares about relics that has no significance. Those days of people worshiping stones, crosses and even animals a so called relic was good business. What is important is the great teacher’s teachings not their body parts? One day when people are more matured and advanced then they will realize it’s absurdity. One can’t fool the people all the time.
    I think I am blessed in my life with material things because at the age of 10 my burgher friends and I protested when the Chinese brought a wild boar tooth to Kandy and our silly people gave up their farms and jobs queuing up from early morning to see this and the same Chinese attacked the Buddhist temples in Lhasa in Tibet. I felt in me that the great teacher blessed us.

  2. Lorenzo Says:


    LEARN to respect other people’s beliefs whether you AGREE OR NOT.

    Who are YOU to judge! These INNOCENT beliefs HARM NO ONE.

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