මහින්ද පාර්ශවයේ යෝධයෝ
Posted on May 18th, 2018
ඇම් ඩී පී දිසානායක විසිනි
රජයෙන් ඉවත්වු 16 දෙනා තවමත් තෙපරබාමින් කල් මරති. මේ 16 දෙනා රතුපළස විල්ළුද දමා ඉමහත් සතුටින්, දුර දිග නොබලා, කලබලවී, මහින්ද බලකොටුවට ඇතුලත් කර නොගැනීම ගැන අපේ ඉමහත් සතුට පළකරමු
මෛත්රී ළඟ වැදවැටී සිටින මේ සරණාගතයන් නැවත ඇමති කම් ලබා පව්සමා කරගනු ඇත.
මොවුන් සුර සැප විඳිද්දී විමල් සිරබත් කෑවේය . මොවුන් සුර සැප විඳිද්දී බැසිල් සිරබත් කෑවේය. මොවුන් සුර සැප විඳිද්දී උදය සිරබත් කෑවේය. මොවුන් සුර සැප විඳිද්දී රණවිරැවන් තවමත් සිරබත් කන්නේය. මොවුන් සුර සැප විඳිද්දී ඝෝඨාභය රාජපක්ශ දඩයම දිගටම දියත් වන්නේය.
May 18th, 2018 at 7:28 pm
Be patient with the 16. Their vote is decisive in defeating the new constitution.
May 18th, 2018 at 9:41 pm
Dear MDP not only this 16 rattlesnakes but more and more we need to topple this treacherous Yamapalanaya government so be patient. Mahinda or anybody in pohottuwa doesn’t like or love those miserable 16 but we need them at this hour to stop these traitors in Yamapalanaya. Anyhow most of these ugly politicians out of 225 will not be in the next parliament for sure. The people in this country are fed up with these scoundrels and most of them will be defeated in the next general election 100%. My prediction will be Gota our next president and Mahinda is our next prime minister 200 % bet. If batalanda Ranil or appa Sira comes forward it will be one horse race for pohottuwa. No one is popular and intelligent like Mahinda and Gotabaya to rule my country. We need a strong leadership to stand up for evil forces within and outside. Let’s work hard to make it happen.
May 19th, 2018 at 2:00 am
Ranjit I understand what you say, but SB,Dilan Perera and Jayasiri and the rest are hypocrites, SLPP can do without them. If they are sincere they could have asked to join the SLPP straight away. But as it is they are on the fence waiting for offers of Ministries. Better not bother with them. We should not precipitate about a Presidential candidate . Let the SLPP make the choice at the correct time. It need not necessarily be a Rajapakse, but we will have to have Rajapaksas as they are genuine patriots and with persons with political visions which they can put in to practice.
May 20th, 2018 at 9:05 pm
Charles Mahinda cannot be the same Mahinda he used to be during 2005-2014, he should change now. He should change his old habits of helping his own, covering the thieves etc and start thinking new. He should produce a new vision for the country and appoint the best of best qualified professionals to high positions and start building a new country for all citizens to live freely and comfortably as human beings. Old is gold but leave them and take new young energetic qualified individuals and encourage them to build a new Lanka. He should not take 🐸 frogs and make achcharu again. We need leaders who loves this nation.