Rajitha Factually Incorrect: Dead Tamil Terrorists Not Children of Mother Lanka
Posted on May 18th, 2018
Dilrook Kannangara
Rajitha made another joke recently saying dead Tamil terrorists were also children of Mother Lanka. It is not true. They were never sons and daughters of this nation. In fact, they did their very best to murder Mother Lanka and thankfully failed. They were self-admitted children of a mythical nation called Tamil Eelam. Their dream nation was buried along with them.
At least 35% of Tamil terrorists were citizens of the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. They were never citizens of Sri Lanka. There is no record of them living or dying in Sri Lanka.
Tamil terrorists killed 28,589 service personnel and 10,228 civilians. In total 38,817 Sri Lankans were killed by Tamil terrorists and this is the total number of Sri Lankans who sacrificed their lives for the nation. All victims of Sri Lanka’s legitimate forces and pro-government paramilitaries don’t deserve to be called Sri Lankans.
No one takes Rajitha seriously. However, he must not make a fool of himself with this type of misstatements. Sri Lanka is not a refuge of stateless people no matter how sympathetic the local population may be towards them.
May 19th, 2018 at 5:51 am
“At least 35% of Tamil terrorists were citizens of the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. They were never citizens of Sri Lanka. There is no record of them living or dying in Sri Lanka.”
This is what nobody in authority wants to spell out as you have done.
May 19th, 2018 at 6:39 am
All High Caste Tamis are Indian Colonial Parasites.
The Dalits of Ceylon called Sakkiliyas are the Sinhalese who lived in the North before the arrival of Indian Colonial Parasites on the back of British.
May 20th, 2018 at 1:39 am
All drealamist tamils aren’t children of Mother Lanka. Dutch and British brought them to work in tobacco plantations and
tea plantations. The rest are kallathonis who crossed the waters to save their lives from the severe famine in tn in the
60s. Today? These ungrateful, never Sri Lankan, never happy, never can have enough whose loyalties and hearts are in tn
want their them only drealam in Sri Lanka while living in all parts in the country comfortably. These treacheries coming
from the religions of conveniences they believe in which don’t regard killing, lying, stealing, sexual misconduct, drug
abuse as sins while all honest people in the world including all the law courts do.
These ungrateful drealamists job has
been made easier by the anti Sri Lanka, anti Buddhist, anti Sinhalese catholic run UNPatriotric_rats who divide the
Sinhalese and make the natives pariahs in their own country. What is more today Sri Lanka is run by the biggest traitor
ever in the history of the country anti Sinhalese, anti Buddhist, anti Sri Lanka portuguese national Batalande
Wandakaya r@ni_leech wickrama Sinhala killer who is ready to do anything to destroy Buddhist, Sinhala and the
Sinhalese race at every opportunity.
Until Sinhalese fools get rid of these anti Sinhalese,
anti Buddhist, anti Sri Lanka UNPatriotic_rats these drealamist foreigners will beat their separatist drums. Sinhala
modayas ever going to do it? Most of these Sinhala modayas either think it’s so fashionable to call themselves
UNPatriotic_rats or to line up their pockets support these murderous, thieving low lives. This low life parajithaya has
ambitions to be the president one day and it has started licking the backs of tamils and mussies. With a few lies
Sinhala modayas going to vote for the low life and it knows one day it can get there. After all, traitor chief die hard
catholic token Buddhist mega thief mega thakkadiya bay gal karaya walking crime bomb with the timer set for 10-20
years Batalande Wandakaya pol pot r@ni_leech wickrama Sinhala killer has shown how easy it is to fool Sinhala