Removing Wesak from the (Wesak) Vaishakha month
Posted on May 29th, 2018

Ramanie de Zoysa

Dear editor,

Today is Wesak full moon day; it is Wesak for the United Nations and it is Wesak for the other few Buddhist countries – namely Thailand, Myanmar and Laos- but not for Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan Buddhists have been conned into removing Wesak from the full moon day of May- is this to accommodate the growing aggression of the 12 Muslim ministers within the NGO paid Sri Lankan Government? Sri Lanka Muslim is now offended by the Buddha statutes by the roadside and pirith chanting in the temples while no one condemns the use of loudspeakers to do the call to prayer 5 times a day. Quran demand that idol worshipers be beheaded during Ramazan – is this the precursor to that?

Day of Vesak Observances

Holiday currently only shown for years 2000–2049.

Weekday Date Year Name Holiday Type
Thu May 27 2010 Day of Vesak United Nations observance
Tue May 17 2011 Day of Vesak United Nations observance
Sun May 6 2012 Day of Vesak United Nations observance
Sat May 25 2013 Day of Vesak United Nations observance
Tue May 13 2014 Day of Vesak United Nations observance
Mon Jun 1 2015 Day of Vesak United Nations observance
Fri May 20 2016 Day of Vesak United Nations observance
Wed May 10 2017 Day of Vesak United Nations observance
Tue May 29 2018 Day of Vesak United Nations observance
Sun May 19 2019 Day of Vesak United Nations observance

Sri Lankan citizenry that was on a mission to remove the leader who delivered freedom from terror have gone silent. We took the release of Tiger terrorists from prisons without a whimper; we said nothing while most of our war heroes were sent to prison some on death row for killing Tiger terrorists; our silence was deafening when army camps were dismantled and land handed over to Tigers (some returned from hiding overseas); more silence when Buddhist priests were hounded and thrown in jail; tails were between our legs when the Provincial Councils started banning the erection of Buddhist temples in the North or East or even when roadside Buddha statues were being routed in the rest of the country for fear of Muslims being ‘offended’; we have nothing to say when out heritage landmarks in the North and East are being dozered; we pretend not to hear when the native rain forests are being sold to Islamic colonisers from the Middle East; Sinhala youth such Amith Weerasinghe has been jailed for ‘racism’ and has been brutally beaten up in secret for the crime of speaking up about the Islamic rape and colonisation of the Sinhala country. 20th amendment to the Constitution is being hauled in to remove the only obstacle to carving out the country into Eelaam and the Eastern Caliphate. In short, we are more or less where we were when the Tamil terrorists were pummeling us in their heyday!

What do we do as Sinhala Buddhists to protect our land, people and culture?

We need to start from the beginning- we need to start with Mavil Aru and end in Nadikadal- again!

Mavil Aru today has a different name- its Colombo! and the address is C/-o the Parliament. Let’s start with the two enemy chiefs- Ranil and Maithree!

Ramanie de Zoysa

4 Responses to “Removing Wesak from the (Wesak) Vaishakha month”

  1. Hiranthe Says:

    Beautifully crafted work.

    Thank you Ramanie for bringing up the frustration we all have within ourselves.

    We are back to square one… Totally agreed!!

  2. Christie Says:

    If this Vesak thing continues we will have our Vesak in April again?

  3. Ratanapala Says:

    We must catalogue all things this Buddhist hating administration have done since coming into power – their promises and deeds. This should be given wide publicity. Best thing is to open up a Blog to which all can contribute with what they know.

    All these things did not happen per chance. They are all calculated measures to undermine the very foundations of Sinhala roots and thereby all of Sri Lanka.The things the Christian UNP has done in collusion with the ‘Stooge President’ to undermine the Buddhist establishment in Sri Lanka is legion. So let us catalogue them to educate the ‘idiot’s in Sri Lanka who voted for ‘change’.

    Remember Lichchavi Palanaya
    Sangha Kathikawatha
    Promise to have a Sangayanawa
    Encroachement into the temple earnings
    Destruction of places of historical and archealogical value

    Thatiya rath wechchi welawe rotiya hadanna giya toyyo tika , than rotiya anguru karagena, gale’ paharapu puuso wage kegahanawa!

  4. Caesar Says:

    Dear Ramanie,
    Excellent compilation and I wrote concern much ahead of the Wesak on this forum. My heart felt thanks to you, while share the same opinion of the conspiracy against we Sinhela Buddhists. I wish to be connected with you and I am from the Kandyan Wimaladharmassoriya blood line, great grand child of Devendra Mulachari clan.

    We have a mission by duty on the Motherland, Our Hela Nation and Buddha Saasana. I appeal you to connect with us on ; for further communication. Just send an email to the above and you will be connected to my personal email for confidentiality.
    – Casesar

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