Archive for June, 2018

ප්‍රභාකරන් සාධකය පිලිබඳ මනෝ විද්‍යාත්මක විශ්ලේෂණයක් 

Saturday, June 30th, 2018

වෛද්‍ය රුවන් එම් ජයතුංග විසින් ලියන ලද ප්‍රභාකරන් සාධකය පිලිබඳ මනෝ විද්‍යාත්මක විශ්ලේෂණයක් නම් කෘතිය ගොඩගේ ප්‍රකාශකයන් විසින් එළි දක්වා තිබේ.   මෙම කෘතිය හරහා වේළුපිල්ලේ ප්‍රභාකරන් තුල තිබූ නායකත්ව සාධක මෙන්ම ඔහු තුල තිබූ සමාජ විරෝධී පෞරුෂ ලක්‍ෂණද පෙන්වා දෙනු ලබයි. මෙම පොත පිලිබඳ අදහස් දක්වන විශේෂඥ මනෝ වෛද්‍ය සරත් පඞුවාවල ප්‍රභාකරන් සාධකයේ සැඟවුනු […]

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ඉඳුරුවෙන් උපන් මහා ප්‍රාඥයයා – ‘නුතන කළමනාකාරිත්වයේ පියා’ – ආචාර්ය දේවප්‍රිය සෝමදාස බණ්ඩාරගේ  මහතා, අභාවප්‍රාප්ත වී අදට වසර 9යි.

Saturday, June 30th, 2018

ජයවීර  එම් කුමාරසිංහ ආචාර්ය දේවප්‍රිය සෝමදාස බණ්ඩාරගේ මහතා (ආචාර්ය D.S. බණ්ඩාරගේ) ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ පිරිස් කළමනාකරණයේ/නුතන කළමනාකරණයේ පියායි. එතුමා අභාවප්‍රාප්ත වී මෙම ජුලි මස 1 වෙනි දිනට වසර 9ක් පිරෙයි.  අභාවප්‍රාප්ත ආචාර්ය D.S. බණ්ඩාරගේ මහතා පිළිබඳව කෙටි ගුණ කථනයක් මෙසේයි: නිදහස ලැබීමෙන් අනතුරුව 1960 අග භාගය පමණ වනතෙක් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ බහුජාතික සහ අනෙක් විශිෂ්ට ගනයේ ලා සැලකිය […]

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ගෝඨා කවුද?

Saturday, June 30th, 2018

මාගම්පුත්‍ර උපුටාගැණීම  මව්බිම ගෝඨාභය පිළිබඳ බෙහෙවින් කතාබහට ලක්වන වෙනත් කාලයක් තිබුණේ නැති තරම්ය. ඒ තරමටම ආණ්ඩු පක්ෂයේ බහුතරයකුත් විපක්ෂයේ බහුතරයකුත් ගෝඨා ගැන කතා වෙන්නේ රටේ තීරණාත්මක කාලවකවානුවකදීය. “ජනාධිපතිවරණයට එන්නේ ගෝඨා” “ගෝඨා එන්නෙ නෑ. එන්නෙ බැසිල්” “මහින්ද තමයි තීරණය ගන්නෙ. සමහර විට මධ්‍යස්ථ කෙනෙක් වන චමල්ව දාන්න පුළුවන්” “බැසිලුත් නෙවෙයි, ගෝඨාත් නෙවෙයි, ශිරන්තිව දාන්නත් පුළුවන්” “ඔය කවුරුවත් […]

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Gammanpila reveals of a conspiracy to arrest Gotabhaya (English)

Saturday, June 30th, 2018

Gammanpila reveals of a conspiracy to arrest Gotabhaya (English)

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China responds to allegations in New York Times article

Saturday, June 30th, 2018

Courtesy Adaderana The Chinese Embassy in Colombo today issued a statement in response to the allegations levelled in an article published by The New York Times with regard to the deal made with the Sri Lanka Government to take over the Hambantota Port. The Embassy has noticed the New York Times’ article published on June […]

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China says NYT article on massive contribution to Rajapaksa’s poll campaign fund is full of falsehood

Saturday, June 30th, 2018

Courtesy NewsIn.Asia Colombo, June 30 ( The Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka said in a statement on Saturday, that the New York Times article of June 25 saying that the Chinese company which built the Hambantota port had given US$ 7.6 million to the 2015 election fund of the then President Mahinda Rajapaksa was full of falsehood. It […]

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Sri Lankan navy to shift its Southern Command to China-run Hambantota port

Saturday, June 30th, 2018

Courtesy NewsIn.Asia Colombo, July 1 (ECONOMYNEXT):  Sri Lanka will move its southern naval headquarters to the Hambantota port which is leased to a state-run Chinese firm under a billion-dollar deal, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe’s office said. Wickremesinghe has made it clear in his talks with Chinese leaders that Hambantota port will not be allowed to […]

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Does recovery of arms from former LTTE cadres indicate revival of Tamil insurgency in Sri Lanka?

Saturday, June 30th, 2018

By D.B.S. Jeyaraj/Daily Mirror Courtesy NewsIn.Asia The 21 km-long Puthukkudiyiruppu-Oddusuddan road progressing through the hinterland of North-Eastern Mullaitivu District, links Puthukkudiyiruppu on the A-35 Paranthan-Mullaitivu highway and Oddusuddan on the A-34 Mankulam-Mullaitivu highway. It was along this road that a trusted deputy of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)supremo Velupillai Prabhakaran was killed by the […]

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රන්ජන් රාමනායක කියන්නේ ගල් පැලෙන බොරු බව නිවුයෝක් ටයිම්ස් කියයි..

Saturday, June 30th, 2018

 lanka C news පසුගිය ජනාධිපතිවරණයේදී චීන සමාගමක් විසින් මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ මහතා වෙනුවෙන් ඩොලර් මිලියන 7.6ක් වියදම් කර ඇති බවට තමන් විසින් සම්පාදනය කරන ලද වාර්තාව සම්බන්ධයෙන් නියෝජ්‍ය ඇමති රන්ජන් රාමනායක මහතා විසින් කරන ලද ප‍්‍රකාශයන් සත්‍ය නොවන බව නිවුයෝක් ටයිම්ස්හි ඉන්දීය මාධ්‍යවේදීනි මරියා අභිබබ් කියා සිටී. ඇය විසින් සිට ට්වුටර් ගිණුමේ සටහන් කර ඇත්තේ තමන්ගේ […]

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Friday, June 29th, 2018

Dr. Daya Hewapathirane With the emergence of the Bodu Bala Sena”  initiative, our motherland is witnessing a strengthening of the Sinhala Buddhist revivalist movement which was spearheaded  by the late, Most Venerable Gangodawila Soma Thera. The Bodu Bala Sena is a movement  under the leadership of a highly distinguished, accomplished and deeply patriotic group of […]

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ඔනරබල්‍ ,වෙනරබල් සහ වල්නරබල්

Friday, June 29th, 2018

වෛද්‍ය රුවන් එම් ජයතුංග අපි ඔවුන්ට පඩි ගෙව්වෙමු   නවීන වාහන අරන් දුන්නෙමු   ඔවුන්ව නඩත්තු කලෙමු  ඔවුන් ඔනරබල්‍ ය    අපි තව සමහරක්ට කන්නට දුන්නෙමු   ඔවුන්ට සැප පහසු ගෙවල් සදා දුන්නෙමු   දිව්‍ය ලෝක සැප පතා තුට්ටු දෙක පූජා කලෙමු   ඒ අය වෙනරබල් වෙති    අප දිවා රැය කඹුරන්නෝ වෙමු  තුන්වේල කන්නේ […]

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මහින්ද වෙනුවෙන් චීනය පෙනී සිටී.. නිවුයෝක් ටයිම්ස් වාර්තා බේගල් බව කියයි.. බීජිං පාලනය කිපුනොත් ලංකාවට ආර්ථික කුණාටුවක්..

Friday, June 29th, 2018

 lanka C news පසුගිය ජනාධිපතිවරණයේදී මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ හිටපු ජනාධිපති වෙනුවෙන් ඩොලර් බිලියන 7.6ක් ලබා දුන් බවට ඇමරිකානු ‘නිව්යෝර්ක් ටයිම්ස්’ පුවත්පත පල කරන ලද වාර්තාව චීනය විසින් ප‍්‍රතික්‍ෂෙප කරයි. එම වාර්තාව කිසිදු පදනමක් නැති මෙන්ම නිවැරදිද නොවන බව පවසන මෙරට චීන තානාපති කාර්යාලය සදහන් කරන්නේ එහි අඩංගු තොරතුරු පක්‍ෂපාති බවයි. තව දුරටත් අදහස් පල කරමින් චීන […]

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New York Times restates Washington’s anti-China agenda in Sri Lanka

Friday, June 29th, 2018

By Wasantha Rupasinghe  Courtesy World Socialist Web Site 29 June 2018 On June 25, the New York Times published a lengthy front page article entitled How China Got Sri Lanka to Cough Up a Port.” The more than 3,800-word piece repeats the usual allegations manufactured by the Times, and other media conduits for Washington’s foreign policy propaganda, about growing Chinese influence […]

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Condemning a Venerable Buddhist Monk to rigorous Imprisonment points to a much needed reform in the Sri Lanka Legal System.

Thursday, June 28th, 2018

By Charles S.Perera After Independence in 1948, it took 8 years  before SWRD Bandaranayike thought that there should be a meaningful change in independent Sri Lanka, consisting not only the rich and well placed,  but also the Monks, physicians, teachers, peasants and workers. By then lot of damage had already been done to stop Sri […]

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Thursday, June 28th, 2018

Dr. Daya Hewapathirane In recent years, Muslim extremists, evidently influenced by the Wahhabi form of Islam, have started a campaign to disrepute and undermine Buddhism, Buddhist Bhikkhus and the Buddha Sasana which is the foundation of the national culture of this nation. In parallel, these Muslim extremists are propagating within Sri Lanka, life-style, education system […]

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Dr. Gunathillake’s Daily Mirror article about Glypohosate adjuvants and their toxicity.

Thursday, June 28th, 2018

By Prof. Chandre Dharmawardana. I have seen this and previous publications by Dr. Gunathilleke and some of his friends regarding the claimed toxicity of the glyphosate-based  herbicides, in spite of its safe record extending over 4 decades, and the most recent study on 90,000 farmers exposed to glyphosate formulations for over 23 years, with no […]

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Killing a mosquito with a cannon

Thursday, June 28th, 2018

ROHANA R. WASALA Courtesy The Island June 28, 2018, 10:20 pm Sasanka Perera, a sociology professor at New Delhi’s South Asian University and its vice-president, uses a cannon to kill a mosquito (‘Pining for Hitler’/The Island/June 27, 2018). The funny thing is that there isn’t even a mosquito to kill in this case. He marshals his […]

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Wew (Irrigation Reservoirs) ) reconstruction by soldiers is the most effective way of promoting reconciliation among communities. Opposing it means opposing reconciliation

Thursday, June 28th, 2018

Gallege Punyawardana. Opinion Wewa ((Irrigation Reservoir)) in Sinhale is the source of culture and the stream of civilization of this country. Wewa is the pivot around which everything in the village rotates. It is the kingpin that keeps the entire socio-economic machine of this country functioning. Practising wew culture is an ideal way of reconciliation. […]

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President sought my support for No-faith Motion against PM-Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa

Thursday, June 28th, 2018


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Ajith Nivard Cabraal refutes New York Times report

Thursday, June 28th, 2018

ARTHUR WAMANAN Courtesy Ceylon Today Former Governor of the Central Bank, Ajith Nivard Cabraal has refuted claims made in a recently published article in the New York Times which had stated that Sri Lanka was placed in a debt trap by China due to the loans obtained for various development projects. The New York Times (NYT) […]

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New York Times exposes its own hypocrisy with cartoon of Trump & Putin as gay lovers

Thursday, June 28th, 2018

Danielle Ryan Courtesy RT A recent cartoon produced by the New York Times depicts Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin as gay lovers. It was clearly intended to be hilariously funny while also making a salient political point. In reality, it does neither. The cartoon is part two of a three-part series called ‘Trump Bites’ from critically-acclaimed animator Bill […]

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People’s lives are more insecure now than during war – Shehan Semasinghe

Thursday, June 28th, 2018

By Charunya Rajakaruna Courtesy Adaderana People’s lives are more insecure now than when it was the LTTE war times, says Joint Opposition MP Shehan Semasinghe. He said this at a press conference held in Colombo, today (28). He also said that the current government is following a lazy policy regarding the underworld and that 15 murders have […]

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මහින්දට චීනයෙන් ඩොලර් මිලියන 7.6ක් දුන්නාද නැද්ද.. හරියටම දන්න තුන්දෙනා මෙන්න.. දෙන්නෙක් අදත් ලංකාවේ..

Thursday, June 28th, 2018

lanka C news පසුගිය ජනාධිපතිවරණයේදී මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ හිටපු ජනපතිට චීනය විසින් ඩොලර් මිලියන 7.6ක් ලබා දුන්නේ යයි නිවුයෝක් ටයිම්ස් පුවත්පත විසින් සිදු කර ඇති වාර්තා සම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම අසත්‍ය බව ඒකාබද්ද විපක්‍ෂය පවසයි. එහි පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත‍්‍රී කාංචන විජේසේකර මහතා පවසන්නේ මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන් නිවැරදිව තහවරු කර ගත හැකි පුද්ගලයන් තිදෙනෙකු සිටින බවයි. එවකට සන්ධාන මහ ලේකම් සුසිල් පේ‍්‍රම්ජයන්ත්, […]

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Who would pay a billion dollars to takeover a dud? – Cabraal

Thursday, June 28th, 2018

By Charunya Rajakaruna Courtesy  Adaderana Former Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal, in latest statement regarding the New York Times article titled How China got Sri Lanka to cough up a Port”, points out that it was a ‘two-pronged’ attack on China and Sri Lanka. This reporter wishes to show China as a really terrible country which […]

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China-funded Confucius Institutes meet in Colombo with an eye on the future

Thursday, June 28th, 2018

Courtesy NewsIn.Asia Colombo, June 28 (  The Chinese government-funded Confucius Institutes and Centers in Asia met here on Wednesday to evaluate the  work done so far and chalk out plans for a brighter future. The 2018 Conference of Partial Confucius Institutes in Asia held at the BMICH and the Universities of Colombo and Kalaniya, took […]

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Cabraal says New York Times article is ‘fake’ news

Thursday, June 28th, 2018

By Yusuf Ariff Courtesy Adaderana Former Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Ajith Nivard Cabraal, has refuted the allegations made in a recent article published by The New York Times, referring to it as ‘fake’ news which has violated the truth and a gross misrepresentation of facts. The New York Times article dated 25 June […]

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Ceylon Parsis on the road to extinction!

Thursday, June 28th, 2018

By Tuan M. Zameer Careem Courtesy Ceylon Today Sri Lanka is home to people belonging to different ethnic groups, who have lived on this island for several centuries. These ethnic groups and their distinct cultures are interwoven into Sri Lankan cultural tapestry and have each made significant contributions to Sri Lanka’s unique cultural diversity. Howbeit, many […]

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Furore over Anunayake Thera’s ‘Hitler’ remarks: sound and fury signifying nothing  

Wednesday, June 27th, 2018

By Rohana R. Wasala A cogent piece of advice given by Ven. Wendaruwe Upali , the Anunayake Thera of the Asgiriya Chapter to Gotabhaya Rajapaksa  in the course of a 30 minute long anushasanawa (sermon) at the conclusion of an alms giving ceremony held at his residence at Mirihana to invoke blessings on him  on […]

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Whither Buddhism in Sri Lanka

Wednesday, June 27th, 2018

Janaka Perera Today, Buddhism in Sri Lanka faces its biggest challenge since independence. The reasons are complex.  Over the past two decades many Sinhala Buddhists both among the laity and the clergy have been losing their bearings making them vulnerable to dubious internal and external forces. They are the two fronts on which concerned Buddhists […]

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India named as most dangerous country for women

Wednesday, June 27th, 2018

Courtesy Times (UK)  India is the most dangerous country in the world for women, according to a study by the Thomson Reuters Foundation. More than 500 experts on women’s issues took part in a survey covering areas such as healthcare, discrimination, cultural traditions, sexual and non-sexual violence and human trafficking. Not enough was being done […]

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