The President queries Bank Scam.
Posted on June 1st, 2018
The President Sirisena queried whether late Ven Madoluwawe Sobhitha thero wanted the Central Bank to be robbed within the 100 Day program of Yahapalnaya Government, when he addressed the memorial meeting held recently to remember the Ven Thero.
The country is awaiting eagerly to ascertain who ordered the robbery and who handled the looting operations and who shared the booty. The President, in his role as the great pacifier had again resorted to drawing a red herring by citing VenThero when there is sufficient evidence to identify the responsible white collar crooks.
The scale of the robbery has left a big hole in the country’s finances when she lost Rs 15 billion directly and the primary dealer the Perpetual Treasuries made a profit of Rs 40 billion in a period of six months –a rate of profit being 1853%- and the said primary dealer was extended a loan of Rs 66 billion by a state institution. The story of the wounded economy should include the losses incurred by the Central Bank and the Provident Fund too. The scam was first detected in March 2015 and it has taken more than 4 years for AG’s department and others to establish the facts. Ranil prophetically said in 2015 what bond? Is it James Bond!” Now, the Sri Lankans too are increasingly getting used to realize that there was no bond robbery as there are no robbers. The final scenario in the Ranil’s James Bond story will depict how the lotters will continue to live happily by selling a dummy to the public.
It is up to the President who is the executive arm in the Government, to set the ball rolling by being more active while questioning and directing the AG’s department and other legal institutions to file action to punish the vandals who remain in Sri Lanka and who aided and abetted to carry out this great bank robbery. If they await for the main culprit to arrive on his own to Sri Lanka to start the legal proceeding of the bank scam it will be a case of going further and fare worse.
June 1st, 2018 at 11:51 pm
We must not let the memory Central Bank Bond Scam die without the perpetrators brought to book and monies recovered. What needs to be highlighted is that preparations for the Bond Scam predated the actual crime date by many months and many minds went into its planning and formulation before it was finally executed artfully on the 27th Feb 2015. Those behind the planning and the final execution through bringing the Central Bank part of the Finance Ministry under the purview of the Prime Minister, the appointment of Arjun Mahendran, the resignation of Arjun Aloysius from Perpetual Treasuries just in time to evade culpability are part of the Bond Scam. This story must be kept alive by bringing up this saga every now and then the culprits and the chief organisor himself – Ranil Wickramasinghe is made to face the law.
In Spain the prime minister resigned when his party was implicated in a corruption scandal. Why cannot the same happen in Sri Lanka? Ranil Wickramasinghe must face the legal music for robbing the entire nation and for other acts of traitorous activities during the last 3 and half years. Sirisena too should not be let go lightly, for he too however idiotically allowed the use of his office for this scandalous scam and other traitorous schemes brought forward by Ranil and his willing idiots of the Unity Government. These includes those from the UNP and the SLFP, who supported and raised their hands in parliament to sanction approval for these crimes against Motherland.
June 2nd, 2018 at 4:39 am
I am watching a Beatle that had fallen into the aquarium and desperately trying to climb up the glass surface, only to keep falling back into the water. Reminded me of the plight our Prez and PM are currently in.
June 2nd, 2018 at 6:23 am
It is Sirisena who appointed Mahendran.