හිරගෙදරදී ඥාණසාර හිමිට සිවුර ගලවා ජම්පරය අන්දවන්න එකම යුද්දයක්..
Posted on June 14th, 2018
lanka C news
අධිකරණය විසින් බරපතල වැඩ ඇතිව වසරක සිර දඬුවම් නියම කරන ලද බොදු බල සේනා සංවිධානයේ මහ ලේකම් පූජ්ය ගලගොඩඅත්තේ ඥාණසාර හිමියන්ට බන්ධනාරගාරයේදී ජම්පරය ඇදීම ප්රතික්ෂෙප කර ඇත.
තම සිවුර ඉවත් කලොහොත් උපවාසයක නිරත වන්නේ යයි උන් වහන්සේ සදහන් කර ඇති බවද වාර්තා වෙයි.
උන් වහන්සේ සිවුර පමණක් ඉවත් කර අදනකඩයට උඩින් සුදු රෙද්දක් පොරවාගෙන සිටින බවද දැනගන්නට ඇත.
කෙසේ වෙතත් බන්ධනාගාර නීතීය වන්නේ සියළු සිරකරුවන්ට ජම්පරය හා කමිසය ඇන්දවීමයි.
June 14th, 2018 at 4:10 pm
No law has rights to direct a punishment against a Monk however he me be wrong or otherwise.
Besides the charge against the thero was not a criminal one. There was enormous attempts on him to be eliminated by Muslims and they won it with the Sirisena. This is not only thero, but jailing Sinhelaya as a whole and great defeat to Sinhelaya.
Sinhelaya the owners of the Hela land has no power any more.
That is the bottom line.
June 14th, 2018 at 6:33 pm
No priest is above the law.
Nanasara is the one used by India and Indian Colonial Parasites of the country to alienate Muslim and Christian voters who are Sinhalese from voting Mahinda \.
June 14th, 2018 at 7:36 pm
A sad day, if he is forced to wear jumpers. The charge I believe is threatening a woman who was not even living with the traitor Ekneliga at the time of disappearance in front of the magistrate. Should we tolerate a traitor or his supposed to be wife?. I understand the woman is an NGO going around the world to shame SL. Judiciary should command respect by being impartial in the eyes of the public. From what is happening in the other cases we can see that even convict of non bailable offences are being allowed bail and some are even allowed to travel freely around the world.
They should understand what NGOs trying to do by making the country unstable and act accordingly. I hope the ven. monk will receive a presidential pardon immediately and avert a dangerous situation in the country.
June 14th, 2018 at 8:17 pm
What was the punishment given to traitor Ehelepola’s wife by our last king?. The woman was killed not because the king was a tamil. But because it was the punishment for a traitor and these were our customs then. I believe in the eyes of most Sinhalese the husband is a traitor and deserves the same treatment.
June 14th, 2018 at 8:57 pm
Eknaligoda and Nanasara are both two sides of the same coin.
Both living off Indian and Indian Colonial Parasites funds and working for them.
June 14th, 2018 at 11:09 pm
Indeed, it is a sad day. His behavior is completely un-Buddhist but Buddhism was punished by forcing him to wear a jumper instead. He could have been a hero without wearing the noble robe.
June 17th, 2018 at 7:07 am
When the British imprisoned the Ven. Wariyapola Sumangala for pulling down the English flag just before the Kandyan Convention of 1815 was signed, the British did not remove his robes.
Similarly when the British executed the Ven. Kudapola Thera for his alleged role in the 1848 Matale uprising he was not ordered to remove his robes.
So why is it in supposedly independent Sri Lanka a bhikku found guilty by the courts for abusing a woman have to be disrobed?.
June 17th, 2018 at 5:24 pm
Allow me to point out the unpopular view.
If he has a problem with the court decision, he must appeal. Court decision must not be changed in fear of protests. The president must not pardon him. If Prageeth has done a crime he should have been prosecuted in a court of law. Since that didn’t happen, he remains innocent. Killing an innocent is a crime. No one can make remarks against his wife and/or children that violate the law.
Now we will see the real culprits behind Prageeth’s fate and those behind the BBS. Some action of BBS (may be done in good faith) severely affected minority support for Mahinda.
June 17th, 2018 at 7:01 pm
Argument here is not about whether a monk should be punished or not. (Anyone including the President should be punished- most presidents still alive should be in jail)
It is about removing his robe. In fact, he can serve the nation and religion better without robes, but removing robes in jail is WRONG,