Gnansara will be used to split Sinhala Buddhist vote in 2019 – Major Ajith Prasanna
Posted on June 23rd, 2018

Courtesy The Island

Last week, Attorney at Law and political activist Major Ajith Prasanna addressing a media conference in Colombo made a startling revelation. He stated that since the yahapalana government came into power, many members of the armed forces have been arrested and remanded or held in detention but that Galagodatte Gananasara had not attended any of the court hearings pertaining to those cases. He said that he was making that statement with authority because he himself had attended courts on every single occasion when anybody belonging to the armed forces had been arrested by this government and that no one even representing the Bodu Bala Sena had been present at those hearings but that Gnanasara had come for one hearing relating to the Prageeth Ekneligoda disappearance and made a scene in courts probably with the intention of courting action against himself. What Major Ajith Prasanna was implying was that Gnanasara had used this opportunity to bring himself back into the limelight and to win the sympathy of at least a section of the Sinhala Buddhist masses.  He stated that an ordained monk cannot be unaware that nobody can shout at witnesses inside a court house and expect to get away Scot free.

At the 2015 parliamentary election, the Bodu Bala Sena fielded a list against the UPFA and when President Rajapaksa was asked about this during his interview on Derana TV, he said that they have been deployed by their masters to deprive the UPFA of at least a few Sinhala Buddhist votes. Major Ajith Prasanna also stated during his media briefing that the yahapalana government and their foreign patrons were preparing to use Gnanasara in yet another operation to deprive the Rajapaksa camp of some Sinhala Buddhist votes at the 2019 presidential election. If he was to contest as a candidate at a presidential election, Gnanasara would need a political ‘make over’ and that this was what was happening  with this whole drama surrounding the jailing of Gnanasara.

In fact Gnanasara has never attended a hearing against any armed forces personnel even after this incident at the Homagama Magistrate’s court, which does seem to give credence to Major Ajith Prasanna’s argument. This in a way highlights the predicament that Ganansara now faces which we explained in the main body of this article. He rose to prominence through thuggery and has no way of maintaining that prominence by any other means, without constant street appearances to create trouble. Such appearances carry a risk because the state authorities would be compelled to take action against him as we saw in the episode last year, where he had to be in hiding for some time and then to come out only after arriving at an understanding with the government where he was granted bail by three different courts on the same day. For one such bail hearing, Gnanasara had come with a DIG who had told courts that the police will not object to bail. Major Ajith Prasanna said that on this occasion the Magistrate had sarcastically asked the DIG whether they accorded the same privileges to other suspects as well.

So what we have here is a monk having to resort to extreme measures to stay in the spotlight. Getting himself jailed for six months to gain prominence is all a part of the game. Besides, there is not much risk in getting arrested for a relatively minor offence because the actual time he will have to spend behind bars will be minimal. When the Magistrate handed down the sentence, he was taken to jail but when he files an appeal, he will be out again on bail. And the appeal will be heard over a long period of time. The end result of all this is that after 2015, Galagodaatte Gnansara is once again in the limelight and Major Ajith Prasanna may be right when he says that Gnanasara’s next contract may be contesting the next presidential election to take some Sinhala Buddhist votes away from Gota. Which brings us again to the unenviable position that Gnanasara finds himself in of being a hit man in robes. He has still not been able to break away from the role that Champika Ranawaka assigned to him many years ago, according to Dilantha Vitanage’s testimony.

2 Responses to “Gnansara will be used to split Sinhala Buddhist vote in 2019 – Major Ajith Prasanna”

  1. Christie Says:

    Dilantha the man from CeyNor knows what Indian and Norway do.

    Nanasara did a great job for India and Indian Colonial Parasites by alienating Muslims and Christians who are Sinhalese from Mahinda and the Indian Parasite block vote making Sirisena the President.

    Now he has started dividing the Sinhala Budhists.

  2. Nimal Says:

    I doubt the good Sinhala Buddhists will take him serious.So nothing to worry.

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