මහින්ද වෙනුවෙන් චීනය පෙනී සිටී.. නිවුයෝක් ටයිම්ස් වාර්තා බේගල් බව කියයි.. බීජිං පාලනය කිපුනොත් ලංකාවට ආර්ථික කුණාටුවක්..
Posted on June 29th, 2018

 lanka C news

පසුගිය ජනාධිපතිවරණයේදී මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ හිටපු ජනාධිපති වෙනුවෙන් ඩොලර් බිලියන 7.6ක් ලබා දුන් බවට ඇමරිකානු ‘නිව්යෝර්ක් ටයිම්ස්’ පුවත්පත පල කරන ලද වාර්තාව චීනය විසින් ප‍්‍රතික්‍ෂෙප කරයි.

එම වාර්තාව කිසිදු පදනමක් නැති මෙන්ම නිවැරදිද නොවන බව පවසන මෙරට චීන තානාපති කාර්යාලය සදහන් කරන්නේ එහි අඩංගු තොරතුරු පක්‍ෂපාති බවයි.

තව දුරටත් අදහස් පල කරමින් චීන තානාපති කාර්යාලය සදහන් කරන්නේ පුද්ගලික ආයතනයක වාණිජ කටයුත්තක් මත පදනම්ව වූ වාර්තාවක් බැවින් රාජතාන්ත්‍රික කරුණූ දැක්වීමක් සිදු කිරීමේ අදහසක් නොමැති බවයි.

මේ අතර දේශපාලන නිරීක්‍ෂකයන් පවසන්නේ මෙම සිදුවීම සම්බන්දයෙන් චීන රජය වෙතද එල්ල වන චෝදනාවන් බීජිං පාලනය විසින් නොඉවසනු ඇති බවයි.

ඒ සම්බන්ධයෙන් චීනය විසින් දක්වන සුළු හෝ ප‍්‍රතිචාරයක් ශ‍්‍රී ලංකා ආර්ථිකය මත කුණාටුවක් සේ බලපානු ඇති බවද ඔවුනගේ අදහසයි.

2 Responses to “මහින්ද වෙනුවෙන් චීනය පෙනී සිටී.. නිවුයෝක් ටයිම්ස් වාර්තා බේගල් බව කියයි.. බීජිං පාලනය කිපුනොත් ලංකාවට ආර්ථික කුණාටුවක්..”

  1. Christie Says:

    The leading woman who wrote this article for NYT is of Lebanese and she operates from Delhi.

    So it is time NYT do some investigations of its own affairs.

    But then Indians in USA have more money than the owners of NYT. Or may be that A shares of NYT are owned by Indians.

  2. aloy Says:

    Chinese were our friends. They helped us many a times when we needed help. The rubber rice pact that paved the way for our people to meet the shortfall in rice production and the help we got in defeating the enemy and then the backing we got at the UN are examples. When we were children we have seen Chinese traders roaming our villages with bundles of clothes on their heads. They are essentially a peaceful trading nation then and now. They were confined to their boundaries by the then powerful western nations. They have been able to break the shackles and come out. They are doing various things not to get caught in another trap. What they are doing in South China sea is just that. How ever no condition is permanent. Todays friend can become tomorrows enemy. Therefore we must have our own safeguards. While allowing them to run Hambanthota port like what they are doing in Colombo, we must prevent the situation where they will bring a huge naval force and try to occupy the area by force in not too distant future. They did it once when Malacca straight became free. They came with a big naval force of some sixty odd ships and took our Kotte king and his royal clan prisoners. Their descendants are living in China to this day.
    Why we have to give the control of the port for 100 years with provisions for another 100 years baffles me. This should be the work of Paskaralingam and the crowed. Why we have to allow them to bring in a million of Chinese and also give 15000 hectares space for industries. Surely this is not national planning; this is planning for destruction. Our greedy politicos have been taken for a ride.
    Today one does not need hundreds of hectares for industries. Industries such as manufacture of electronic components which are the building blocks of other industries can be done in high rise buildings. I will provide an example by giving a link at the end. We can do same in our Orion city. The Dutch guy in the video moved to Taiwan in the year 2000 without a cent but managed to build an industry which is at the forefront of technology. You can see fresh graduates of Taiwan engaged in programing ( most probably standard chips such as MSI for different applications) and testing them before shipping. Our people should be able to do even better provided correct leadership is given.
    Both Singapore and Malaysia do not have heavy industries. But they have been able to make headway by producing various electronic parts and exporting them. Malaysia was able to bring Motorola which is a leader in this technology. I understand they first wanted to set up the facility in SL but did not come probably because someone asked a huge bribe.
    I post another link to a video where a similar thing is being done in SL since 1995 producing same thing over and over again without much value addition to my mind.


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