Posted on July 9th, 2018

By Noor Nizam – Convener – “The Muslim Voice”, July 9th., 2018.

This is in response to an article written in the, a very popular web news forum/social media publication in the internet. The article had the below given heading.

முஸ்லிம்களுக்கு இத்தனை அநியாயங்கள் என்றால்..? முஸ்லிம் எம்.பிக்கள் தமது ‘பிடியை’ இறுக்க வேண்டும். -எம். ஏ. எம். நிலாம்-

Translation to English: If there is so much ill-treatment to Muslims – Muslim MP’s should tighten their grip.

By M.A.M. Nilam.

Sunday, July 08, 2018  Jaffna Muslim

By Noor Nizam – Convener – “The Muslim Voice”, July 9th., 2018.

The writer wishes to stress the following as an awareness and information to the Muslim vote bank to be alert of these moves by Muslim politicians who are trying to deprive the Muslim vote bank and the younger generation of making their political decisions that are beneficial to the Muslim Community at large and which can bring about a “CHANGE” in the structure of the political hierarchy of the Muslims in Sri Lanka.

The above comment (heading published by Mr.A.M. Nilam is an indication that the Muslim Community is undergoing changes.

Why is the SLMC, ACMC, National Congress shouting high and low saying that the Muslims will loose many of their seats in the Provincial Councils if the PC elections are conducted under the new system/proposal? This is because THEY will loose their hold on the MUSLIM VOTE BANK and will be left in the lurch by the humble Muslim Voters who have been cheated and Hoodwinked all this while. Muslim voters who are tired of these Muslim Parties will vote Muslim candidates of the national Political Parties to create their democratic brokerage candidates who may be young and dedicated and public /community minded rather than be selfish and self-serving.. The PC elections held under the new system/proposal will give a CHANCE TO NEW BLOOD OF THE MUSLIM VOTE BANK TO CONTEST UNDER ANY NATIONAL PARTY AND REPRESENT THE MUSLIMS THROUGH THOSE PARTIES, Eg: UNP, SLFP, SLPP, JVP or any party of their choice. The Muslim Vote Bank should not oppose the PC elections held under the NEW SYSTEM/PROPOSALS, Insha Allah. “THE MUSLIM VOICE” appeals to all Muslim Voters to OPPOSE MUNAAFIKK RAUF HAKEEM AND RISHAD BATHIUDEEN AND RANIL, MANO GANESAN AND THE TNA ON THIS ISSUE. THEY SHOULD SUPPORT MATHRIPALA SIRISENA’S PROPOSAL TO HOLD THE PC ELECTIONS UNDER THE NEW SYSTEM/PROPOSAL. “THE MUSLIM VOICE IS NOT A FAN OF MAITHRIPALA SIRISENA, BUT TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE CHANGES AND BENEFITS THAT THE NEW SYSTEM WILL BRING TO THE YOUNG GENERATION OF THE MUSLIM VOTE BANK AND THE COMMUNITY, THIS WILL BE THE BEST CHOICE ALHAMDULILLAH, Insaha Allah.

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