Prof. Channa Jayasumana’s shocking revelation: Darusman panel’s 40,000 figure was plucked from what Ranil Wickremasinghe said in 2008!
Posted on October 15th, 2018

Prof. Channa Jayasumana has made a startling revelation & one that will add to the already increasing embarrassments the UNHRC is facing. We have all been wondering from where this 40,000 figure that was battered across mainstream media came from & first officially quoted by the Ban Ki Moon personal panel. Initially, it was thought the figure was copied from the media drama associated with Srebrenica ‘genocide’. Same figures – same war crimes /genocide allegation drama. But Prof. Channa Jayasuma using wikileaks cable from the Colombo US office as evidence shows that the figure of 40,000 was FIRST quoted by then Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremasinghe in 2008 & the Ban Ki Moon personal panel simply copied the figure and Wickremasinghe’s ‘as many as 40,000’ deaths became ‘may have’ died. The most hilarious part of this quote comes that it was made by the Opposition Leader on 11 January 2008 to the Co-Chairs & other ambassadors.

Prof. Channa Jayasumana’s revelation was made to a packed audience at a meeting organized by Eliya in which he had asked the Tamil Diaspora in Geneva the source of the 40,000 dead & when pressed they had quoted the Prime Minister. It was as a result of this claim that Prof. Jayasumana sought the wikileaks cable to discover that the figure of 40,000 did in fact originate from none other than Ranil Wickremasinghe.

Prof. Channa Jayasumana refers to the wikileaks cable 08COLOMBO62_a titled OPPOSITION LEADER PROVIDES GLOOMY ASSESSMENT TO CO-CHAIRS” following a meeting he had with Co-Chairs & foreign envoys on 11 January 2008 (1 ½ years BEFOR the conflict ended in May 2009)

The US embassy issues the communique on 16th January 2008 – 5 days after Ranil Wickremasinghe’s meeting and on the very same day that the 2002 ceasefire was abrogated by the GOSL.

The US Communique is issued to: Defense Intelligence Agency France / India – Chennai & Delhi / Japan Tokyo National Security Council / National Security Council Norway / Secretary of State Slovenia / US Mission to European Union in Brussels / United Nations in Geneva / United Nations New York / United States Pacific Command

This means that the UN system, UN office in New York & India were well aware that Sri Lanka’s Opposition Leader was predicting a figure of 40,000 deaths as far back as in January 2008.


At the said meeting on 11 January 2008 then Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremasinghe had also discussed the following with the Co-Chairs & Ambassadors

  • Criticizing Rajapakse government for abrogating the 2002 Cease Fire Agreement
  • Criticized Rajapakse government for not coming up with a devolution package
  • Human rights abuses
  • RanilW predicted a military solution with thousands of casualties & IDPs
  • RanilW claimed to have consensus candidate for constitutional council which would remove president’s appointment & enable commissions to function independently
  • RanilW berated the delay in APRC proposals by Rajapakse government which would go beyond the 13a.

For then Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremasinghe to quote a figure of 40,000 there has to be a valid basis.

The Liberation of the East began in July 2006 & ended in July 2007. The liberation of the East would not have commenced had the LTTE not closed the Mavil Aru sluice gates denying water to thousands of Sinhala & Muslim villages. In what can be said as asking for trouble the armed forces were ordered to open the sluice gats on 28 July 2006. Asking for further trouble, the LTTE began attacking the armed forces from multiple fronts & this led to the security forces deciding to liberate Sampoor on 24 August 2006 which ended on 4 September 2006. With the liberation of Vakari, Batticoloa Bowl, Thoppigala & Trincomalee North the entire Eastern Province was liberated from the LTTE by 10th July 2007. Elections were held for the Northern Provincial Council on 10 May 2008. Throughout the liberation of the East, except for highlighting plight of the displaced there was no claims of excessive civilian casualties that prevented the armed forces proceeding with their quest to liberate the north.

The operation to liberate the North commenced on 5 March 2007.

Poignant to note is the report of the Norwegian Refugee Council covering period April 2006 to April 2007 by Kavita Shukla who claims deaths of 4000 (four thousand) throughout this period. She also highlights 60,000 Muslim IDPs living in Sri Lanka’s western Puttalam district who had been displaced for 17 years! What is interesting about the report is that while it highlights with figures on the displaced it does in no way claim figures of deaths.

When the Opposition Leader met up with Co-Chairs & envoys in January 2008, he had to have a valid basis to claim 40,000 likely deaths and from this report it is baffling how he could even come up with a figure for Kavita Shukla does not cite thousands of deaths in th liberation of the East which was complete by July 2007. What it means is that the 40,000 figure by Ranil W would have been just a figure quoted without any basis & hijacked by the Darusman panel since the figure was floating through the UN system & among foreign envoys!

While none of us take the personally appointed 3 member panel report infamously known as the Ban Ki Moon Panel – Darusman Report seriously, we now have further reason to discard it in the light of it hijacking the 40,000 figure from the present Prime Minister who made the claim in January 2008, one and a half years before the conflict ended in May 2009. Now we know why former envoy Robert Blake too quoted 40,000 figure to the US Congressional Hearing Committee.

The lies & hypocrisies surrounding Sri Lanka’s conflict are many all out of jealousy & revenge for eliminating a terrorist movement that helped a handful of people thrive.

Plucking out a figure – 40,000 and battering it without basis is a shameful act & everyone that has used this figure without any evidence should feel ashamed.

Shenali D Waduge (listen to Dr. Channa Jayasumana in Sinhala)

40,000 පචයේ උපත; රනිල්ගේ අනාවැකිය2008 ජනවාරි 11 දින නැගෙනහිර කොටි පරාජය කර තිබියදී උතුරේ සටන ඇරඹීමට පෙර ඇමරිකානු, යුරෝපීය සංගම්, ජපාන සහ නොර්වේ තානාපතිවරු හමුවේ රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහ මහතා, උතුරේ සටන නිසා සිවිල්වැසියන් 40,000 මිය යා හැකි බවට අනාවැකියක් පළ කර ඇත. ඒ බව ඇමරිකානු තානාපති කාර්යාලය 2008 ජනවාරි 14 දින උදෑසන 11.30 ට වොෂින්ටනයට යැවූ 08COLOMBO62_a දරන කේබල් පණිවිඩයේ සටහන්ව ඇත. විකිලීක්ස් වෙබ් අඩවිය මේ කේබල් පණිවිඩය ප්‍රසිද්ධ කර ඇත. පසුව දරුස්මාන් වාර්තාවේ සහ තවත් තැන්වල 40,000 අගය සදහන් කර ඇත්තේ මේ ප්‍රකාශය පදනම් කරගෙනය. ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට එරෙහිව ජිනීවාහි නැගෙන ප්‍රධාන චෝදනාව ශ්‍රී ලංකා රාජ්‍යය මැදිහත්ව (state mediated) ක්‍රමානුකුල ලෙස (systematically) දෙමළ වැසියන් 40,000 මරා දැමීය යන්නයි.ආචාර්ය චන්න ජයසුමන මහතා(එළිය වැඩසටහන: හෝමාගම 13.10.2018)

Posted by අදීශ නිකේෂල ඉසුරුනාථ on Sunnudagur, 14. október 2018

11 Responses to “Prof. Channa Jayasumana’s shocking revelation: Darusman panel’s 40,000 figure was plucked from what Ranil Wickremasinghe said in 2008!”

  1. dhane Says:

    Excellent research Prof. Channa Jayasuma. Why not you, Rear Admiral Sarath & Nagananda Kodithuwakku and others get together and save our mother Sri Lanka from all these UNP, SLFP, JVP etc. Voters are fed-up with all these bunch of political thieves big or small.
    Ranil’s father Esmond when he was the chairman of Associated Newspapers [Lake House] he ruined the Company. Finally Lake House was Nationalized and Esmond started his private businesses ‘Varna Printing, Sithara Printing Ink,, “Sitha Music” etc with the robbed money from Lake House. Like father Ranil had already ruined Sri Lanka. Are we going to look-up without taking any action??

  2. ranjit Says:

    I agree with Dhane in his first paragraph sincerely. They are good people. They are wise and intelligent and have clean records but they too need a leader to guide them and for the country in whole to go forward and bring prosperity and freedom isn’t it? All those 225 should get out and allow decent educated young and old individuals who loves this land, Buddhism and the people with clean records to take over and govern if not Armed forces must take over and disciplined the place within two years and hand over back to a civilian government.
    We need a leader with guts, a leader who has the backbone to stand up for any Sunami from the outside world and within. We need a workaholic who solve problems not a person who runs away from problems. I think a person like Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s has the courage and stamina to do a good job as a leader and all those patriots who talks on behalf of our country in the world stages without any doubt will support this war hero I mentioned in my view. So let’s work for it and hope a better future for our blessed land as soon as possible.

  3. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Tratiro chief die hard catholic token Buddhist bay gal karaya mega thief mega thakkadiya walking crime bomb
    (against Sinhalese Buddhists, Sri Lanka and Buddhism only) Batalande Wandakaya Pol Pot r@ni_leech wickrama
    Sinhala killer will do anything to destroy Buddhism, Sinhalese race and Sri Lanka to please its ardent supporters
    tamils, mussies and catholic west. Batalande Wandakaya gave its fullest support to its catholic buddy barrel man
    hitller mala paharan to establish a catholic tigers of tamil drealam in the N&E. Wandakaya with its norwegian
    backers gave half the country on a plate to its buddy. Still drealam project didn’t work. Then Wandakaya sent
    Millennium City intelligent officers to catholic tigers of tamil drealam bullet to expedite the cause. Wandakaya and
    traitor UNPatriotic_rats saying war is unwinnable and kept sacrificing Sinhalese lives for nearly 30 years.
    Wandakaya even ridiculed the army saying they fighting for a useless jungle (Thoppigala). Its catholic buddy
    Ravi k ridiculed the army saying going to Pamankada and claiming going to Alimankada. That is how traitor
    anti Buddhist, anti Sri Lanka, anti Sinhalese fought the catholic tigers of tamil drealam.

    The traitors simply didn’t
    want to fight the real terrorists. But Sinhalese Buddhist jaathidrohee vermins’ party aka jvpers? They were
    brutally massacred, tortured by the Batalande Wandakaya and its catholic police top brass. Wandakaya used to
    say, I shay these central college guys are like organic chicken! knowing they were the core Sinhalese coming from rural areas. Batalande Wandakaya knows Sinhalayas are
    modayas and with one big lie they will start voting for the traitors. So the murderous, thieving gang of traitor
    UNPatriotic_rats win election, murder, murder (Sinhalese Buddhists only), thieving, thieving, mayhem, mayhem
    and disappear for a few years to enjoy the loot. Then come back with some brand new mega lies and again
    plunder, plunder, murder, murder. Development? What devlopment, never heard the word! Sinhala
    modayas never learn! Do they?

  4. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Please click on the following links to see Batalande Wandakaya and its traitor UNPatriotic_rats treacheries
    (only some of them). You can’t see these in so called Buddhist Sri Lanka (on paper) where all the media
    is run by UNPatriotic_rats party’s henchmen.

  5. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    This may be the reason why the Government of Sri Lanka is refusing to submit British High Commission’s report as disclosed by Lord Naseby to the UN.
    Lord Naseby told WION’s Mandy Clark how he went about the onerous task of accessing confidential reports compiled by none other than London’s own Defence Attache present in Sri Lanka during the infamous last phase of war in 2009. And came up with some startling discoveries.

    “I’ve tracked the war carefully because I just couldn’t believe these official figures – they didn’t stack up to the information I was getting,” Lord Naseby told WION. “So I then invoked our freedom of information inquiry”. (Equivalent to India’s RTI).

    “I asked for the dispatches sent by our Defence Attache to our foreign office during the last days of the war. The application was refused twice by our foreign office. I then applied directly to the information commissioner – which is my right – and got 26 pages of redacted dispatches. Missing were the last six weeks of them. So I appealed again. And lo and behold, another 12 arrived. I went through them very carefully.

    And in there, there was more than enough evidence that no one in the Sri Lankan government had said anything about killing any civilians at all. That was not the objective of the exercise. And from our Defence attache’s dispatches, I thus gleaned that about 7000 were probably killed. And even (the Attache) says that about a quarter of those killed were possibly Tamil Tigers (LTTE), because they’d thrown away their uniforms.”

    Classified documents were not Lord Naseby’s only source. He asked university experts who are “traditionally left-wing.” They, too, told him that 7000 casualties was their estimate. There was other evidence too, like what US ambassador to Sri Lanka, Robert Blake, had named a tentative casualty figure: about 5000, a few days before the end of the war.

    The reasons for western nations targeting Sri Lankan governments and its armed forces and threatening them with dire – usually economic – consequences – are not hard to understand. Sri Lanka is reeling under external debt and thus has an arm that is particularly easy to twist at this time.

    About 9,50,000 Sri Lankan Tamils fled their country to settle overseas during the 30 years of war. Many rose to positions powerful enough to dictate to local members of parliament in their overseas constituencies. Add to that the huge attractiveness of the island-nation of Sri Lanka, its bounty of natural resources and its highly strategic location at the crossroads of oil shipping lanes in the Indian Ocean.

  6. Charles Says:

    Strange rhat Dilrook has not jumped in still to make his “objective” comment.

  7. aloy Says:

    We must give the devil its due.
    How come a statement during a casual conversation Prof. Jayasumane had with an eelamist become so controversial?. I was listening to his speech and thought that the professor has become irrational. If, RW as the opposition leader, did a guess work in 2008, and said about 40,000 would be killed, how can that figure be the actual casualties?. If Darusman report accepted that figure and reported to UN, then that should be sufficient to throw the report to the dust bin. This is what they should take up with UNHCR and not attack RW at home.

  8. Randeniyage Says:

    RANIL = LTTE no doubt.
    But selling country to India to win elections is worse.

  9. Christie Says:

    Darusman report is in fact was a product of Yasmin Sooka an Indian Colonial Parasite from South Africa.

    Nawanathan Pillayan is another Indian Colonial Parasite from South Africa.

    Tamils and other Indian in our country are Indian Colonial Parasites.

    Man Ki Moon’s daughter is married to an Indian.

    What other evidence you want for 40k+

  10. ranjit Says:

    This bank robber Ranil is a rat who had close relationship with LTTE terrorism and terrorist organisation. We saw how he handled the war and how he helped them to murder our war heroes and what he promised them through out the war. Chandrika saw what this rat is going to do to our sovereignty and to our democracy by signing illegal deals with the terrorists and dissolved the government on time at that time. This rat has done more harm to our country than any other politician in history. He acts like a free happy go lucky bachelor without any concerns for his party or the country. His Royal college other gang members enjoys the luxury with him and plays with our lives looting the government coffer’s as they pleased without any shame at all. This gang of thieves are responsible for the current situation and has to pay a big price for their crimes against our people in the future for sure. We will never spare this guy this time. He must and should be brought to justice along with his gang of robbers who were responsible for the Central bank bond scam. He is pain in the ass for his party as well as for the country. Citizens mustn’t trust this storyteller anymore.

  11. Charles Says:

    aloy Darusman committe was imprisoned within the UNO and could not go out to get any relevant information. Therefore they must have gone on all reports and statements they could lay their hands on to prepare an acceptable report. And a 40 000 figure of possible deaths in a war with terrorists would have attracted their attention…….and found it a suitable figure to accuse the Armed Forces for killing civilians at the last phase of the military operations against terrorists.terrorists

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