Comments on Chathuri Dissanayake’s article on “RW mourns fate of democracy – Warns public confidence in parliamentarians at an all-time low –  Insists world is watching, damage to Sri Lanka’s democratic reputation on the line ”  
Posted on November 18th, 2018


 Dr Sudath Gunasekara

RW mourns fate of democracy – Warns public confidence in parliamentarians at an all-time low –  Insists world is watching, damage to Sri Lanka’s democratic reputation on the line 

By Chathuri Dissanayake  17.11.2018. Financial Times

A deeply moved MP Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday lamented over what he termed as the ‘destruction of Sri Lanka’s democracy’ by parliamentarians loyal to MP Mahinda Rajapaksa and condemned their actions while pledging to restore democracy.

This is a blow to democracy; it is a blow to all of us who are voters in Sri Lanka in whom the sovereignty lies,” Wickremesinghe told reporters after Parliament was adjourned.

This disgraceful incident – the incident that shamed the whole nation – must be condemned in the harshest possible terms. The people of this country did not give us their vote to behave like this. We will work to restore democracy and order,” he added.

Wickremesinghe pointed out that the behaviour of parliamentarians are recorded in history and the part they play in preserving or destroying the democracy of a country could be noted around the world.

There was one incident in Spain when a group in the Spanish army surrounded the Parliament, but then the Parliament convened and the King intervened and ordered the army to disperse. Because the majority of the army supported the Government, they dispersed. But after that, this is the only other incident. Remember that. That is how the world will remember this. This group will go down in world history.”

Wickremesinghe, who appeared deeply shocked by the incidents in Parliament. Such a warned that such displays would severely undermine public faith in both the institution and its representatives deterioration in confidence could hollow out a longstanding system of governance and lay the foundation to chaos, he said.

These are the people we have voted in. Who will be responsible for this? What will the citizens think if this is how they behave in the Parliament? Who will approve of such behaviour? If this is how they will behave in Parliament, what will the people think of the Parliament and democracy? That is what was damaged today. The wounds of Jayawickrama Perera, Vijitha Herath and Malik Samarawickrama will heal, but what about the damage to the country?” he questioned.

Thanks to the decision taken by the Speaker today (Friday), we were able convene. According to convention, the Speaker can convene Parliament whenever he wants,” he said, insisting that Speaker Karu Jayasuriya had discharged his duties within the mandate that was given to him under the legal framework of Sri Lanka.

If we behave like this, what is the fate of this democracy?”

My comments

Mother Lanka and a Nation mourns, with hands clasped on her head for  the unprecedented destruction and devastation  done to her over the past 70 years by the unpatriotic and slavish politician who have transformed a heaven on earth  in to a virtual hell in nadir and the untold misery and inconvenience cause to them by these politicians under the pretext of good Governance from  Jan 2016 to Date.

Sudath Gunasekara 17.11.2018.

To be more precise I will comment on each statement RW has made to this London based anti-Sinhala, ant- Buddhist, anti Sri Lankan but pro-Tamil and pro LTTE Newspaper which has a worldwide circulation

First and foremost I would say RW is spitting on his own face first looking upward and that of the Sri Lankan Nation second, as he is despising his own country, his own people and his own Parliament without realizing what he is actually doing

It is very true as he says ”this is disgraceful” But on his part  to condemn his own people and country while not realizing that like the Gamarala who went round in the whole village  as to from where the stink smell comes from not realizing that it is from   his own Amude for which he alone is responsible and accountable. As such the incident that shamed the whole nation that has to be credited to his own account must be condemned in the harshest possible terms as he himself admits, by the whole nation. When he says ‘We will work to restore democracy and order, First he has to go to a river and wash his own loin cloth   together with that of his erstwhile friend the Speaker for the UNP in Parliament. Thereafter go before a mirror and look at his own face and the bottom.

Having said that he goes on to say the ‘destruction of Sri Lanka’s democracy’ by parliamentarians loyal to MP Mahinda Rajapaksa.’ In this regard I ask RW who actually first destroyed democracy in this country. Isn’t it a moot question though he accuses the other camp, was it not he himself who destroyed democracy in 2015 when he demanded M S to appoint him as the PM when he never had a majority in Parliament and later hatched a conspiracy to pull out nearly 44 MPP who were with MR having contested on Pohottuwa and who had won on the MR solid vote base.

In the first place MR is the Prime Minister in this Parliament appointed by the President in the same way you were appointed on 9th of Jan 2015. Why do you want to single out MR’s men as culprits when almost all MPP including Speaker and your own people took part in this disgraceful drama? Why didn’t you resists destruction of democracy in 2015 and refused to accept the post of PM. The whole world would have appreciated it and adorned you a s an apostle of democracy. And now you talk of restoring democracy. I am sure it must be two different brands of democracy you are talking of.

The whole country knows how democratic you have been ever since you took over the leadership of the party after Gamini died. But now you lament of democracy in the country. Leaving aside democracy in the country, have you ever acted democratically as the Leader of the UNP ever since you assumed its leadership. You must be ashamed to talk of democracy in the country. If you are a sworn democrat of the Westminster model as you pretend to show and who so vociferously talk and fight to restore democracy then why didn’t you tell President Sirisena that it was illegal, and unconstitutional and wrong for him to appoint you as PM on 9th JA 2015 when you had only 47 seats and MR camp had at least 144 MPP in Parliament and also why didn’t you protest for doing so when there was already a PM in office when you were appointed. This shows that you have started to talk of democratic principles only when it directly affects you.  So as a man who has never been a democrat either by the country or at least by your Party how can you talk of restoring democracy now which you yourself have murdered and burie?.

Next referring to the MR Camp you say ‘this group will go down in world history’. What about you and your record as the leader of the UNP. Haven’t you yourself already gone down world history as the man who has lost 29 elections since you took over the leadership. And also as the man who changed the Party Constitution for you to remain as leader for life.  Also gone down in world history as a Party leader who never had the guts to give leadership to the party at two Presidential elections and who imported two outsiders to contest for the post of President as Common candidates. At that time you were hiding your head like an Ostrich. Finally now illegally remains stuck by force to the official residence of the Prime Minister nearly for one month even after you have been officially sacked from the post of PM.   You also gone down in history as the PM who has sold the countries ports, air ports  British made Trinco Oil farm premise, Palali Airport and  the nation’s economy through trade agreements disastrous to this country and sponsored resolutions against the country and the  valiant members of the Three Forces at Geneva.  Above all you have already gone down in world history as the only Prime Minister in world history who conspired, manipulated, robbed the Nation’s Central Bank in broad day light and thereby ruined the nation’s economy and also who got the Chief robber to escape the country and by now keeping him hidden under your instructions in a foreign country without producing him in courts as the man who stood personal surety to the culprit.

I do not propose to make this list any longer for brevity as I have to deal with few more comments you had made in this statement. Leave it to my readers who know you better to fill the gap.

I am happy that you accept that sovereignty lies with the voters in Sri Lanka” But if that is so why are you afraid to go for elections. Isn’t it because you know than anybody else that you cannot win any election, as it happened in the case of past Presidential elections. Don’t you think that going for elections is far more democratic than   remaining by force at Temple Trees on the advice of anti-Sinhala, anti-national  forces both here and abroad  whom you are expecting to  reinstate you as PM? Why don’t you as a gentleman directly face elections in the country without resorting to Maradana type of political gimmicks in the Present parliament that has ceased to be legitimate any more since the Local Government elections in 2018 and why do  you resort to extra conventional  tricks and indirect methods?.

The report also says Wickramasinghe, who appeared deeply shocked by the incidents in Parliament and warned that such displays would severely undermine public faith in both the institution and its representatives. Why is he shocked?. Was it because his coup to ousted MR didn’t work. There is   no  faith at ball in the present Parliament or its representatives in the people in this country on you Mr Wickramasinha. As such there is nothing more left for you to worry. Please face reality and go in to political oblivion for the good of the country and for the good of the Sinhala Buddhists in this country.

Who will be responsible for this? He again asks. Who else other than you and your wonderful Speaker for going against the President’s legitimate decision to remove you and appoint MR instead. You are only committing political suicide by resorting to this type of mean and cheap tactics. That is common sens e. Which most of us don’t have?

He goes on to ask what will the people think of the Parliament and democracy?  People don’t think anything about the Parliament as here is nothing left in it to think any more. It is so disgusting and useless. It only eats in to the national resources to maintain a set of jobless men and women who don’t contribute anything to the country. People have completely taken it out of their mind and discarded it as a monkey cage and a pissankotuwa hat only wastes nearly five million rupee public funds a day for its upkeep and to house a bunch of parasitic creatures dong nothing for the country or the people. They only curse you people day and night, for not doing anything for the country and they are waiting for the day that they will be able to close down this den of mostly parasitic liars and thieves. You are worried about the wounds of Jayawickrama Perera, Vijitha Herath and Malik Samarawickrama.  You can send them to Singapore or USA as you do with public funds and get them cured at public expense. But who will cure the wounds you all have inflicted upon this nation and are shamelessly continuing to do to this country and the nation? About which you are never bothered even in your dreams.

Last a word on your following statement.

Thanks to the decision taken by the Speaker today (Friday), we were able convene. According to convention, the Speaker can convene Parliament whenever he wants,” he said, insisting that Speaker Karu Jayasuriya had discharged his duties within the mandate that was given to him under the legal framework of Sri Lanka.

As we spectators see it, it is nothing but a Setambara patasaluwa drama inside the Parliament by your Speaker, I mean the Speaker for the UNP and not of the Parliament, who apparently did not know that he was fully naked inside it displaying his political and nakedness to the entire world.

Naturally you have to thank him as he had faithfully carried out your illegal orders. But unfortunately he has got ruined himself beyond all possible mending. We pity the Bauddha upasaka he pretends to be, who has fallen in to your trap and got ruined himself and thanks to you he also has gone down in history just like you, or even worse, when one sees the damage he has done to this country and the inconvenience caused to people by abusing his Office as Speaker to safeguard his Mater

If we behave like this, what is the fate of this democracy” RW?

Don’t lament on Democracy, as there is nothing left, thanks to you people who have sucked the blood of the nation. It is brutally murdered   and buried not 6 feet but 100s of feet below. Hypocrisy has replaced democracy in this country long time ago and the Temple of hypocrisy” that is the so-called Supreme Parliament is put in charge of the politicians of Sri Lanka. They have seduced and razed it to the ground beyond renovation.

If we behave like this, what is the fate of this democracy?

I fully agree with you, when you say If we behave like this, what is the fate of this democracy?” I am happy that you have admitted that there will be no democracy if you people behave like this.

You mourn for fate of democracy as you have lost your place as Prime Minister. On the other hand people are not only mourning but also crying weeping, wailing and lamenting for the fate of their country, nation, the religion and heritage fast disappearing from the surface of this land due to the treacherous activities of their unpatriotic and treacherous politicians like you all, but you have nothing to worry as you have no country on this soil.

One Response to “Comments on Chathuri Dissanayake’s article on “RW mourns fate of democracy – Warns public confidence in parliamentarians at an all-time low –  Insists world is watching, damage to Sri Lanka’s democratic reputation on the line ”  ”

  1. Nihal Perera Says:

    Ranil is a puppet brainwashed by his White colonial masters to repeat their hypocritical mantra: ” I am for democracy, I am for democracy, I am for Democracy..!”

    This Pol Buruwa doesn’t realise that (due to his colonial up bringing..), he has been exploited by the West, NGOs, Tamil Diaspora, etc. to achieve their hidden agendas.

    If he believes in democracy, he should have allow UNP members to choose another leader. Instead he changed the UNP constitution making him leader for life. He didn’t want any one to replace him. He is a dictator who is trying to cover his tracks chanting the democracy BS, for his own advantage.

    NEVER trust this man. Every time he comes to power Sri Lanka ends up in a total disaster. He is a curse to UNP, and the country.

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