National Security and Megalomaniacs (UNP) of Sri Lanka
Posted on November 21st, 2018
Kanthar Balanathan
Taking a birds-eye view of the situation in Sri Lanka, an intelligent person should be able to conclude whether Ranil Wickramasinghe (RW) is a patriotic honest person to govern as a PM of SriLanka. He contested with Chandrika and lost. RW could not win in any presidential election to become the President. Every time he wins, he is so cunning and turns out to be a cinema actor, to become the PM, and somehow, he takes control over the President and does whatever he wants to do. During the time when Chandrika was the President, RW created the historical west formulated CFA, i.e. Cease Fire Agreement. CFA was created for the West to pump in more weapons and heavy weapons into LTTE controlled areas. Sri Lankans should think as to how a terrorist group can smuggle heavy weapons into Mullivaykal area. Not only artillery but aircraft in a dismantled state. These were smuggled through in containers, in the name of Humans aid, possibly in the night. It is correct to assume that the military and Police in Sri Lanka are so dumb and corrupt not to understand and those posted for checks would have been supporters of UNP and slaves of RW.
Just imagine and think how LTTE could have transported or smuggled all these heavy weapons into the area. These were done with the aid of western Coolies/janissaries and Chandrika was so dumb not to understand this act.
In the 70s Norway started a project to manufacture Fibre Glass Boats. I and a high Officer visited this place in the name of a Technical visit. We were able to pick up some signals of terrorist support activities in Karainager. Some youths were given visas to Norway. This was an underhand work.
As PM, RW was aiding and abetting in the Treasury bond scam. AS PM, the PM is also responsible for the finance of the country and see that no irregularities occur in Banks. However, we now know that he played with Arjuna Mahendran to plunder and diplomatically rob the Central Bank. RW knows that the citizens of SL are imbecilic not to understand Economics and Finance, which made him plunder the CB.
With 41 seats in parliament, he was made the PM in 2015. Quote: HLD Mahindapala : Without being judgmental, it cannot be denied that all hell broke loose after Supreme Court issued the interim order to reverse the President’s decision to (1) appoint a new prime minister (in his opinion”, as he did when he appointed Ranil Wickremesinghe as Prime Minister when he had only 41 MPs in a House of 225) and (2) hold general elections on January 7, 2019. Ref: – The Only Way Out.
Today RW is challenging as to all what he did was correct — a big FOOL. Is he an Attorney? How long was he in politics? He should go to the cinema industry, a better place for him.
During CB’s time as PM RW was bossing CB. During MS time he was controlling and intimidating to take the upper hand and trying to show that he is the BIG BOSS and NOT MS. Educated people should know that they have to work within their limits of authority. Just because he is a politician RW should not think that he is above the LAW. RW is NOT above the Law.
RW organised an economic transformation/improvement/development conference in Colombo in 2016. He acted like an idiot not to invite and allowed to participate a local expert / Professors/ Specialists to give a speech in that conference. How the damn hell do external foreign delegates know the local situation. Professor Ricardo Haussmann facilitated the conference. My reply to Professor Ricardo Hausmann can be read, here:
RW attempted to bribe the politicians to support the constitutional amendments by approving cars unto 300 million rupees. Even damn laughable, irrational Vijayakala Maheswaran was to be approved several millions. Is that the correct way to govern a country? RW moved outside without the knowledge of the President MS to implement and do things which harmed the country.
The only people who appreciated the CFA was the LTTE Leader Prabakaran and the West. Prabakaran had lots of food to eat e.g. biriyani, Noodles etc, swimming pool to bathe, however, ordinary citizens of SL were suffering to have one good meal a day because of your steps to make the poor suffer.
You seem to love foreigners, especially the WEST, and the LTTE, and not your own citizens of SL.
Up to now, Arjuna Mahendran is missing in the media, and you have not made any statement or taken any steps to bring him law & order or refund the money.
New Constitution: A new constitution is not warranted during the current economic situation. Further, RW has no idea or understanding of the Tamil behaviour. CVV states that only development will occur when they are given power and rights. What rights do Tamils not have RW? Do you know the caste issues among Tamils? It is because of the Sinhala government Tamils are able to survive and breathe. Already oppressing minority low caste Tamils is worsened in the NPC. What they want is absolute power so that they can maintain their own stock in the upper position and suppress the lowers. Already the villages and towns of non-elites have been ignored, lower class people have been ignored for government jobs. DO you know that RW?
A new constitution /amendment is unwarranted now. Please get out of the PM’s official residence and allow the new cabinet to do their function.
For no reason, you shall assume that the West will come to your assistance, as they have other countries to look after and they will never ever, want to become their enemy. You should have studied from the US/North Korea affair if you were intelligent.
Only a few plunders have been outlined here, however, media has brought out all of your corrupt practice.
My Dear RW: Please know that Diasporas are not Fools but we are watching every act of yours from overseas. We are not in the 50s but in the 21st century. Know that you FOOL.
Recently you stated: People have spoken”. No, you fool its not the people, but the people’s representative. People do not know what their reps are deciding. Therefore practically, it’s not the people who have spoken. But the corrupt politicians who favour money.
Why do you think your MPs lifted and showed their අමුඩේ and brought knives into the parliament and fought? If there is to be an election now, then they need money for the corrupt election. Short notice means they have to spend their money and it will take time to earn that money after election, and further if they lose (which is definite) everything is gone. The election tone drove their mind to a psychological disorder and become psychiatric patients because of the money drain.
The Supreme Court should conclude that the President MS, took a wise decision and correct step to remove you from the PM position to save the country from National Security and Economic Collapse. That’s what CIA does. National Security”
November 21st, 2018 at 7:29 am
November 21st, 2018 at 8:02 am
Let all the honourable people from all parties get together and form a government in line with Westminster.UK is a stable country and thanks to them I have made some honourable and honest money that is helping my people back home, thanks to UK.
So we must, the expatriates must observe the goodness of the countries they live and contribute positively to the future good governance in the island.
We have seen the evil in the parliament so how worse can we let the country sink?