Governance and Psychology – 8 The Democratic Socialist Republic of SriLanka Third World Political Psychology
Posted on January 19th, 2019

Kanthar Balanathan

 Human intelligence in the third world is limited to the level that some animal behaviour persists in the people and politicians in a multi-dimensional plane. Its based on the assessment of their behaviour and the output level and how they were trained.

Humans Intelligence

Quote: Perception is an active mental act. It is a dynamic, a dialectical conflict between the self-perspective transformation and external vectors of power bearing upon us. That which we perceive is a balance between these antagonists”. (Ref: Understanding Conflict and War: vol. 1: the dynamic psychological field, chapter 11, by R.J. Rummel)

The author’s view is that humans perceive different effects about the same state, as perceptions vary from person to person. People assign different meaning to what they perceive. This is the reason why conflicts arise. For a solution, the different level of perception may require a higher authority to involve in judging the conflict. The biggest question is: what is the intelligence of the higher authority and how were they assessed and who made the assessment. Do they have a partisan or non-partisan belief?

Quote: Guideline 5-2. A judge should be evaluated on his or her integrity and impartiality, including the following criteria: Please refer the article in the link given.

Although all human males are born with ≈1.5 kg of the brain, not all perceive the same thing in the same perspective, the same way.

Do we believe that the UN or the GOSL have the competency to make a correct judgement for the humanity? Are they partisan or non-partisan actors?


Belief is somewhat on concepts, events, hypotheses, and models, those a person assumes and convinces, is right. Belief outlines a thought/assumption or dogma that people judge to be true. The belief of Tamils’ Tamil Eelam or Federalism is Absolutely incorrect as there are so many negative outcomes for the future which is dormant at this stage.


Knowledge is defined as information, proofs, aptitudes, and proficiencies, acquired through involvement and practice; i.e. appreciation of the theoretical and practical training, and understanding of a subject or job. We cannot agree that V. Rudrakumaran or MA Sumanthiran has the absolute knowledge in talking drive towards Federalism or Tamil Eelam. Their partisan act is a political drama to be in the forefront and politics forever.


In a person’s domain intelligence can be explained as an understanding of a topic, subject or thing with pure reasoning. Every human is born with intelligence. Every living thing, the organism has its intelligence in its own way. The difference between humans and animals is that human has the sixth sense. However, can we categorically state that chimps can do what humans can do? Maybe chimps can do what humans can do in its own way. If we carefully think, we can arrive at the similarity.

Can we ascertain that the MPs in GOSL have an IQ score of more than 65 or less than 65? Well, they all have saturated crookedness and absolute unfaithfulness and dishonesty


Competency is defined as the capability that person(s) can apply using the appreciation of the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired, to successfully perform and complete a work/function, in the defined work environment.

Modern Art of Training” in Colleges, Universities, and workplaces is competency based training, where the emphasis is placed for people to utilize this training in their workplace. Humans have to be competent in whatever they perform”. Well, the king of the forest Lion” is highly skilled and competent to hunt down its prey, which could be queried as, Where did they get their training to be competent”?  Citizens could become more competent in listening skills, reading skills, conflict resolution, and general political affairs to progress to understand principles applied in politics.

Are the governors appointed recently based on competency? What are the criteria adopted to assess the competency? For example the Governer for NPC?


Reality is the true state of things, and reality can be viewed through perception which acts as the lens. Citizens could believe that there is something known as reality and that they could see reality by attempting to see through their ability of perception”.

Limitations and Constrictions 

Understanding democracy by the people in the third world cannot be interpreted as obvious and automatic. Most third world people’s belief is that a 50.1% against 49.9% is a democracy.

Business Dictionary definition for Belief: Quote; – Assumptions and convictions that are held to be true, by an individual or a group, regarding concepts, events, people, and things”.

The understanding of 50.1% to 49.9% Belief” contradicts reality, since Democracy” embraces several dimensional elements of human life in a free country.

The 50.1% against 49.9% to elect an executive President, can be regarded as democracy in terms of numerical superiority, and number crunching. However, there is much more to number crunching in practising Democracy”. The main question would be: Is the 50.1% of the votes distributed evenly with a minimum of a specified percentage of ”% from each administrative district or Province? These are prerequisites that should have been built into the constitution”.

People in the third world and the politicians should be fully knowledgeable, up-to-date, with the electoral procedures and prescriptions for legitimacy and righteousness to prevail in the democratic environment.

The six inborn ability of the human mind outlined above is a prerequisite in their own Mind”, for all citizens should have, to elect good democratic governance. In the context of illiteracy prevalent in a country, media is coverage, where political analysts and political investigative journalists can write to educate the masses.

Politicians in the third world should be competent in their area of politics, political science, and political affairs, to serve the people who elected them. Third world democracy is in fracas because of the limited or decreased functioning of the six inborn ability of the mind, which may not be effective to do what it is supposed to do.

Behavioural manner inflicts upon leadership quality. A member of parliament can be identified as the leader of his/her electorate, and his/her leadership quality can only be judged by his behavioural manner, interaction with the people, the ministers, and his/her output to the electorate and the people.


The morality of a person, politician, and citizen plays the foremost, imperative role in understanding and practising factual democracy. An immoral person cannot be a good person to enter politics, as his actions would be against moral principles. In this context reference from Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy.

To be continued

3 Responses to “Governance and Psychology – 8 The Democratic Socialist Republic of SriLanka Third World Political Psychology”

  1. Charles Says:

    Kanthar do you know the Governor of NCP Suren Raghaven ?

  2. Charles Says:


    I wish you can write to Tamil papers in Jaffna to inform people. I am sure there are lot of people in Jaffna who are against TNA but they are afraid to come forward and speak up. I know there are even Jaffna Tamil Buddhists. I have travelled in Jaffna with three wheelers who were very sympathetic and helpful . They do not differentiate Sinhala when they meet them. I spent a week in Jaffna and I was very happy and I was received very well every where I went. I met even a young girl who had studies Sinhala and was working as a translator in the Town Council.

  3. Kanthar P Balanathan Says:

    I do not know Suren Raghavan. Someone told me that he never grew up in Jaffna. I viewed a few of his interviews. My view is that he will be another CV Wigneswaran in a few months time. NO Core Values. Talk like politicians but less action.

    I send my articles to all politicians. However, I will try to publish in Tamil media. Not sure whether they will get published as they are under TNA(Terrorist National Alliance)

    Jaffna people,- a majority of them love SriLanka and the Sinhalese people. It is the TN and the politics and the elites misdirect them and they are also scared.

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