“බටලන්ද හැන්සාඩ් වාර්තාවෙන් ඉවත් කළාට මිනිස්සුන්ගේ හිතින් ඉවත් කරන්න බෑ” රනිල් නැගිට යද්දි වාසු පාර්ලිමේන්තුව දෙවනත් කරයි!
Posted on January 24th, 2019

Lanka Lead News

වාසුදේව නානායක්කාර මන්ත්‍රීවරයා පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ සිදු කළ කතාවක් දැඩි අවදානයට ලක්ව තිබේ.

පසුගිය 22 පැවැති පාර්ලිමේන්තු සැසියේදි වාසුදේව නානායක්කාර මන්ත්‍රීවරයා බටලන්ද කොමිෂන් සභාව සහ බැඳුම්කර කොමිෂන් සභාව පිළිබඳ අගමැති රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහගෙන් ප්‍රශ්න කිරීම මෙලෙසින් කතාබහට ලක්ව තිබේ.

එහිදි මන්ත්‍රීවරයා අගමැති රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහ අගමැතිවරයාට ප්‍රකාශ කළේ දැන් ඔබට ඉතිරිව ඇත්තේ මෙරටින් පැන යාම පමණක් වන බවයි.

ඒ අවස්ථාවේම කෙටි පිළිතුරක් ලබාදුන් අගමැති රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහ මහතා අසුනෙන් නැගිට සභාගැබෙන් පිටව ගියබවද වාර්තාවේ.

3 Responses to ““බටලන්ද හැන්සාඩ් වාර්තාවෙන් ඉවත් කළාට මිනිස්සුන්ගේ හිතින් ඉවත් කරන්න බෑ” රනිල් නැගිට යද්දි වාසු පාර්ලිමේන්තුව දෙවනත් කරයි!”

  1. Randeniyage Says:

    This is where proper reinstatement of Law and Order of the country should start ! BATALANDA !

    We need a Presidential commission yet again to investigate this. If required laws should be amended to re-start ANy mass murder like this.
    After that a lot other big names too can die in jails.

  2. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Life of murders, robberies, lies, treacheries this traitor low life is a curse on Mother Lanka, Sinhalese Buddhists
    and Buddhism. Traitor chief die hard catholic token Buddhist bay gal karaya mega thief mega thakkadiya walking
    crime bomb (against Sinhalese Buddhists, Sri Lanka and Buddhism only) used the bheeshana samaya to get rid
    of cream of Sinhalese Buddhist youth with its catholic police top brass and got rid of 60,000+. Patriotic Sirima B
    took just 2 weeks, rounded up all the culprits, rehabilitated and released back to the society minimising the loss
    of lives. Rehabitating? What rehabitating, they are Sinhalese Buddhists was wa(n)dakaya and its catholic police
    top brass’ mantra. So killl, kill and kill. Men, women, children, school children etc. etc.

    Only criteria was they had to be Buddhists. To this day, a lot of Sinhala modayas don’t know why it took 6 years
    to put down a shot gun carrying bunch of rebels. Traitor wa(n)dakaya & co provoked army, police etc. to kille
    without mercy by killing their family members using UNPatriotic_rats pathalyin and crediting it to Jaathidhrohee
    vermins’ party account. Clever? Downright disgrafecul, treacherous. All these in the name of a fictitious god
    in the 20th century, trying to wipe out the only true religion in the world which passes the science test with flying colours.

    Lajja nathi bajja nathi aga matta Batalande wa(n)dakaya must be thinking it gets away every time thanks to
    the west, india and the catholic church. Being a token Buddhist, wa(n)dakaya doesn’t know it has done enough
    sins to rot in hell in for 1000s of years lifetimes. It certainly won’t be a two legged creature in the next a few 1000
    years of lifetimes. Name a crime, and it has done it all. Happy wa(n)dakaya? You can see in its face, all the
    crimes, murders, robberies, lies, treacheries catching with the traitor chief.

    Wa(n)dakaya’s court case coming up on the 31st and we all know it’s going to get away again since it has planted enough portuguese nationals in the judiciary. You can escape again, but you can never escape from its next lives which are going to be hellish for 1000s of years wa(n)dakaya.

  3. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Contrast this Buddhists murdering with die hard catholic token Buddhist Batalande wa(n)dakaya’s catholic buddy
    barrel man hitler of catholic tigers of tamil drealam. Batlanade wa(n)dakaya gave half the country on a plate to
    barrel man hilter mala paharan to start a drealam in the N&E with the CFA in 2005. What’s more it even grassed
    all the Millennium City intelligent officers to the catholic tigers of tamil drealam bullet to expedite the cause. Also
    sent the catholic defence sec. to see it’s catholic buddy self appointed foreign minister tamil sellan with grapes and
    apples. That’s how anti Buddhist, anti Sinhalese, anti Sri Lanka traitor UNPatiroitc_rats fought the real terras.

    Click on the following links to see why catholic run UNPatriotic_rats didn’t want to fight catholic tigers of tamil
    drealam. You won’t see these in so called Buddhist (on paper) Sri Lanka where all the media are controlled by the
    UNPatroitic_rats party henchmen.









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