Honour to Sarojini
Posted on February 6th, 2019
We readers have been carefully observing the failed attempt of the Finance Minister’s recent manipulations, with the blessings of the Cabinet, to remove Sarojini Charles from the post of D G Customs. She stood up on behalf of thousands and thousands of Sri Lankan Pepper farmers, and other thousands who earn their daily meal thanks to the Arecanuts business in Uva, Sabaragamuwa, Southern, and Central Provinces.
She was fighting a cold war in the Customs Department. She stood against errant dealers who import luxury vehicles as parts and assembled, with blessings of powerful politicians. We as citizens admire her tolerance and are grateful to her and the Customs trade unions for their true dedication and commitment to safeguard national interests. Politicians, traitors disguised as saviours engaged in international business, are well aware of trade agreement loopholes. So-called imports of pepper and arecanuts from Vietnam and Malaysia for value addition, is a farce. In order to exploit the tax concession of 5 percent available according to the bilateral trade agreement between India and Sri Lanka, pepper and arecanuts are first imported to Sri Lanka and then sent to India as a Sri Lankan product, and gain an additional tax benefit of 25 percent.
The damage caused to Sri Lankan Agricultural export products is immense and immeasurable. Value addition to Sri Lankan Agri products such as tea, cinnamon, cocoa, pepper compared to same products of other origins is some unique feature inherent and endemic to Sri Lanka, thanks to its weather climate and soil chemistry. We have ignorantly or willfully allowed international racketeers to exploit our agri products, to enrich their inferior products as marketable. Those who live abroad only know the low quality of same products I have highlighted in this column on 21st December 2017, the pathetic plight of our tea market, where we are adding value to products of other origins.
Amidst opportunistic politicians, their catchers and traitor business wolves disguised as lambs, we, citizens of this land appreciate and admire Ms. Charles’s outstanding capacity to withstand evil unlawful forces.
Like a silver glimmer in a dark cloud, we are yet hopeful, we still have a few Public Servants to name,, Ms. Deepa Senviratne of Central Bank, Mr. Dappula de Livera and Mr. Yasantha Kodagoda counsel of the Attorney-General’s Dept., and Mr Gamini Wijesinghe the Auditor General, who fearlessly came forward to do theirservice to the nation, in the infamous Bond Scam Inquiry proceedings.
February 6th, 2019 at 4:36 pm
Please pardon my ignorance but I don’t see any improvement at the Customs under this regime. There are lot more narcotics, luxury vehicle imports, illegal firearms, illegal agro-chemicals, illegal medicines, etc. in circulation today than the previous regime. Even locally produced agricultural products are imported in large quantities nowadays.
I was puzzled when Pettah importers closed shop a day after Independence in support of trade union action by the Customs officers. When was the last time they were concerned about the nation, local producers and consumers?
How would anyone predict that the proposed appointment – a war hero – would not be any better?
There is something seriously amiss here. Something doesn’t add up.
The loss of 12 billion in state revenue was not due to the attempted replacement of the DG.
It was due to the strike action by the Customs Union. They have no right to disrupt work as it is not affecting their employment!
February 8th, 2019 at 2:07 pm
I am with you on no marked improvement under Mrs. Charles, it is very unfair for unbiased commentator to put the whole blame of a 4 years government to her directory only a bit more than a year.
But she has initiated inquires into many frauds already.
Important issue is to think why Mangala wanted to kick her out, whether on the genuine interest of making more money with a better administration OR whether he simply wanted all inquiries stopped. I take the 2nd intention when Dilrook takes the 1st.
A war hero may not not necessarily be an honest person. There are only very handful of REAL PATRIOTIC WAR HEROES who chose the profession with the intention of saving the country whilst they had the opportunities to be professionals and be in the high society. I know at least one such person who became a monk after he could not join the army to fight LTTE. Most of such rare war heores have given their lives for us already. May they attain Nibbana ! Others are still PRUTHAGJANA people who were highly involved in defeating LTTE but who have desires , who have families to support, who have luxury life styles which need more than high salaries AND they need to be still controlled by STRICT LAW. On the other hand there are people who value their profession and enjoy being honest and not going after politicians to earn high posts. I would rather select to be the latter.
February 8th, 2019 at 2:16 pm
Having said the above, I learned that this lady is a “Tamil Nationalist” who answers in Tamil if you write to her in Sinhala only . May be this is why Dilrook dislike her. But what is more important to Sri Lanka is whether she is better than those who have eaten the country being DG. Converting an honest “Tamil Nationalist” to an honest “Sri Lankan Nationalist” is not difficult. Converting “Sir Lankan Nationalism” to something which has true Sinhala Buddhist touch will take time and a honest, smart, leadership. We don’t have ANY.
February 8th, 2019 at 7:04 pm
How powerful are the Indian Colonial Parasite merchants of Pettah?
They run the country since 1956.
This is one of the best examples.
Most of the people might think I am mad!
February 8th, 2019 at 7:07 pm
This is one of the best examples of the power of the Indian Colonial Parasite merchants of Pettah.
There one day Hartal brings Mangala to his knees.
They run the country with other Indian Colonial Parasites and India.