Future Vision for SriLanka Governing Strategy – HE Gotabaya Rajapaksa (GR)
Posted on March 5th, 2019

Kanthar Balanathan DipEE(UK), GradCert(RelEng-Monash), DipBus&Adm(Finance-Massey), CEng., MIEE

Past Governance History:

  1. DS Senanayake – The First PM of SriLanka (SL) was DS Senanayake, a planter by occupation who managed his brother’s graphite mines etc. He was into rubber and tea plantations. (Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D._S._Senanayake) Though he was the father of the nation who effectively carried out the Structural Transformation”, failed in politics by disfranchising one million upcountry Tamils. He could have achieved his goal before independence but waited until independence to gain cheap popularity ending in catastrophic failure.
  2. SWRD Bandaranaike – This guy although was an old student of the Oxford University, ended up with a shattering calamitous failure in life been killed by his own people. Let us view his political activity of Sinhala ONLY ACT within 24 hours on a scientific domain.: The momentum of a particle depends on the velocity of the particle. 50 kg moving at 10 m/sec will have a momentum of 500 kg. m/sec or 500 N sec. The same 50 kg particle traveling at 100 m/sec will have a momentum of 5000 kg. m/sec or 5,000 N sec. The difference of an impulsive decision of an enactment that can hurt citizens could be explained by momentum theory. SWRD was a total failure with NIL scientific knowledge.
  3. JR Jayawardhane – JRJ sold his country to the Indians and the Tamils in India. A coward by nature, although demonstrating false heroic features, brought economic downfall and needless displacement of SriLankan Tamils neural activities and providing room to mushroom politicians giving birth to disturb the political SL is in a state of untidiness, disarray, and chaos now. People should read about the bribery and corruption of the NPC since 2013 (JRJ’s child). There was no development since CVW became the CM.
  4. Ranil W – Needless to explain here as people in SriLanka and overseas have a thorough understanding.

Provincial Councils     – The birth of PCs has blocked SL’s economic, technological and industrial growth, proliferated bribery, and corruption 11 times as there are eleven PCs. SL should PREPARE to revoke and bring governance under one government from Colombo for economic benefits.

Future Vision for SriLanka:

With the limited resources, SL should review her political strategy for people to contend. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry from the North & South are leaving SL to develop foreign countries. Some Sinhala people have changed their names from Sinhala to Western names. It is a mystery as to why these Buddhist people change their names after moving to the West.

Today’s state of SL is and was as a result of incompetent leaders and politicians. They had no Core Values or goals to achieve except accruing wealth, which indicate their intelligence and patriotism. No politician from SL can be compared to Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, J. F Kennedy, OR Sir W Churchill or Mahatma Gandhi.

What should be the future vision for SL? AN example from future-vision.com.au.

Quote: http://future-vision.com.au/     –Future Vision is our ability to combine elements of the past, present, and future to design a bespoke accommodation strategy that will see your business thrive.  It can be applied to an existing workplace or be used to design a new environment in a new location.

Maybe this applies to Business, however, this can be applied to modeling up a political strategy.

Combine the elements of the past and present:  Racism, unsolicited, undesirable separatism, rebellious act on decentralizing governance. Racial violence, terrorist activities, communist activities, and try to drive the country to be governed on a communistic platform, pursuing/ dogging Tamil/Sinhala the only language in governance, challenging Tamil governor to be appointed to the NPC, and multitude of irregular and idiotic thoughts by the TRISTAR ethnic groups of SL. There is a multitude of shortfalls in the governance of SL by our politicians. Root Cause is they do not think. After all the God has given us a brain for neural activities to better our country for our brothers, and sisters. Example of a degree of racism: When a writer discussed constructing a water reservoir in the North, a Sinhala writer commented that there shall be NO RIVER FOR JAFFNA”. Of course, there can be no river in Jaffna because there are no mountains. It is an indication of pure racism as a result of his/her neurophysiological incapability. Another example: Tamils who cannot understand/speak English who illegally crossed over by BOAT to Australia are surviving and developing their skills to learn English. Why do we then need a Tamil Governor to the NPC?

What can we do?

Every ethnic group shall rid of xenophobic attitude, protesting people drift from the South to the North, obstructing and blocking freedom of practicing religion (Buddhism), rid of JIHAD policy, accepting living under one government, rid of bribery and corrupt zeal.

After all, if Sinhalese are prepared to change their names to Western names from Buddhism, and Tamils are prepared to learn Italian, Ukranian, Spanish, Balkan languages, why not they live in SL  learn English and Sinhalese and build SL. The interior drive is wealth for the Sri Lankans.

What can be done to achieve this goal?  Voters must know whom they are voting to govern. The Presidential candidate should be competent in the following: Strength, Integrity, Relationships, Strong vision, and should be able to offer Delegation and Accountability”, Psychological analytical capability, strong decision making, authenticity, relationship with his subordinates and portfolio holders free from partisan politics.

Quote: Please visit page https://www.state.gov/s/d/rm/rls/dosstrat/2007/html/82950.htm, and study what is the S Gs required to govern. Example, Quote; Strategic Goal 1: Achieving Peace and Security

  • Counterterrorism
  • Weapons of mass destruction and destabilizing conventional weapons
  • Security cooperation and security sector reform
  • Conflict prevention, mitigation, and response
  • Transnational crime
  • Homeland security

Of course, LTTE was equipped with some gas weapons for mass destruction and GOSL should be worried about such weapons in SL. Ref: https://www.state.gov/s/d/rm/rls/dosstrat/2007/html/82950.htm

We have seen so many leaders come and go in SL, however, no one was able to place a counterattack against LTTE, which was led by an 8th standard educated boy, for 30 years. Of the lot, Mahinda Rajapaksa was a capable leader who was able to wipe out terrorism and progress on development. No one can dispute this. However, some wicked, corrupt, unscrupulous, elements crawled into portfolios by wiping MR’s legs. Today the existing GOSL elements are posing a threat of dividing the nation by giving autonomous powers to PCs which is detrimental to the sovereignty of this nation on a 10-year horizon.

Considering the past and present threats, and to maintain peace, harmony, security, progress, and economic and technological growth, it is intelligent and sagacious for the people of Sri Lanka to elect Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa as the forthcoming president of Sri Lanka, as GR is the only suitable, fit and proper leader in Sri Lanka. The President shall be the chief executive of this nation of Sri Lanka.

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