Cut the crap UN – your foreign Missions have failed, your tribunals are dead ducks & UN is corrupt & biased
Posted on March 31st, 2019

Proof is in the pudding they say and so when anyone in Sri Lanka tries to promote UN as the savior the best response is to ask them where ha the UN succeed. UN has had 49 Missions across the world since it started and all of them are virtual failures and none of these countries can say that UN has helped them solve their problems. UN has held tribunals too and none of these have ended with justice to victims except the judges and staff have got rich. Therefore, we in Sri Lanka clearly say we do not have any faith in UN missions, UN tribunals, UN judges or even UN officials who meet a select group of NGOs compile reports based on information they give and expect the whole world to believe these lies.
UN Missions in AMERICAS
- 1965-1966 – Dominican Republic
- 1989-1992 – UN Observer Group in 5 countries – in Costa Rica / El Salvador / Guatemala / Honduras / Nicaragua
- 1991-1995 – UN Observer Group in El Salvador
- 1993-1996 – UN Mission in Haiti (after 1991 coup)
- 1996-1997 – UN Support Mission in Haiti (Haiti’s new democracy)
- 1997 – UN Verification Mission in Guatemala
- 1997 – UN Transition Mission in Haiti (training Haitian National Police)
- 1997-2000 – UN Civilian Police Mission in Haiti (training Haitian National Police)
- 2000-2001 – UNGA International Support Mission in Haiti (training Haitian National Police)
- 2004-2017 – UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (after 2004 rebellion) – United Nation (UN) peacekeepers left Haiti in October 2017 after claiming Haiti was stabilized.
- 2017 – United Nations Mission for Justice Support in Haiti
There has been 10 UN Missions in the America’s since 1965 and what is the UN’s record sheet of success against all of its templates that it boasts to roll out through the UN rapporteurs and other officials sent to these countries to review ‘new democratic systems’ in place?
From 1997 UN has been training Haiti’s National Police which was created only in 1995. More than 8,500 police officers have completed training with plans to increase force to 14,000. Countries are even bidding to train Haiti’s police. Canada is one such bidder – a contract worth $15-million.
This UN POLICE FORCE was responsible for killing 21 unarmed civilians in Haiti on 16 January 2019. This was not the only incident involving UN Police – in 2017 UN Police raided a school killing 9 civilians and UN was exonerated. Only in 2016 did UN apologize for its role in the 2010 cholera outbreak in Haiti but then UN has immunity for crimes though it tries to bring others to justice!
UN Missions in ASIA
- 1949 – United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan
- 1962-1963 – UN Security Force in West New Guinea to transfer sovereignty from Indonesia to West New Guinea
- 1965-1966 – UN India-Pakistan Observation Mission following the Indo-Pak War
- 1988-1990 – UN Good Offices Mission in Afghanistan & Pakistan after the Soviet-Afghan War
- 1991-1992 – UN Advance Mission in Cambodia
- 1992-1993 – UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia
- 1994-2000 – UN Observer Mission in Tajikistan
- 1999 – UN Mission in East Timor (Indonesian invasion of East Timor)
- 1999-2002 – UN Transitional Administration in East Timor
- 2002-2005 – UN Support Mission in East Timor
- 2006-2012 – UN Integrated Mission in East Timor
From 1962 the UN has been operating Missions in West New Guinea, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Tajikistan and from 1999 UN has been in East Timor.
If, complicity of US & Britain in supplying arms to Pol Pot’s Khymer Rouge in Cambodia – what good is a tribunal to find truth & justice for crimes committed?
In 1991 an Agreement on a Comprehensive Political Settlement of the Cambodia Conflict was signed by 19 participating countries ( wanting ‘peace’ on their terms only) creating the UN tribunal for Cambodia that employed 25,000 people spending over $3 billion. UN was blamed for bringing the legacy of AIDS to Cambodia (1992 Richard Holbrook it is clear that the UN personnel are going to both spread AIDS & bring AIDS home with them”.
The UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia recruited military & civil police – 30% of Bulgarian battalion were former prisoners. Some police didn’t even have drivers license! UNTAC chief Yasushi Akashi (whom Sri Lanka knows very well) was called spineless. UNTAC soldiers were referred to as mercenaries. Even when UN scheduled elections in 1993 it was marred by violence, murders, intimidations and undemocratic practices & vote buying but Akashi declared elections ‘free & fair’ with support of Inter-Parliamentary Union & other foreign observers (so you know what to expect)
UN Missions in EUROPE
- 1964 – UN Peace Keeping Force Cyprus
- 1992-1995 – UN Protection Force in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Former Yugoslavia
- 1993-2009 – UN Observer Mission in Georgia
- 1994-1996 – UN Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia
- 1995-2002 – UN Mission in Bosnia & Herzegovina
- 1995-1999 – UN Preventive Force in Macedonia
- 1996-1998 – UN Transitional Authority in Eastern Slavonia, Western Sirmium
- 1996-2002 – UN Mission of Observers in Prevlaka (Croatia/Former Yugoslavia)
- 1998 – UN Civilian Police in Croatia
- 1999 – United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo
In 1995 in Croatia a summary execution took place in a refugee centre right next to a UN mission who were well aware of what took place. All that the UN did was to shed crocodile tears and say ‘they should have done something to stop it’ – what good is foreign troop presence if they do nothing at the time of an incident and thereafter cry over spoilt milk!
Macedonia is one of the co-sponsors of the recent UNHRC resolution against Sri Lanka. Macedonia became a UN member only in 1993 but still struggling to register its name.
If UN cried over its failure to prevent genocide in Rwanda, UN didn’t do much in Yugoslavia either.
What have Kosovo got from independence? Can it eat independence? Today Kosovo is a narcotics hub and lawlessness abounds.
UN Missions in MIDDLE EAST
- 1956-1967 – First UN Emergency Force in Egypt & Israel
- 1958 – UN Observation Group in Lebanon
- 1963-1964 – UN Yemen Observation Mission
- 1974 – Disengagement Observer Force Israel/Lebanon
- 1973-1979 – Second UN Emergency Force in Egypt & Israel
- 1978 – UN Interim Force in Lebanon
- 1988-1991 – UN Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group
- 1991-2003 – UN Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission
- 2012 – UN Supervision Mission in Syria
Has Middle East had any relief inspite of these UN Missions? Whose side is the UN really on?
UN Missions in AFRICA
- 1991 – UN Mission for Referendum in Western Sahara
- 2007 – UN/African Union Mission in Sudan
- 2010 – UN Stabilization Mission in Congo
- 2011 – UN Interim Security Force for Sudan
- 2011 – UN Mission in South Sudan
- 2011 – UN Support Mission in Libya
- 2013 – Multi-Dimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali
- 2014 – UN Multi-Dimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Central African Republic
What is the ‘peace’ that UN has given Mali inspite of over 13,000 UN presence?
South Sudan was given independence in 2011 but conflict erupted 2 years later. UN peace mission in South Sudan are accused of ignoring threats to civilians including rape of women – so what good is a UN peace force.
Libya is another of UN’s failures. Libya was the most richest country in North Africa. Today it is among the poorest & most deadliest. There were no slaves under Gaddafi rule, today Libya is a slave trading hub.
UN has had at least 49 Missions in Americas, Africa, Asia, Middle East in at least 40 countries none of these countries can the UN claim to have successfully rolled out UN ‘democracy’ ‘human rights’ ‘justice’. All of these countries continue to suffer, none of the templates, agreements, truce deals or initiatives that UN boasts about has given any sustainable development, confidence to the ordinary people or improved the lives of the people the UN claims to be helping.
These examples are enough to completely shut the doors to any UN presence in other countries for the failure of UN presence in the above countries is enough proof that UN has no solutions to any conflict that countries suffers when UN troop presence and UN funding is by the very countries that have created the problems in the countries UN is wishing to be present in. How can UN investigate any issue if UN is omitting from investigation the countries culpable for conflicts – Cambodia’s Pol Pot couldn’t do what he did without US & British help same goes for many of the other conflicts around the world. No Tribunal can point fingers at Yugoslavia or Serbia if NATO crimes are also not brought on to the same table and given impartial hearing.
Besides, how can UN officials who are stationed in Geneva, New and other modern capitals pay periodic visits – meet the same local NGO heads who are infamous for feeding lies and distortions and base their reports on what they say and the bogus ‘witnesses’ they produce to substantiate their reports? This farce will soon get exposed for lies cannot go on forever and people can only be misled for a short time – when they wake up and realize who have been lying UN will not know what template to follow.
Everyone in Sri Lanka who are running behind the bogey of international judges & tribunals must first ask themselves how many tribunals has UN held with international judges and what are the outcomes… and the justice for the victims of these international tribunals have been zero and includes truth commissions as well.
Shenali D Waduge
March 31st, 2019 at 2:49 am
When India violated by entering Pakistan what did the UN do?
What is UN doing about people of Indian Occupied Kashmir?
Any UN worries about Indian space war rubbish in space?
March 31st, 2019 at 7:15 am
Everyone knows that UN is funded and operated by the West to oversee their own interests. Only thing, that NO one is courageous enough to question the partiality towards / and or impotency of the UN to act against the West in general and the US in particular. Then the reports collected from the NGO’s and various other so called human rights groups, such groups are also formed to serve the interested parties, not for the sake of what they claim to be doing!