ශ්රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණයෙන් තවත් ඓතිහාසික තීන්දුවක්
Posted on April 5th, 2019
Dr. Sarath Obeysekera
චුන්නාකම් ප්රදේශයේ භූගත ජලයට හානි වි ඇති හෙයින් එම ප්රදේශයේ ජනතාව රුපියල් ලක්ෂ 200ක වන්දියක් ගෙවන ලෙස චුන්නාකම් විදුලි බලාගාර පාලනාධිකාරියට ශ්රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණය නියෝග කළේය.
ඒ පාරිසරික ක්රියාකාරිකයෙකු වන ආචාර්ය රවින්ද්ර කාරියවසම් මහතා ගොනු කළ පෙත්සමක තීන්දුව ප්රකාශ කරමිනි.
එම විදුලි බලාගාරය හේතුවෙන් භූගත ජලයට තෙල් හා ග්රීස් මිශ්රණය වී ඇති හෙයින් ප්ර දේශවාසීන් 500ක් වෙනුවෙන් උපරිමය රැපියල් 40000ක් දක්වා මෙම වන්දි මුදල ගෙවන ලෙසට ශ්රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණය නියෝග කර තිබේ.
I whole heartedly agree with the ruling of the Supreme Court
Big companies should practice social and corporate responsibility when they execute such projects
In this subsidiary of a large company there have been various corruptive practices and the heads have left with no punishment
Twenty million Rs penalty should be paid by the directors of the company
When any company decides to invest in a rural area local people ,clergy, politicians should have been consulted
Management has failed in their duty
This may lead to snowballing effect like the one in Rathupaswela where the blue chip company got way with no sizable penalty
Only few youngsters gave their life
There may be punitive action by the people who are affected and companies should be weary about it
Admirable feature in this land mark case ox that all the judges were Sinhalese
God bless our judiciary
Dr Sarath obeysekera
April 5th, 2019 at 3:29 pm
Not for the victims of Meethotamulla rubbish dump?
April 5th, 2019 at 4:35 pm
Another good decision.
Affected people in Meethotamulla and Weliweriya should also file cases not just for civil compensation cases but also for murder. What happened in Meethotamulla was mass murder.
The massive and toxic rubbish dump was removed from a Tamil majority area in Colombo – 15 and put in a populated area of Sinhalese.
However, they are not organized. So they are denied justice. Not the fault of the justice system.
April 5th, 2019 at 8:04 pm
Thanks Dilrook.
It is the fault of the Justice System that always stands for the Indian Colonial Parasites but against the Sinhalese.