හිජාබය පැළද පැමිණි ගුරුවරියන් 10 නාට පළාතේ ඇති වෙනත් පාසල් සඳහා ස්ථාන මාරු වක්
Posted on May 8th, 2019
Media Secretary – Governor WP
අඟහරුවාදා දින මුස්ලිම් ගුරුවරියන් 10 දෙදෙනකු පාරම්පරික හිජාබය පැළද පැමිණීම නිසා ඔවුන් හට පාසලට ඇතුළුවීම වැළැක් වූ අවස්ථාවේ දී බස්නාහිර පළාත් ආණ්ඩුකාරවර ගරු අසාද් සාලී මැතිතුමාගේ මැදිහත් වීමෙන් එම ගුරුවරුන්ව එතුමාගේ පළාතේ වෙනත් පාසල් වලට ස්ථාන මාරු ලබා දීමට කටයුතු කරන ලදී. අඟහරුවාදා උදෑසන පුවක්පිටිය දෙමළ මහා විද්යාලයේ දෙමාපියන් විසින් පාසල් ගේට්ටුව අවහිර කරමින් මුස්ලිම් ගුරුවරියන් හට පාසලට ඇතුළුවීම වැළක්වන ලදී. පාසල් සංවර්ධන සමිතියේ සාමාජිකයින් පිරිසක් විසින් එම ගුරුවරුන්හට පවසා ඇත්තේ ඔවුන් සාරියකින් පැමිණෙන්නේ නම් පමණක් ඔවුන් හට පාසල් පරිශ්රයට ඇතුල් වීමට අවසර ලබා දෙන බවයි. ඔවුන් කියා සිටි ආකාරයට හිජාබය පළදින පිරිස පාස්කු ඉරිදා දින බෝම්බ 6 ක් පුපුරවා ගත් ත්රස්තවාදීන් හට සහාය දක්වන්නන් බවයි.

ගුරුවරුන්ගේ දුක් ගැනවිලි වලට ඇහුම්කන් දුන් ආණ්ඩඅකාරතුමා අගතියටපත් ගුරුවරුන් පැමිණ සිටි අවස්ථාවේදීම හදිසි රැස්වීමක් සඳහා අධ්යාපන අමාත්යංශයේ නිළධාරීන් කැදවූයේය.
පළාත් අධ්යාපන අධ්යක්ෂ පී. ශ්රීලාල් නෝනිස් මහතා, පළාත් අධ්යාපන ලේකම් එස්. ජේ. විජයබන්දු මහතා, පුවක්පිටිය දෙමළ මහා විද්යාලයේ විදුහල්පති පී . මනෝහරන් මහතා යන පිරිස මෙම රැස්වීම සඳහා සහභාගී වූහ.
මෙම සිද්ධිය පිළිබදව කණගාටුවට පත් වූ ආණ්ඩුකාරතුමා මෙම ගුරුවරියන් දස දෙනා එතුමාගේ පළාතේ ඇති වෙනත් පාසල් සඳහා ස්ථාන මාරු කරන ලෙස අධ්යාපන අමාත්යංශයට උපදෙස් ලබා දුන්නේය.
ඔවුන්ගේ ඇතුල්වීම ප්රතික්ෂේප කල පාසලට නැවතත් යාමට නොහැකි බව එම ගුරුවරියන් විසින් පවසන ලදී.
May 8th, 2019 at 6:20 pm
A Tamil college in Seethawaka. 1956 Sinhala revolution of Banda.
The land the school is situated is land owned by Sinhalese for more than 100,000 years and taken over by the British about 150 years ago and occupied by Indians since then. Freedom from Indian imperialists.
May 8th, 2019 at 6:21 pm
A Tamil College in Seethawaka.
May 9th, 2019 at 4:21 am
So mussies don’t have to abide by the laws of the country which were introduced to safeguard people’s lives.
Straight away the goni billas run to president of Sri Lanka, bada udin, and it sorts them out. Look at the piece of
traxh. Looks like a xxg sitting on a chair. Vairapala sorry sena wants these mussie votes no matter what and
ready to surrender the country to mussies for another term. That’s why uneducated, brainless, mud in the stick
still keeping these terrorist leaders as ministers, governors, etc. etc. Being very very short in the brain
department, vairapala sorry sena thinks it can win the presidential elections with mussies, tamils and a section of Sinhala modayas and can not understand it will only get mussie votes by just looking at how much these traitor, thieving, lying, Buddhism destroying, Mother Lanka dismembering, minority worshiping, Sinhalese race destroying
low lives are hated by Sinhalese and tamils right now. So wake up vairapla sorry sena now, if you can’t see what
is happening now, do a bit of surfing (not in the sea, online) or read some newspapers to see the dissent.
In any other country, they would have been shown the door but not in the traitors paradise, Sri Lanka. These
traitor brainwashed, brain dead women live in prehistoric era following a prehistoric religion which doesn’t make
any sense in the 21st century. People used to worship trees, mountains, rivers, gods etc. etc in the absence of
science. Today, science has proven how the world came about and all the living in it came about. No one
disputes them since they have been proven beyond anybody’s (honest only) doubt.
These brainwashed, brain dead mussies don’t know killing/murder is the worst crime in any court of law under the sun and gives maximum punishment for the miscreant. Then to think murder going to be rewarded with even a rupee is absolute lunacy in the 21st century. 72 virgins? Brain is already dead when these mussie crackers go up taking innocent lives with the traitor low life. Maybe in prehistoric times. These meat mongers also should look at their teeth in the mirror, and then check cat’s/dog’s teeth in a neighbour’s house (since mussies are not known for loving animals. What chance for animals, when the barbarians can’t stand humans not worshiping moon). These teeth arrangement tells what sort of diet two legged creatures should be eating. So killing animals is also murder and you going to pay for the sins in the next 100s, of 1000s of life times in the animal kingdom. Eating animals
gives two legged creatures ‘return’ by giving all sort of new diseases coming from animals. What’s more the
farm animals contribute a lot towards pollution as well and quicken the end of the planet.
Buddhism’s Five Precepts are used as the criterion for punishing culprits in every court of law under the sun.
1. to abstain from taking life
2. to abstain from taking what is not given
3. to abstain from sensuous misconduct (For example, sleeping with your friend’s wife or neighbour’s wife might
not be breaking law. But if the culprit finds a bullet hole or knife stuck in the back, then it’s breaking law.
Challenge for these brain dead, brain washed blind faith people to find one misdeed falling outside the Five Precepts. No 1:1:100, 2:2:110 etc. etc. It’s just 1,2,3,4,5 and cover everything. But you have to have a bit of honesty and self discipline to stick to 1,2,3,4,5. That’s why all these religions of conveniences which don’t regard
sins as sins thrive. Some have rich and powerful organisations to safeguard them while mussies use fastest
breeding to propagate the myth with a goni billa dress, the high fashion in hell attire.
4. to abstain from false speech
5. to abstain from intoxicants as tending to cloud the minds (having a beer/a joint might not be breaking law.
But if you get behind a wheel and mow down a person it is breaking law)
If these people have any brain cells left in their heads read, Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and his book,
The Tree of Life, which explains how all the living things including flies, mosquitoes etc. etc came to be being. It’s
no cod’s work. After all the earth’s size is a grain of sand in the vast vast vast universe (just like Buddha
explained) where distances are measured in light years and no scientist knows where the edges are to date.
Cod’s work? Why then a grain of sand? Not at least a tennis ball, volley ball so you can have big families with
10+ children!
So that is what you call a religion. Buddhism doesn’t profess to kill any living thing. It even guarantees animals’
right to life. But these brain dead, brain washed goni billas living in prehistoric times go straight to hell
in the next life and will be born in the animal kingdom for 100s, 1000s lifetimes to pay for the sins committed in
this life.
May 9th, 2019 at 7:11 pm
Even in Indonesia you wouldn’t be able to take photo with so many hijabs.