“Proclamation – Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day, May 18, 2019”
Posted on May 10th, 2019
Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . Canada
10 May 2019
Mayor John Tory
City Hall, 2nd Floor
100 Queen Street W
Toronto, Ontario
M5H 2N2
Dear Mayor John Tory:
A friend of mine sent me a copy of your Proclamation – Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day, May 18, 2019”
Sweet Mother of Jesus, is this true I wondered or was it a hoax! Tell me Mayor Tory, when did this Genocide of the Tamils” happen. Don’t tell me that you are serious. Are you joking?
I have been an ardent and a diligent student of this Tamil Eelam War since July 24, 1983. If Genocide of Tamils”, as you say did happen, then I would have been caught napping.
Or is it that these Snow Tigers in Toronto, who are maestroes of lies and Fairy Tales to get at the Sri Lankan Government, who annihilated their well oiled separatist Tamil Tigers, the only ruthless terrorist outfit in the world who had a well equipped land-army, a Sea Black-Tiger unit as well an Air Force of 4 Czech ZLIN 143 light aircraft turned into night bombers, injected these lies into your mind. I can not believe with such well equipped Tamil terrorists that they could not stop such Genocide. Did you not know that Canada aided and abetted the Tamil Tigers Eelam War, to purchase sophisticated war weapons by letting the Tamil Diaspora fill the Tamil Tiger war-chest with two million dollars a month for 13 years during the days of Chretien and Martin Liberal governments. Turn your palms over Mayor Tory, and you will find a film of Sinhalese blood on them, so would the 35 million other Canadians, courtesy of the Canadian Liberal Chretien and Martin governments.
Holy Moses, I don’t believe you, Mayor Tory. ‘Genocide of Tamils” Na! Can’t be.
These separatist Tamils obviously pulled one on you, as they have done so many times, taking Canadian politicians down their ‘ For Naive Canadian Politicians garden path’ singing their Anthem: O Canada what a bunch of fools they are…” embarrassing them making them look like a bunch of fools. When did this Genocide of Tamils happen, Mayor Tory? Tell me, did this Genocide of Tamils really happen?
These are the Tamil Tigers who took on the 3rd largest Army in the world, the Indians who came to Sri Lanka in July 1987 with the promise to the Sri Lankan Government that they will disarm the Tamil terrorist groups in 7 days. That was a pathetic joke, Mayor Tory. They could not and the 100,000 soldiers army left after three years with 120 body bags of their killed colleagues, killed by the Tamil Tigers who were given military training in military camps in Indira Gandhi’s India in the late 1980s, to kill Sri Lankan soldiers and unarmed innocent Sinhalese people. Are you sure, Mayor Tory that the charge of Genocide was not a Tamil Hoax? You make me laugh at you. As the Tamil Tigers have been successful in making another foolish Canadian politician smell the brain damaging roses along the Tamil Tiger garden path especially for naive Canadian politicians.
What’s all this poppycock I read in your proclamation, Mayor Tory. You said,
The City of Toronto recognizes that atrocities were committed during the war and that there is a need for truth seeking and proper accountability for those who were responsible. Just as you stand with us in building a great city, we stand with you remembering those we lost, and commit to supporting long term peace, accountability and reconciliation in Sri Lanka.”
That statement by you sounds like one written by a bigot Just give me a minute Mayor Tory, let my stomach settle down before I go on, as it has been doing somersaults of laughter at your statement which was hilarious and a joke of yours.
Be honest Mayor Tory, when you said, The City of Toronto recognizes that atrocities were committed during the war.”. it sounded like that you were cock-sure of it. Well Mayor Tory, check your notes and see whether you have the following three atrocities committed by the Tamil Tigers.
- Here’s an account of a massacre of Sinhalese by Tamil Tigers, which was related by the 19-year old Jayasuriya Pattabendige Jayaratne a survivor of a
Massacre that happened in the morning of 30th November, 1984, at the Kent Farm, in the Mullaithivu District in the East of Sri Lanka.
I hope you got this one recognised”. If not chalk it in to make your atrocities list complete.
In the early hours of the morning of Friday 30th November 1984, at about 5:30 in the morning, when my family were still sleeping in my village hut at Kent Farm, I had come out for a call of nature.
At that point I saw one of the Cultivation Officers in overalls being taken away by about 20 persons wearing uniforms resembling like Army uniforms. The persons were armed with submachine guns, rifles, hand grenades and hand bombs. They spoke in Sinhala with a Tamil accent, and I heard them ordering the Cultivation Officer to walk ahead of them to the Farm Office.
Thereafter, the Cultivation Officer and another 15 or so persons who were living in the Farm were pulled out of their huts by terrorists who were disguised in military uniforms were herded to the Farm Office.
Then the terrorists locked the door of the Office Building, poured kerosene oil around the building and set fire to it. While the Office building was burning the terrorists started to throw bombs at inside the building. The persons who tried to jump out of the window were shot dead. Well, Mayor Tory, did you recognize this massacre in your notes. If not chalk it in,
2. The genocidal genes of the Tamil Tigers, that you are trying to give cover under your Mayoral robe, and their thirst for Sinhalese blood caused the horrible massacre of 150 innocent Sinhalese Buddhist civilians in the sacred city of Anuradhapura on 14th May 1985. They were meditating under the Bodhi Tree, a Genocide committed by the Tamil Tigers.
3. On February 7th, 1987, around 7:15 in the evening, at nightfall, about 50 Tamil Tiger terrorists armed with machine guns and long curved sickle shaped knives, entered the village of Aranthalawa situated about 150 miles east of the capital Colombo where a great hydro-civilization flourished under ancient Sinhala kings (a history lesson for you), The area that the Tamils now claim to be their Homeland”. Ha! what a vile-joke.
These brutal Tamil terrorists slit the throats of babies, children, men and women. A ghoulish sadistic execution. Do you have these ghoulish Massacres recognized in your list. Well, if not have them chalked in to make your List complete of Genocide”. Just not only Tamils please.
Sinhalese were massacred for three decades by these brutal Tamil Tigers. Thousands of them. This was another genocidal massacre committed by the Tamil Tigers.
So, Mayor Tory try not to be a martyr to give cover to these rascals just for want of a Tamil vote here and a Tamil vote there in the Greater Toronto Area. The cases that I have pointed out are all Genocidal massacres of innocent Sinhalese civilians by Tamil Tigers.. Thousands of them.
So what’s all this nonsense of a Proclamation of Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day- May 18, 2019.
With that insensitive, idiotic, Proclamation you have tarnished your stellar political career as, here is another Canadian politician bigot who sold his soul for the Tamil separatist Eelam cause, to grovel for a Tamil vote.”
And here is a Fact for you to mull over to come to the conclusion whether it was all worth it. And I say to you, Mayor Tory, it was not worth two prairie straws swaying in the summer prairie wind.
As with that ridiculous, insensitive and bigoted Proclamation, you bet, you have angered the majority of the Sinhalese-Canadian Community from St.John’s to Victoria, and I am one of them. We are livid and the Conservatives lost our votes for sure.
In my humble opinion, Mayor Tory, if you are unable to justify Genocide of Tamils, which I presume you have pointed your finger at the Sri Lankan Government, since it was on 18 May (2009) that the Tamil Tigers the most ruthless terrorists in the world were annihilated, it would be judicious that you annul this Proclamation of yours, immediately.
While as Sinhalese are trying to reconcile with the Tamil community in Canada, stop stoking the fires of hatred with your lies among the two Communities. To politicians like you, I say enough is enough and our capacity to tolerate such rubbish like yours, is eroding fast among us Sinhalese-Canadians right across Canada.
Asoka Weerasinghe