Inform CID if have complaints over illegal sterilisations: Police
Posted on May 26th, 2019

Courtesy The Daily Mirror

The police today urged the public to inform the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) If they have any complaints against Dr. Seiugu Siyabdeen Mohamed Shafi for having carried out any illegal sterilisation. The 42-year-old doctor attached to the Kurunegala Teaching Hospital was arrested by the police on charges of earning money in a suspicious manner.

One Response to “Inform CID if have complaints over illegal sterilisations: Police”

  1. aloy Says:

    This is a classic case showing what happens in our hospitals. Are the other doctors involved in the medical procedures babies (babbu)?. Surely they knew what was going on; perhaps this would have been going on with the full blessing of the director of the hospital and others may have participated willingly or through fear of being victimized. The best way is to find out the money trail of bank accounts of all suspicious doctors.
    My niece who fought against a doctor mafia that was fleecing the poor patients in an upcountry hospital died under mysterious circumstances a couple of years ago. The canard spread by the culprits is that she committed suicide and they seems to have played hell outside her room the night before. She had injected herself to the same hand she used for injecting patients and coroner had given an open verdict. The parents cry ‘blue murder’, but nothing has happened. This will be the fate of anyone that work against a powerful mafia in SL.

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