Dress code for Govt. employees
Posted on May 31st, 2019

Hiran Priyankara Jayasinghe Courtesy The Daily Mirror

The Ministry of Public Administration has made it compulsory for all female employees who work in government institutions, to wear a sari or an osari.  Male employees should wear a shirt and trousers, or national dress.

It said in its circular to ministry secretaries, provincial chief secretaries and department heads, to make sure that the provisions of circular 2121/1 issued on April 29, 2019 and 2123/4 issued on May 13, 2019 should be strictly adhered to.

The circular has also given guidelines for the dress code for officials and clients – adding that the clients who enter government offices for services should wear a dress which allows for clear recognition.

It said the employees who were provided with uniforms should wear the uniforms provided to them while on duty.  (

3 Responses to “Dress code for Govt. employees”

  1. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    There has to be one Stercus Tauri Brain in the Ministry who has initiated this decision about Saree. Obviously he has no work in the Office, so his brain works overtime to get sensational. Sarees are very expensive. So I suggest that, while some are given Uniforms, give Three Sarees to the rest of the Employees. Hope this will be understood by the Stercus Tauri Brain. Don’t make it difficult for not so rich Employees. LET THERE BE FREEDOM OF DRESS

  2. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  3. Christie Says:

    Pkease read Salalihini Sandesaya and make a trip to Sigiriya.
    By the way Sinhalese women never wore Sarees before the large scale arrival of Indian Colonial Parasites.
    Let us boycott Saree and Vetti.
    Freedom from Indian imperialism and colonialism.

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