All Muslim ministers set to resign in solidarity with colleague accused of Islamist ties
Posted on June 3rd, 2019

Sri Lanka News

Eight Muslim ministers in Sri Lanka resigned from their posts to stand on Monday in solidarity with Industry Minister Rishad Bathiudeen, who has been accused by the Opposition of supporting Islamist militants who killed 253 people in the Easter Sunday attacks in April, Reuters reported.

All Muslim Ministers – Cabinet, Non-Cabinet, State & Deputy – have decided to resign from their portfolios in the government.

Leader of the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) Minister Rauff Hakeem stated this at a press conference earlier today (03).

Accordingly, Minister of Industry & Commerce, Resettlement of Protracted Displaced Persons, Co-operative Development and Vocational Training & Skills Development Rishad Bathiudeen will also resign from his post.

Rishad Bathiudeen also resigned from the ministry on Monday, undercutting a planned no-confidence motion led by supporters of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa. Ten accusations were listed against the minister in the motion, including the allegation that he provided ammunition to a factory owned by one of the bombers, and pressured the Army to release suspects arrested in connection with the attacks. However, the accusers did not provide evidence against him. Bathiudeen has denied the charges.

Reportedly, the resigning Ministers will continue to serve as government parliamentarians. However, they would sit in the parliament as backbenchers. 

A meeting of all Muslim Ministers representing the government was held at the Temple Trees at 3.30 pm this afternoon.

16 Responses to “All Muslim ministers set to resign in solidarity with colleague accused of Islamist ties”

  1. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    What a good news!!! after a long time

    All three political parties should learn their lesson never to take these MPs from religious based parties into their governments. This is the worst mistake both SLFP and UNP have done since emergence of these fundamentalists who represented a communal based parties in the North and East.

    Please follow Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s approach and consider them as minority with proportional rights. They should not allow to control 42 out of 50 industries in Sri Lanka.

  2. Dilrook Says:

    Excellent news.

    Get out and get lost. We don’t need you if you all stand by a crook.

    Minorities must be treated as minorities. Our political fools uplift minorities into a majority and then suffer.

    Venerable Rathana must be commended for a great nationalist achievement once again. Theruwan Saranai!

  3. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Traitor anti Sinhalese, anti Sri Lanka, anti Buddhist, minority worshiping, Mother Lanka dismembering United
    National Ponnyainparty aka UNPatriotic_rats party divides the Sinhalese almost 50/50 and make the minorities
    king makers in Sri Lanka since SWRD broke away from the traitors. Ever since mussies have propped up either party to form a government and landed powerful ministerial posts.

    What did all those mussies (mohamad mohamad, mohamad ahmad, ahmad mothamad etc. etc )
    helping/promoting mass breeding,
    putting up eye sore sword stores/bomb factories/ammunition dumps in every street corner to kill Sinhalese,
    putting up mussie only schools to hide the mussie new breeds,
    settling down mussie new breeds new mussie villages on the pretext of of resettling war displaced mussies,
    bringing in more mussies with large families from afganisthan, pakesthan, Myanmar etc as if we don’t have enough,
    land grabbing,
    acquiring every town in the country,
    bulldozing ancient Buddhist temples in the east
    destroying Kuragala with a mussie village
    mass sterilisation of Sinhalese mums by mussie doctors after getting FREE education (pay back?)
    sterile agents in food in mussie restaurants for Sinhalese
    sterile agents sprayed into Sinhalese girls/women’s underwear
    Wilpaththu, Sinharaja deforestation for new breeds,
    drug dealing to destroy Sinhalese youth,
    then finally planning to kill millions of Sinhalese in one night using weapons stored at sword stores/bomb factories,
    ammunition dumps etc. etc.

    Is there any other level these traitor mussies can stoop into? There is one question we have for these subhumans.
    How can you live in this society anymore if you have an iota of shame, conscience or honesty in you? One thing
    we can tell you, Sinhalese have known these lebbes are crafty, untrustworthy liars all along. Now you have added
    murderous terrorists as well to your long list of attributes. Shame on you all. Hope Sinhalese will be wise and
    united and keep these lebbes away for good for Sri Lanka, Sinhalese race and Buddhism to survive. Meanwhile
    lebbes can stop baby machines (limit it to 1 or 0), give up the above list, be humans to live in the 21st century
    in a host country. Your dirty, disgusting, subhuman trick of multiply, multiply and murder the natives trick
    mussies used to turn old Buddhist iran, afganisthan, pakesthan, bangladesh, malaysia and indonesia won’t
    work in this tv, phone, internet age since people going to find out. Leaving ministerial posts aren’t enough at all.
    Get lost to where you came from you sub humans (refer to the above list)!

  4. dingiri bandara Says:

    Best news I have heard from Sri Lanka in a long time. Yet these racist Muslim leaders can not be trusted. Remember what is called Taqiyya .Nor can we trust the so called Sinhalese political leaders. This situation in the country occurred under their watch and was long time coming. Lot of Muslims are denouncing what happened. Some of them May be genuine. As long as their in a minority most of them will talk peace. We Sinhalese can not afford to be complacent as the Muslims have their own agenda, whether terrorists or not. Irrespective of the religious faith we Sinhalese have to unite, help each other’s business. The biggest clientele are the Majority Sinhalese.Without us they cant accumulate all this wealth and use it against us. We do not have to be violent. All Muslims are bound by their religion. The all like the idea of an Islamic State. That is why they are forming Muslim enclaves all over the country. They do not want integrate nor can the Sinhalese or Tamils can live among them.
    SINHALESE, please unite.We who, due to various reasons live out side SL, can help any Sinhalese organisation for the betterment of the Sinhalese nation can assist financially. Whatever said and done, what we have seen so far , the most Muslims in SL will not integrate with the rest. My hats off to Ancient Sinhalaya for his comments

  5. Ananda-USA Says:

    JAYAWEWA! Glorious news for Sri Lanka: Terrorist supporters in high places have been OUSTED!

    If OTHER Muslim Ministers who have not been accused of anti-national activities wish to JOIN IN COMMON CAUSE with those IDENTIFIED as culpable, and to WANT TO WALLOW in the SAME TREACHERY and TAR THEMSELVES, SO BE IT!

    I agree with Dilrook; As in India, MINORITIES should be allowed only PROPORTIONAL POWER; the TAIL should not be allowed to WAG THE WHOLE DOG!


  6. Randeniyage Says:

    This is in solidarity with the Terrorists.
    This proves they are all terrorists and they have been terrorists over the years.
    Time to arrest these buggers and bring them to justice together with Sinhala politicians who took political and financial bribes from them.

  7. Randeniyage Says:

    However why can’t Sinhalese stop discriminating Sinhalese at least here in Lankaweb ?

  8. Dilrook Says:

    This is the second time it happened. In 2001, the SLMC leader declared two seperate nations in the east and the Chandrika government sacked him. In response all Muslim ministers resigned!

    This challenges the claim “it is only a minority of the XXXX community that supports extremism”. There is some level of support from their ministers from the entire (emphasis) community.

    The country doesn’t need these people. They need ministerial posts. The ultra powerful ministry of trade and commerce must never be given to him. Unfortunately he has been holding it since 2010!

    Mahinda has become a political garbage dump since 2009 accumulating all junk and kicking out good men (like Rathana thero). He must change this. Ultimately it is the country that suffers.

  9. Hiranthe Says:


    This is a great news to all the Sri Lankans who love their country.

    MR should note this strong message of the people and wow not to take these traitors into his cabinet if he get back to the driving seat.

    Unless he campaign on this ground, all the Sinhala votes will not come forward to support them. Whether you win or lose, Mother Lanaka comes first.


    It is time for the other Muslim undesirables also to join their political henchmen and get lost before the patriots of the Sinhala nation take necessary action to throw them out. This applies in particular to those unscrupulous and immoral Muslim doctors and also to those immoral Muslims involved in illicit drug business.

  11. Christie Says:

    Sirisena, Mano and Thonda attends the inauguration of Emperor Modi of the Indian Empire; we are a colony of . We do not know how many others attended from the island nation.

    We are in the meantime lead by actions of a man in robes who tries to commit suicide for his political aspirations.

  12. Ananda-USA Says:

    Dilrook is EXCACTLY CORRECT!

    From Easter Sunday upto now Muslim leaders have SRIVED MIGHTILY to diassociate themselves and the Muslim community at large from any responsibility for those attacks. They have been VEHEMENTLY DECLARING that ALL those who supported the terrorist acts and terrorist agendas MUST BE PUNISHED!

    Yet, they NOW JOIN HANDS with the FIRST THREE MUSLIM LEADERS accused of COMPLICITY in the terrorist ATTACKS and Muslim EXTREMISM and RESIGN IN UNISON!

    They have ISSUED a COVER STORY that they are RESIGNING TOGETHER to PROTEST the FAILURE of the Sri Lanka Govt has FAILED to protect the Muslim COMMUNITY!!


    Their RESIGNATION AS a TEAM to PROVIDE COVER to the alleged TRAITORS is CLEAR PROOF that NONE of these Muslim Leaders are TRULY committed to the PUNISHMENT of the CRIMINALS AMONG THEM!


    I can only say to this GANG of NINE Muslim Ministers: Your FIG LEAF HAS FALLEN and your Nakedness REVEALS your COMBINED MOTIVES & ANTI-NATIONAL AGENDA


  13. Ananda-USA Says:

    Dilrook is EXCATLY CORRECT!

    From Easter Sunday upto now Muslim leaders have STRIVED MIGHTILY to disassociate themselves and the Muslim community at large from any responsibility for those attacks. They have been VEHEMENTLY DECLARING that ALL those who supported the terrorist acts and terrorist agendas MUST BE PUNISHED to the fullest extent of the LAW!

    Yet, they NOW JOIN HANDS with the FIRST THREE MUSLIM LEADERS accused of COMPLICITY in the terrorist ATTACKS and Muslim EXTREMISM and RESIGN IN UNISON!

    They have ISSUED a COVER STORY that they are RESIGNING TOGETHER to PROTEST the FAILURE of the Sri Lanka Govt to protect the Muslim COMMUNITY!!

    WHAT a LOAD OF BULLSHIT is this?!

    Their RESIGNATION as a TEAM to PROVIDE COVER to the alleged TRAITORS is CLEAR PROOF that NONE of these Muslim Leaders are TRULY committed to the PUNISHMENT of the CRIMINALS AMONG THEM!


    I can only say to THIS GANG OF NINE Muslim Ministers: Your FIG LEAF HAS FALLEN and your Nakedness REVEALS your COMBINED ANTI-NATIONAL MOTIVES & AGENDA


  14. Ananda-USA Says:

    Please view this Derana 360 program with Wimal Weerawansa:

    360 with Wimal Weerawansa (03 – 06 – 2019)

  15. Ananda-USA Says:

    Avamangala Samaraweera has stated that he will REPORT Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith to the Vatican for exciting communal hatred in Sri Lanka because he visited and offered his support to Ven. Ratana during his recent fast in front of the Dalada Maligawa!



    “අදාල මුස්ලිම් අමාත්‍යවරුන් ඉල්ලා අස්වීම වෙනුවට සියලුම මුස්ලිම් අමාත්‍යවරුන් ඉල්ලා අස්වීම මගින් පෙනී යන්නේ ඒ අමාත්‍යවරුන් සියල්ලම ජාතිවාදී බවයි. එමෙන්ම ඔවුන් අන්තවාදීන් ආරක්ෂා කරන බව පෙනී යනවා. මේ අවස්ථාවේදී එම අමාත්‍යවරුන් හා ආණ්ඩුකාරවරුන් ඒ අයුරින් ක්‍රියාකරනවා නම් සිංහල අමාත්‍යවරුන් සිංහල ජනතාව වෙනුවෙන් ද දෙමළ අමාත්‍යවරුන් දෙමළ ජනතාව වෙනුවෙන් ද පෙනී සිටීමේ වරදක් දකින්නේ නැහැ. ජාතිවාදයක් රට තුළ පවතිනවා නම් එය එක් පාර්ශවයකට පමණක් හිමිවිය යුතු නැහැ.”

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