Cheating and Corruption – in Schools
Posted on June 4th, 2019
Righteous Society Project
There are three signs of a good person:
1) Speaking the truth and searching it out. Only truth has value.
2) Knowing what is good and supporting it, and protecting it. .
3) Recognizing beauty and appreciating it.
Schools are intended to guide students into these three ways of basic goodness. But in Sri Lanka things are not going to plan; to a certain measure, they are going in the wrong direction:
To pass term tests and examinations, sadly, some students, the dishonest ones, cheat to gain higher marks. They can do this by taking into the examination crib” notes; or they can sit by a friend who will help them during the exam..
In this way they get an advantage over their classmates and claim by fraud, a higher academic achievement. But this is a lie – an untrue image of their real ability to work, study and pass exams. They may cheat in the whole range of subjects of the curriculum and even win school prizes and honours – dishonest students who claim to be worthy of honour!
This is not the purpose of schools!
One of the main reasons why children attend school is to get knowledge, and learn good habits, good manners and become trustworthy.
It is only trustworthy people who have any value to society as a whole. It is only they who can make a society, a country great.
Having a good school-life experience moulds and shapes children so that they can be prepared for life and have knowledge and to have all the tools to overcome their future problems. People who live by cheating end up in failure due to not have good knowledge and not behaving honestly. We all learn from our mistakes, we learn from our experiences. That is how people actually learn. Make your mistakes at school and not in the outside world! It is the road along which we all travel to get personal development, experience and wisdom.
People are social animals. We work together to achieve things. And to work together we have to talk and communicate our ideas and work to do things that are needed by the group. When it comes to actual doing and producing, people who lie soon get exposed. If you can’t answer truthfully and with knowledgeable answers people reject you. Very quickly people name you as a liar! And not to be trusted! Your good name falls to the dust.
Schools are producing students, some of whom are dishonest people, cheaters by habit.
There are the famous four Cardinal Virtues” made famous by Virgil of Greece: Courage, Prudence, Temperance, and Justice..
If students have a sense of justice and fair play they will work and not rely on cheating to pass their exams.
ROS. Secretary CfB (International). Righteous Society Project.