Parliament select committee reminds me of Sinhala Garayaka ritual
Posted on June 8th, 2019


Former Defence Secretary Hemasiri Fernando says that the Director of the State Intelligence Service (SIS) had sent him a message on WhatsApp the day before the Easter attacks took place.

Testifying before the Special Parliament Select Committee appointed to look into the Easter attack yesterday (06), the former defence secretary stated that he was not well on the day the message was received.

He said he was not well that day and that he was sleeping, as he had a very bad headache”. Fernando says he received a call from the director of SIS asking him to check the WhatsApp message the latter had sent, which contained information on a possible attack.

Normally I don’t like WhatsApp, but I read it,” the former defence secretary told the select committee.

The director of SIS had said, during the telephone conversation, that he had already spoken to the IGP on the relevant information and asked Hemasiri Fernando to put some pressure” on the IGP in this regard.

The former defence secretary says that he subsequently contacted the IGP on the matter and confirmed that the IGP was already aware of it.

The IGP has told that he was already making arrangements regarding the information received.

The former defence secretary says that he tried to contact the director of the SIS afterwards but he could not be contacted. I sent him a message and he spoke to the IGP.”

He further stated that the director of SIS had contacted him hours before the attacks querying him on the number of Methodist churches in Colombo, as the forewarning has said the target of the attack is not Catholic Churches

These few days people have  been watching the proceedings of select committee appointed by the parliament to inquire about the Easter Sunday attacks my Saharan – the devil 

You see how IGP and defence secretary playing the role of devil ( garayaka) and various healers ( yakaduro) posing hilarious questions about the Easter Sunday incident.

Just like the audience in the Gara Yasa ritual I am sure that people keep laughing about the questions and the hilarious answers.

Funniest answer was from defence secretary when he mentioned that chief of intelligence asked him about the location of Mehodist churches in Colombo .i

He opted to ask a friend option as in Lahshpathi reality show .His friend told him where the Methodist churches where Devil May attack . Is that all ?

IGP and both Defence secretary were the unwanted children in the family 

People will say Anae pow”

Yakadoro like the chief field marshal was giving the answers to the questions posed to get reply what they want in order crucify ( sorry in Sinhala Bill Puja) of the president who was preaching another foreign god in Thirupathi.

Finally tree in which Gara Yaka keeps shaking will collapse and the humour of the public will remain.

Yesterday the main devil called a meeting of the yakaduro and warned them


Watch Gara yaka rutual for entertainment

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